Sunday, June 20, 2010

Famous Last Words

No I am NOT trying to drink the water..... This is how I actually FELL! I was telling Logan to be careful because the mud and rocks can be slippery. I went to stand on the rock my top half is on and stepped on a SLIPPERY part. YUP, my right foot that I was standing on went RIGHT out from under me and I FELL. I couldn't lift myself back up...if you look at the picture you can see my arms are right by my tummy, ya I am not strong enough to do that kind of push-up. I couldn't kneel and get up because my knees were over the water. So I had to call for Josh. He HAD to get a picture before he came to my rescue! Thus the only reason why I am posting this is because he said if I didn't he would. All I could do was laugh because it really is funny when I think about it. I am still a little sore in my back and knees. I do have a bruise on my knee to prove it!

BUT... It was a fun time in Springdale. We went with Grandma and Grandpa F, Dan and Chantelle, Sharise, and us. We had a little picnic and played by and in the river.

Some Summer Fun!

The wonderful thing about living in Southern Utah are all the parks with splash pads! I love this park. It is the Hidden Valley park. This was Luke's first time at the splash pad and he LOVED it. We were lucky enough to have Daddy and Grandma Fowlks with us!
Luke also enjoyed swinging in the swing!

We also have a swimming pool at our townhomes. The kids always LOVE going. Lucas wasn't so sure about it at first but he LOVES it now. I love his cute chubby body!

They have become quite the little fish. Logan spends his time jumping in. Raylie spends her time trying not to get her hair and face wet (she is tooooo much like me).
One Monday night mom, dad, Dan, and Chantelle went swimming with Josh and the kids. Unfortunately I was at work.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The BOY!


The BOY eating his CAKE!



My baby BOY is ONE! We had a fun little party for him. Since he loved Sully so much at Disneyland we decided to do a Sully cake for him to destroy. Grandma made the Mike pinata and it turned out great! THANKS Grandma! We then had him open presents. It was a great day!