Sunday, March 28, 2010

Early Easter Sunday

This is the Sunday before Easter, since it falls on Conference weekend I had the kids wear their Easter clothes today and grabbed some pictures before.

This handsome boy is 10 months old TODAY! He is getting so big. He crawls all over, pulling himself up on anything, and really wishes (I'm sure) he could walk.

Raylie is also getting too big. She is 3 going on 16! She loves to be my "helper" with Lucas... she even tries to carry him.

Logan has been wanting a suit for awhile. I finally decided to spend the money and buy one, who knows how long he will WANT to wear one.

The three monkeys all together!
I tried hard to find matching outfits. Logan and Lucas have the same shirt and tie and Raylie loved this blue skirt.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just for fun.

I forgot to post this picture with the Tubes post, Lucas finally crashed on the drive home from the hospital, he had a TIGHT grip on the bottle of apple juice from the hospital.

I put Lucas in the little shopping cart for Logan to push around the other morning. They all thought it was quite fun, good thing it is an industrial cart from Costco!

This was taken just after we pulled the Logan's first tooth! His second one is going to be out within the month! It is so wiggely!

These are two BOY blankets that I have finished in the past 2 1/2 months. They have already found homes so that makes me happy.

This one was made with the really thick yarn...first time ever crocheting with that. EACH blue is ONE bundle of yarn.

This one I made for my sister-in-law who is expecting number 3, but first boy! She is going to have him this week!

This just shows the detail.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This happy little boy got his tubes this morning! He did great and he was sooo happy all morning. We got there at 6:45 am. We waited around for the anesthesiologist and the ENT dr. They finally came at 8:00 ish and then took him back shortly after. We went out to the waiting room and about 20 min later the ENT dr came out and said they were finished! I didn't even get to finish reading my People magazine.
When we made it back to recovery he was SO cranky! I have NEVER seen my happy little boy so upset....all do to the drugs. He was super hungry and so he was very anxious to nurse. He has had TWO great naps today so I am hoping he sleeps great tonight!
I forgot my camera so this is from Josh's phone. We did get video from his phone, but I'm not sure how easy it is to out on here so I will try later.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My how they GROW!

This 6 year old is getting to big! Here he is in his new glasses, which he LOVES. He always has them on, he says, "I look smart!" This picture was taken after he was asking Josh, "dad, do I look good?" Then he asked if he could have a picture taken. I think it was just the excitement of wearing shorts for the 1st time this season. He also LOST his FIRST tooth!

This 3 year old, just wanted her picture taken because her big brother did. She LOVES to tell people she LOVES/LIKES them. It usually goes, "MOM" "What?" "I LOVE you." Just random times during the day. She sometimes says like instead of love, it depends on her mood. She is really good at making her big brother cry, and she enjoys it!

This 9 month old has now realized he can get where he wants by worming or crawling, it depends on how fast. The worm gets him where he wants FASTER. He loves to be naked, loves to eat real people food, and is a super happy baby considering he's had ear infections for TWO MONTHS. We are getting tubes in on Wednesday the 10th of March. Here he is attacking the a lion....

eyes his prey....

ready to attack....

almost there....
