Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Presidents Day Weekend

This is where we stayed over the LONG holiday weekend. All of Josh's family was there! We were only missing one person. So that was a total of 30ish people!

The kiddos LOVED the snow and being with cousins!

I couldn't pass up a photo opportunity with this cutie! He LOVED eating the snow!

Logan was a little die-hard, he was going down and up the mountain like a mad man! He wasn't scared to go down any size of hill, then he was back up to the top in no time.

There was a super steep hill, its actually the one you see behind Josh, he was the test dummy to go down the top hill and then continue to the one he is on. It was pretty wild, of course after he did it Logan had to try :-/

The first day sledding Raylie cried both times I made her go. The next day it was a little fuss the first time down, but then she asked to go down TWO more times! She liked everything but getting snow in her face!

Even cute little Lucas needed a turn on the sled. I went halfway down the hill before going down with him. I didn't want to get going to fast and tip over. He seemed to enjoy it!

It was a really fun weekend. On Tuesday we had a follow-up eye appointment with Logan and his vision has improved even more, but when he tries to read he still struggles with that vision, so the doctor thought since he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore and his eye still needs to be strengthened GLASSES will be our best option. He is SUPER excited. He is having a hard time waiting for them to come.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cute Lucas

So my little baby is 8 months old! I can't believe how fast it has gone by! He really has a cute personality. He is quite the character! He was being so funny the other day I had to get some video of it. You can really see his of SIX now. His first one came through December 11th! No wonder I haven't had a decent nights sleep in over a month!