Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Oak Grove

For Labor Day we decided to take advantage of the beautiful area we live in and went up to Oak Grove. I thought it would be crowded, but we were the only ones there! It was so peaceful and beautiful! I realized that this was actually Raylies first time doing anything like this! Sad, I know.

Here is our picnic. Lucas was getting a little fussy, I think. Or he was telling Daniel and Chantelle something.

This is the back of Logan's pants. He was standing on the tailgate of the yukon and tried to jump off and his pants got caught. I started laughing like crazy, he of course didn't think it was that funny. I am glad I brought an old pair, instead of his new school pants.
We went hiking and I looked back and saw this, so I had to take a picture!

There was a rope swing and the kids loved it! Raylie swung on it with some help, but Logan was happy to do it all alone!

Lucas had fun chillin with Grandpa.
Logan in the middle of a story, one of the many he tells!
We decided we need to do this more often. There are so many pretty places surrounding our house we just need to take the TIME and ENJOY them!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Three rolls!

So this arm is three months old! I can't believe it has been that long! Lucas has more than doubled his birth weight! I took this picture so I can always be reminded of our rollie boy! We weighed him at the doctors on Friday and with a onsie and diaper he weighed in at.... 17 lbs 1 oz!!
He loves to smile. I have gotten him to laugh a few times, but still Logan can get him laughing the best. Lucas is a GREAT baby...he is mellow, patient, sleeps at least 6 hours at night and he loves his swing! Sad to say he is getting to big for the thing, it doesn't swing as well as it should.
When I was taking these pictures Raylie wanted me to take some of her so here is her silly faces. This little girl is a knock-out, but I am prejudice. Check out the eyes!