Friday, October 24, 2008

Raylies pictures

These are Raylies TWO year pictures! I think they turned out great! She did such a good job smiling! The girl was just making her laugh which was good because then it is a natural smile!
The picture on our header was taken the same day. We needed a new family picture!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Raylies TWO!

I can't believe my cute little girl is TWO! She is so fun! Her personality is so great! She is my favorite little girl! I love her smile, her big green/brown eyes, her cute little voice, the way she says in the morning when she is ready to get out of bed, "Mommy I'm DONE!" I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us! Happy Birthday Raylie! WE LOVE YOU!

Raylie got a lot of fun toys for her birthday. She was so excited everytime she opened a new one!

Raylie wasn't quite sure how to blow out the candles to I had to help her a little. If you can't tell it is a Cinderella cake!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Discover Museum at the Gateway

This weekend we went to Salt Lake because my older sis Mrs D teaches preschool and she was able to get into the museum for $3.25 per child and adults were FREE, we couldn't pass the deal up! Then on Saturday we went and watch little J play football in the rain and wind! I wouldn't just do that for anyone! He is great player! Thanks to Chantel for watching all the kiddos. Then this morning the two little girls were having fun playing. Beauty school starts at a young age now a days! It was a great little trip! Thanks for letting us stay at your house!

Cute kids

Raylie gathered her shopping cart, stroller and baby and decided to make a little home in front of the kitchen sink! We took and picture of her and so Logan said he wanted a picture of him so he ran to the couch and struck a pose! In the last picture Logan was wiping the fog off of the mirrors after his shower! Ofcourse he had already wrote him name right in the middle!

Time for a trim!

Raylie needed her bangs trimmed so when they fall out of her piggy they don't hang in her face. She held still pretty good! The first picture is her NEW look that she likes to give everybody! What a cutie!

I am a child of God

For family home evening last week we talked about being children of God. These are the pictures Logan and Raylie colored. Logan colored his eyes blue so Raylie wanted to color her eyes green. If you enlarge the picture you will be able to see the great artwork!