Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Main St. Water Park

Today we went to the Main Street Water Park in St.George. There was Lauren and Nelyana, Alyshia and Gracie and me and my squirts. Lauren, Alyshia, and I grew up together in good ol' Leeds! So it is always fun getting together with our kiddos! All the kids loved it! I noticed I didn't get a picture of Logan because he was all over the place. But these little girls loved each others company! We were missing Shannon and LJ!
In about 15 years look out boys here come a bunch of HEARTBREAKERS!!

Raylie LOVES Deigo

Danette was wanting me to post a video so hopefully this works. Raylie loves Diego! She wants to watch him all day! Although she never sits through a whole show! Here is a video of her singing the song. This isn't even on one of her GOOD singing days.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Josh turned 30 this weekend and I planned a little surprise birthday party for him! Most of his family can up to Utah and surprised him! We went to eat at Chuck A Rama where his family and some of mine there waiting for us (what are the odds that we would all pick the same restaurant)!
Then his family came back to our house for cake and ice cream! Thanks to all those who came up here! I know Josh was truly SURPRISED and grateful that you did.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What we have been up to!

Okay where do I begin... We really haven't been sitting around doing nothing. I just haven't been into the computer lately. Every time I sit down Raylie is right there by me or she is just waking up from her nap (that is why I have been lacking in the comment area on your blogs)!
One group of pictures is Jumpin Jacks. I am sure most of you have heard of this place in St. George so I will spare all the details. Raylie and Logan LOVED it. Raylie started will all her hair in piggies and ended with two. The rubber bands kept breaking!

Then we decided, along with the rest of Washington Co., to try out the new Community Center. Logan had a BLAST. He loves the water and has asked EVEYDAY if we can go there again! Raylie is like me and doesn't like water splashed in her face so she wasn't liking it.

On another note my page is in serious need of a face lift. So I am looking around to find the one I love the most...so stay tuned!