Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Presidents Day weekend Vacation!

We went up to Sundance, Ut and stayed at Joshs' uncles cabin! It was great! Joshs whole family was able to be there...we were only missing his oldest sisters husband, he had to work. Here is the Isom family picture. The other one is of our cute little family in front of one of the many fireplaces! I will just say with all of us there we had plenty of room! Thanks to Uncle Larry and Aunt Shirley!

Faces of the Cabin!

Here are the many Isom Family faces! We had superheros, Ice saver wars, ate a lot of food and just had fun!

Febuary Birthdays!

There are FIVE birthdays this month in Josh's family. We had a huge birthday party at the cabin to celebrate them all.

There was (oldest to youngest) Aaron (Josh's brother) Me, Caitlin (our niece), Kelly (neice), and Max (nephew). Check out all the ice cream! Isoms love ice cream!

Fun in the SNOW!

There was just a LITTLE bit of SNOW in Sundance! It stood taller than me(not that it is hard) but that is a lot of snow! The kids loved it...Josh and I included! Raylie didn't like sledding. Logan loved it but we didn't get any pictures because it was just him and I out sledding.

The Hogle Zoo

On Saturday we went to the zoo. Raylie loved the animals. Logan loved just being there with his cousins. My sister Desirae and her kids went with us along with Joshs' sister Heather and her husband Ukiah and their little girl Sarah.

Happy Late Valentines Day!

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! Logan had a fever for three days and on the eve of Valentines so I only took him to his Preschool party. Here are the pictures you can kinda tell he is not feeling very well. BTW it was ear infections so nothing contagious!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So Raylie is almost 16 months! I can't believe it! She is getting too big too fast! Her hair is finally long enough(sort of) to pull into full piggies! She is actually wearing cute poka-dot tights with the pink skirt, but she has her mamma's short legs! Poor girl!

Kids LOVE Snow!

So the kids loved the snow! Raylie was eating it and picking ice off of the driveway trying to eat it! Yuck! Logan and I had a little snowball fight and he LOVED it!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Here is a ruler on top of our car.
I am holding the ruler in the grass.

I am so excited for the SNOW! I have been anxiously waiting for our once a year snow storm and it hit tonight!!! We were actually in Leeds at my parents house which is usually a 10-12 minute drive well tonight it took us 30 min!
I love our snow because I know it will be gone in a day or two (sorry Emma)! It gives us a little taste to enjoy, but it never out stays it's welcome. I will take more pictures of the kids playing in it in the morning!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Yeah Tax Returns!

So we already got our tax returns back and I wanted to get one on these for Christmas, but none of the stores had them. I looked on-line, but I didn't want to pay for shipping! I was really excited when I saw that they had this at Wal-Mart for $30.00 cheaper than on-line! So I was glad it was still there when our taxes came back! The kids love it! This was Raylies first time in it. Logan was playing in it the whole time I was trying to put it together! Needless to say he was just a LITTLE bit excited!

Friday Night Movie

So last night we thought about watching a "kid movie" with Logan and sleep in the living room! It was fun! Logan loved it!