Tuesday, October 30, 2007

One Year pictures!

Here are Raylies one year pictures! They turned out so cute! I was a little nervous because Kiddie Kandids doesn't open until 10:00 and that is her nap time, but I wanted to do them while Logan was in preschool. i had Grandma come with me and it helped out a bunch! Thanks mom! I can't believe she is so big! Her doctors appointment stats are:
HT: 30 inches
WT: 21 lbs 2 oz!
There is one more picture that I will post after I rescan it, it didn't scan right.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy !st birthday!

Happy Birthday Raylie! Our little girl is one! Time flies! Here are a few pictures from the hospital. She was 6lbs 5oz! I couldn't believe how little she was! I am so feel so blessed to have her in our home! She is such a sweet girl! She is usually always happy! We love her very much! Happy Birthday sweetie!

More pictures!

Here are more cute pictures of our cute little Raylie! In the middle picture on the top she is in her daddy's arms, her head is smaller than his hand!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy 50th MOM!

I just wanted to wish my mom a Happy 50th Birthday! We threw here a surprise party on saturday and she was totally surprised! It was great there were about 50 friends and family there to celebrate! She has taught me a lot and is a great example to me! She is a wonderful grandma! I am thankful that she is my mother! I love you mom! Hope you had a great birthday!!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Raylie

These are pictures from Raylie's birthday party! She actually won't be one for about two weeks but this was the best time for her party and like she knows any different! She had a great time as you can tell from the pictures! There were many friends and family there to celebrate her big day! If you can't tell she had the Sunshine Carebear for her cake and then I made another one for her to dig into! We all had a great time! I will post prego and hospital pictures when it is her real birthday!! Happy Birthday Cutie Pie!!