Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Car!

This is our new car! Thanks to Grandma Jeannie (Josh's mom), she bought her a new car and gifted (gave) us this 1999 Yukon! Our family fits so much better in it. We can't express or tell her enough how grateful we are for her and what she has done for us!

Computer Guys

Here are a few pictures of Logan helping Daddy fix our computer! Logan loves to be right by his daddy side, or in the middle of everything...we're not quite sure. But we love him anyway!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

More Pictures!!

Here is Raylie in her new church dress, she looks so pretty in blue, and she is "helping" daddy put together Grandma Jeannies new computer!

Loagn the man!

Here are some random pictures of Logan. The first one is how he wanted his hair combed the other day, thank heavens he wanted it combed down before we went to the store. The next two are of him in a Davey Crockett hat and a pirate hat, I think it helps him dream better! The middle pictures is a new outfit from Grandma Great and Yes he is in big boy underwear! What fun it has been this week bootcamp potty training!

Raylie Wars!!

Raylie loves to play with Logan's toys! Oh the fun is just beginning! She was having fun with his Light Saver! Luckily he was napping so there wasn't any screaming from him!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Picture of the Month!

So I am a little proud, is that okay? My neighbor asked me the other day if I take my kids to Kiddie Kandids to get their picturs done. I told her yes and she told me that when they were in there last month they saw this picture on display, with the title of "Picture of the Month." She thought the baby looked familiar. So anyways I wetn into Kiddie Kandids and asked them about it, because I had no clue about any of it. The girl told me that it was the picture of the month and I then asked, "Well do you call the parents and let them know?" She said, "no." I then asked if we get a free picture or get to keep the picture that was diplayed, and again she said, no. She said all you get is a popular baby for a month and the picture that was diplayed goes to the photographer! Personally I think this is really stupid! I don't think the photographer really cares about the picture because it isn't here child and I think they should atleast call and let you know that they are displaying a picture of your child and I think I should get a FREE picture or something! I am just crazy or do you agree with me?

Happy Mother's Day!

Okay so I know that I am a day late posting this, but better late than never..right?! I hope all the mother's had a great day! Here are my two mother's holding Raylie (sorry they are the only pics I could find). I love you and thanks for everything you do for me and my family! What great examples of mothers! I have a lot to live up to! Thank you.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Our big Fish!

Well we decided to be like Danette and Chad. we went to Target to by a fun water toy and he picked out the same one Danette and Carly have. Logan has always loved being in the water! When he was little he would always want to take a shower! He's such a little wild man, but we do love him very much!

Raylie the QT

Here are just some cute pictures of Raylie that I took the other day. She was in such a funny mood. The bottom right has got to be her Popye face, "Where's the spinach! She is getting big so fast! I can't believe she is almost 7 months old. Time flies by to fast. She is so loved!

Friday, May 4, 2007

More Pictures for Danette

Okay Danette here are more pictures of the kids plus one of a snake that was visiting our next door neighbors house. The outfit Raylie is wearing in the top three pics is new and this was the first time she wore it! I thought it looked so cute I had to take a picture. The next three are of Raylie in her blow-up duckie tub from Auntie Lauren...she loves it! The two of Logan were taken this morning just because he wanted to see himself in the camera! The last is the little snake that came to visit. I haven't seen it for four days so I don't know where it is now..kinda creepy. Atleast it is little.