Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Christmas Eve and day were basically spent eating, which made for a fantastic holiday.  Christmas Eve morning was spent at Isaac Grandma's house for a Christmas Eve brunch and visiting with family.  We then went home to finish up some wrapping and last minute Christmas errands.  Every Christmas Eve night we go to Isaac's aunt's house for a fancy traditional Norwegian dinner and desserts (pepperkakes, krumkakes and fattigmans), a musical program and a visit from the big man himself.  The Paulsens are a lively bunch and we always have such a blast.  After the Paulsen's dinner we head to my parents and read the Night Before Christmas and the story of the birth of Christ together and head to bed!

Kids make holidays so magical and Christmas morning was no exception.  It was so fun to be with my family and celebrate together.  Our church service was filled with the most beautiful music reminding us of the reason for the season. 

just some snap chat filter shenanigans 

Daphne loves hanging out with Frank

family photo win!

Gabrielle and Daphne with Papa

spit up for days

she was far too busy to be paying any attention to us

we had the most beautiful white Christmas

an Osterloh gathering is nothing without the food, we don't mess around

this is what happens when your baby spits up on EVERYTHING you brought for him and so you have to use a t-shirt as a blanket

Christmas was exhausting for this little guy

so grateful to have spent this Christmas holiday with my family

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holidays: December

December came and went in a flash.  It was full with cutting down our own Christmas tree, seeing the lights at temple square, endless Christmas movies and Christmas music (I think I burnt Isaac out on the music), opportunities to serve, visits with Santa and lots more.

this had to be one of the cutest Santa's I've ever met, he was so sweet and fun with Daphne.  Daphne LOVED Santa from a distance but was a lot more hesitant on his lap.

December was the month of take out and eating out.  Another goal of mine is to be better at cooking meals, we'll see how I do.

Isaac not only cut our tree down but he carried it up a huge hill.  This is him at the top, our Christmas hero!

this year after we cut our trees down we had a hot dog roast with some family friends of ours.  It was the most beautiful sunny day!

sibling shenanigans.  Once the tree was up Daphne could stop looking at it and all the twinkle lights

have you guys tried Sweet Lake Biscuits & Limeade?!  If not, run don't walk!  You'll thank me later.

reading a Christmas book at Grandma Gayle's.  This one does not have trouble relaxing.

my little Christmas "helper"

downtown with friends to see the Candy windows

the most beautifully lit tree at the Holladay Cemetery, this picture doesn't give it justice 

Raleigh looking very Sith-like with his hood

more shenanigans from this crazy duo 

not a great picture, but this was taken after Daphne's first haircut!  She was a little nervous during the whole thing but was easily persuaded with peppermint junior mints...obviously

reading Christmas books together in our bed

Temple square with Isaac's cousin and their family

Christmas outfits

Christmas movies and music were forever playing around the house

my in-laws took us to the annual Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert, such beautiful music!

my mom's house in the snow is so dreamy

our annual Osterloh family Gingerbread house (graham cracker house) contest.  I went with a simple design this year that got me third place for the "Favorite" category...yes, there were categories.  We Osterlohs do not take this matter lightly.

this is the view from my bed, it makes me so sad to think I will have to take it all down soon.

More pictures to come from Christmas Eve and Christmas day!