I have always really enjoyed photography. I dabbled in it a little in high school and took some photography classes. I remember getting to process black and white film in a dark room. It was really cool….but then life got busy and I had to focus on my future. I was not really good enough to make photography a part of my career. So I moved on and forgot how much I really enjoyed it.
Now that I have a career and two amazing little boys, Photography has crept up again as a great hobby. My two favorite things in life are my little boys and the dogs that surround me everyday. What better way than to capture the memories of these two things in photos.
I remember having Elisha Snow take pictures of Killian and watching how easy it looked. HA, Easy my ass, I thought I could purchase a nice camera and voila my pictures would look just like hers. Wow was I wrong….my pictures looked like poop. I did get a little discouraged at first, but I am a researcher, so I bought a bunch of books and read, read, read them. My pictures started looking a little better, but then I found out about a class my favorite photographer was teaching (Elisha Snow.) I signed up….and it has been so fun….I signed up for another one in may.
These are some of the pics I took during the four weeklong classes. Feel free to comment..haha, even if you still think they look like poop.