Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Sweetness and Love"

It is the first of the month and time for the Clickin Moms Photo Challenge...This month the theme is "Sweetness and Love." I have my pictures done, but have not had time to get them up....

They will be up soon....But be sure to check out Courtney's interpretation of "Sweetness and Love"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Two is better than One!!!

I had the opportunity to take pictures for some of our friends who just had twins....a Boy and a Girl!! They are the sweetest little things, and were so good for their pictures.....

Thank you Mommy and Daddy for letting me practice my photography on these two precious babies......

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"New Beginnings"

This winter I joined a photography forum....Clickin has been so fun to learn more about photography from fella Momma's... Some of these amazing women are professional photographers and it has been awesome being able to see their work..and it has helped with my own photo inspiration.

I decided to take on a photography challenge with 12 other photographers from the Clickin Moms forum. We are 12 women, all around the world, from pro photographers to women like me who are hobbyists that will be posting every month around the 2nd for a given theme.

This month the theme is.....New Beginnings!!!

I had an opportunity to take some pictures of my beautiful friend Teal.... She is having a baby boy in March and it will soon be a New Beginning for her and her family. I couldn't pick just one.......

Each of us will be linking to another photographer's post so you can check out all 12....Here is Courtney's interpretation of New Beginnings....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Love for.....

Well it has been a really rough couple of months...or like 6 months....for our family. :( For those of you who know me really well, know that I have fallen face first, hit the ground hard and now it is time to pick myself up....In future posts I will explain more of these life changing events, but for now I need peace!!!

I have learned more about myself and discovered so much about life in these months that I am overwhelmed. Overwhelmed, but so grateful for how wonderful my life really is, and how I am surrounded with pure LOVE.

My peace for now is photography.....Something I love to do, that has no stress involved. It is one of the "calms" in my life....So this is dedicated to some of my favorite pics from our September trip to Mexico.

Friday, December 16, 2011


The Flannery's had this awesome tradition at Christmas time to get their picture taken with Father Christmas...I remember when Blake and I were in Junior High/High School and going down to the Dicken's Festival so they all could get their picture taken. I of course would sit out because I was just a teenage girlfriend that wouldn't be around in the future....little did they know....hahaha...j/k, I understand I wasn't a part of the family yet... Anyway it was a pretty awesome tradition. It is so fun to look back at all the pictures over the 15 year span they did this.

Now, many years later, my Sister-in-laws organized everyone to get down there so we could ALL get our picture taken. This is a VERY LARGE ACCOMPLISHMENT to get us ALL in the same place at the same time!!! It turned out, we all made it and all were in pretty good spirits!!!!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am thankful for....My two CUTE Little Boys...I love you Killian and Liam!!!