Tuesday, June 02, 2009

On the way to do Bradden's 5th tri race in Sioux Center Iowa, we came across some fun adventures:

Only in Iowa will you see a tracker pull up to a gas station...Dad teaching his son all about throwing rocks and wishing he was near a lake to teach his son how to skip rocks across the water. Hyrum learning how to fly and loving it each time!

Bradden on the bike, after the swim: he did an awesome job and we were so proud of himHyrum beginning to act up...Hyrum in the almost yelling stage of acting up...Hyrum yelling and wanting.....Bradden returning on the bikeBradden finishing up the run

Hyrum and Bradden after the raceBradden trying to impress the other racers that he does have muscle even though he is really white!
Hyrum loving his Daddy being the same.Hyrum being cooler than other kids his age and Dad looking like a dork with a really nice farmers tan from the Tri!How do you like dem apples?
Bradden's 31st Birthday, I made him a "Chocolate mint oreo cake" upon his request