Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We had an amazing week in Myrtle Beach, SC in September. 70's and 80's. Hyrum loved the beach, I was lovin' the sunshine, and Bradden loved the golf. We laughed, played games, ate, and then ate some more!!! Thanks Mom and Dad :)
Levi and his family

Hyrum thinks anything that resembles a bat, really is one
Bias thoughts put aside, this kid has some skills with the frisbee!
We went to Nauvoo, Illinois a while back with Bradden's good friend Mike and his family. Yes, they have 7 children, and I think they were all more well behaved COMBINED than Hyrum was/is. What a great family they are, thanks! that was fun! My favorite part was when Bradden and Mike played basketball "HORSE" off the monkey bars and swings for an hour while the kids played so hard on the merry-go-round that some of them starting throwing up!
This is the look he gives us before he throws an object.Trying to keep him occupied on the hour long horse carriage ride. Again, he was noisier than all other 7 children combined.
He likes to eat snacks lying down on the couch now.... he sure has his own little agenda, this one does.
Loves the bat and the yellow hat, but not necessarily at the same time, except on this day I guess."chocolate" is a new word at our house. :(
I have been making some cupcakes for various events..... I liked how the few below turned out.
below were from a box.

These were from scratch and took SOOOO much time, but it was so FUN!!! chocolate mint.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our little family........
I practiced my photography skills with the McLane Family, it was fun.... and I think they turned out really cute. Here are some of my favorites.

I don't drink soda, so guess who he learned this from?? (daddy)more bubble fountain fun on Labor Day. Daddy was away with interviews so we spent the day together at the park, beach and eating a special cookie that was SO good from the cookie shop (should have been for 1.75 a cookie!)

We often go to Clear Lake for a sunday walk
Do you get any cuter that this?corn king.
Yes, he climbed in here by himself after removing the small appliances
"Pay-Pay" (paint)-- ok, you can just see the concentration in his face.
We have been very blessed to have wonderful babysitters for Hyrum while I have been working, they are so good with him. here is babysitter Abby

Babysitter Erin is moving away :(
Cousins, they will all be in the same grade....
My little artist. He started lying on his tummy to color and it is the cutest thing you have ever seen.
We went for a little nature walk the other day to see how he would like the backpack we borrowed. He really just wanted to get down and throw rocks.
Visit with grandma and grandpa in Utah
Cabin fun, Weber Canyon

Fam photo
family photoYou know when he was tired when he fell asleep on a hot hike with ten noisy Cannon family members. This is so not my child. he was exhausted from the whole trip
A little break
He stayed asleep like this

Vacation would not be vacation without stunts with uncle Derran
Classic Hyrum: so curious and in awe of the world and how it works
cousin funNeighhhhhh! he would make the horse sound.

He wasn't scared, he would just laugh.
Look at Daddy's fish he caught and cooked!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Catch of the day, Bradden's fish from up at the cabin. he cooked it and ate it too.We went to the Living Planet Aquarium in SLC. Hyrum was kinda scared of the creatures there.
Melissa and I took the kiddos to the zoo
Hyrum and Melissa's son
I had a pic of me by this fountain as a girl