60 Decker Drive, Middletown, N.Y. 10940
Vol. 5, May 20, 2011
Chapter meetings are held on the third Friday of each month except July and August at the Methodist Church in Goshen, which is located on the corner of Main Street and Court Lane. All are welcome.
** Meeting Notice: The May meeting will be held on Friday the 20th, at 7:30 P.M at our regular meeting location, the Methodist Church in Goshen.
Our speaker will be Joseph Blondino who will discuss General George Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge.
"A More Tolerable Quarter: Finding Washington’s Dining Hut at Valley Forge"
by Joseph R. Blondino
For the past two summers, archaeologists from Temple University, working in conjunction with the National Park Service, have been excavating in the backyard of General George Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge. The investigations have revealed evidence of a log cabin used by the general and his officers for both meals and meetings during the Continental Army's winter encampment of 1777-1778. This and other features excavated over the course of the 2009 and 2010 field seasons have revealed much about the use of the landscape around the headquarters building from prehistoric times through the site's use as a historical park. Joe Blondino, field director for the project, will discuss the archaeology at the site and how it has contributed to our understanding of the Revolutionary War encampment, as well as raising issues dealing with how we interpret such landscapes. From more Washington's Headquarters, Valley Forge

Joe Blondino is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Anthropology at Temple University. Although his research focuses primarily on the life ways of ancient Native American groups in the Delaware Valley and greater Middle Atlantic region, he also has a great interest in the archaeology of Colonial America. Considering himself to be a “dirt archaeologist”(meaning one who particularly enjoys the fieldwork side of his profession), Joe has ten years of experience digging numerous sites from all times periods from Pennsylvania to his native Virginia. For more information:
President’s Message
We will continue to meet at the Methodist Church in Goshen for May and June. We are still looking for an alternative location with handicap assess. Hopefully the senior center in Middletown will be completed by September. We hope to have the annual picnic in July this year. During the last few years several changes have been made at the state level regarding proper procedure for documenting and preserving archaeological site. Therefore it was necessary to update our chapter’s procedures regarding sites. Please review the updated Site Protocol Statement below.
I look forward to seeing you at this month’s meeting.
Site Protocol Statement
The Executive Committee has updated our chapter’s site protocol statement so that it is in line with local, state and national procedures. I have included the statement below. If any member wishes to review the documents which support this statement please see me at the next meeting. Please thank Stephanie and Gary for putting this together.
IOCCNYSAA Site Protocol Statement
• All sites shall be reported to the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) using an Archaeological Site Inventory Form if not previously reported.
• Proper liability insurance will be held by the IOCCNYSAA for purpose of protecting both Field workers and land owner effective for chapter functions only.
• The Chairperson of the Field Committee will coordinate with landowner time and dates of fieldwork and what persons are permitted on property.
• No chapter member may be on site without knowledge of the Field Committee Chairperson
• No less than two chapter members shall be on site to ensure witness and verification of important finds.
• A camera should always be available for photo documentation.
• Proper research, excavation, laboratory and curation techniques and protocols shall be followed in compliance with New York Archaeological Council Standards, The New York State Historic Preservation Act of 1980 and The Cultural Resource Standards Handbook (October, 2000) as prepared by The New York State Archaeological Council Standards Committee.
• All excavated resources are property of landowner. Should the IOCCNYSAA be granted permission to retain such resources, they will be done so as a dedicated and reported collection in a manner dictated by the NYS SHPO.
• Looting and treasure hunting on any property in the State of New York without consent of landowner is TRESPASSING and THEFT of PRIVATE PROPERTY.
• Any IOCCNYSAA member found in violation of state and federal law regarding trespassing or theft from an archaeological site being excavated by the chapter, may face legal prosecution by landowner as well as revocation of chapter membership.
Florist Site
Stephanie will be returning to the Florist Site as soon as the ground conditions permit. She will be sending out information regarding dates and time. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie directly or email
This site provides all our members a wonderful opportunity to experience archaeology first hand. We hope all of our members can take advantage of this opportunity to develop their skills as archeologists. If you are new to the chapter here is your opportunity to participate in an archaeological investigation and learn the techniques needed to properly document a site.
Dutchess Rock Shelter Day
We will be planning a day at the Dutchess Rock Shelter. Clif suggested we invite local teachers this year and we all agreed this is an excellent idea since the Native American is included in the 4th grade curriculum. We hope to have the date set by the next meeting. Gary has offered to chair this event. He will need help with the planning as well as people to guide and direct people at the site. If you are interested in assisting please contact Gary directly or email
Highlands Conference 2011
Our chapter will co-sponsor the Highlands Conference at Sterling Forest State Park. The Park has approved Saturday Oct 15 for the meeting. This will be the 25th annual Highlands Conference.
It is time to collect dues for 2011. If you have not yet renewed, please send them in or pay up at the next meeting.