Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Excitement at the Wharf

Anaphylaxis is a severe, systemic allergic reaction characterized by multisystem involvement, including the skin, airway, vascular system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Severe cases may result in complete obstruction of the airway, cardiovascular collapse, and death.

jelly fish
On Saturday, a 10 year old girl was swimming in the Chester River at the isolated "Dog Walk Beach", when she swam into a stinging Sea Nettle, a Jelly fish (Chrysaora Quinquecirrha) - she was unfortunately highly allergic.

Within moments her face began to swell and her throat was partially blocked by the swelling. She was hauled up into the boat and a call was made to her Grandmother who had stayed behind in Chester the Peacock's boat.

A shout was heard - "Does anyone know CPR and what to do?!?" She quickly filled in the crowd that soon gathered at the dock on what had happened.

I looked at the navigation charts and determined that the Wharf was the nearest place for the houseboat to dock and meet a Rescue Squad. Soon that information was relayed to the boat where the Captain had already decided the very same thing and was now on its way to the wharf at top speed. I told the grandmother they would be at the dock in 10 or 15 minutes.

I told her my CPR certification had expired, but no one else was volunteering.

Someone asked the grandmother to tell the girl's mother to call 911 and talk to them about the CPR. I chimed in with "Tell her to spray vinegar on the girl's face to counteract the stinging poison." The distraught mother of the little girl wouldn't hang up to call 911 - The call to 911 was made by three separate people at the Wharf and three different rescue squads were within moments enroute the dock.

I was then handed the phone and told, "Tell her how to do CPR, now!"

I stammered in protest...and had time only to calm the mother down after I finally got through to her who I was and why she had to be calm - her girl needed to be treated for shock; laid down, kept warm, calmed down and made to remain as calm as possible - and she, being the girl's Mom, was the best one to do just that.

I fought my failing memory and rising panic for what to do next, repeating softly, "That's it, be calm." as much for them as for myself. A blocked airway would mean the situation was way beyond CPR. Just then I heard a shout. The houseboat was spotted roaring up the river just as the first of the Rescue Squad appeared roaring down the long driveway.

pictures for the story
I told her that help was ready at the dock - and that seem to calm her more than anything else.

pictures for the story
I have never witnessed a finer moment of seamanship and boat handling (under huge stress or otherwise) then when the girl's grandfather brought the houseboat into the dock in one quick, efficient movement. A waiting group of people soon fastened the dock lines - and two paramedics were aboard even before that.

pictures for the story
The wharf was in chaos. People stood and gaped at the commotion. I closed the cell phone in my hand for the line had already gone dead and gave it to the grandmother and helped her off the boat she was on and up the dock to meet the rest of her family members. She was quickly lost in the arms of her husband and daughter.

pictures for the story
The 10 year girl was quickly carried to the waiting ambulance - where they gave her a couple injections.

pictures for the story
...and then the ambulance roared off to the hospital leaving behind a crowd of concerned and stunned people mixed in with the oblivious ones wondering when they might use the boat ramp.

Several very long hours later, I heard a knock on the window of the boat - and I was filled in on the prognosis - the little girl was recovering nicely and was expected to be alright and go home the following day.


Today, I filled out an application for a CPR refresher course. I do not ever want to be caught as off-guard and ill-prepared as I was...a young child in distress is horrible enough to endure but to be completely unable to do anything made it unbearable.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh that had to have been an adrenaline rush. Yup, I get mine re-certified every year.

Anonymous said...

I just sat down at my computer and this is the first thing I read. I have little tears in my eyes. Mine is expired as well...and this tells me I'd better do something about that right away. ~Mary

AliceKay said...

Wow, what a story. I'm glad the little girl survived and will be okay. Terri completed his CPR and American Red Cross First Aid refresher courses a few weeks ago. He received the new cards in the mail the other day. He's had a CPR certification for quite a few years.

You did what you could, and I'm sure the family is grateful. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Wow, Iggy that was scary! Alas, the kindness of strangers circling around to help, was a beautiful thing! Such happenings remind us that there is far more goodness in the world, than not.
Earth angels all of you were..of course, we already knew that about you! :)



yellowdoggranny said...

with or without the CPR refresher course..you'll always be my hero.

Melissa said...

Wow,what a hero!
I'll have to buy you a red cape!


Celticspirit said...

I'm glad that little girl is ok. Jelly fish bites can be deadly. Good idea on taking the CPR course.

Dorkys Ramos said...

Oh my goodness, what a scare! I can't believe you remained so calm. I'd've lost my head.

Deanna said...

This grandmother of 10 between the ages of 18 months and 13 is actually crying. I felt like I was there and could feel the desperation. And here I am not CPR certified. Jim is but this is a wake up call for me. I have those grandkids so much and I cannot imagine losing one because I was too lazy to learn CPR.

Thank you Iggy. You are one cool dude

LadyStyx said...

You.are.awesome. I am extremely proud of you.

Rita said...

Wow! What a day! Yup--refresher course sounds like a great idea. You sound like you are one of the people who stays clear-headed in a crisis. High-5 to you! I'm glad the little girl is okay. :):)

betty said...

oh my gosh! what a scary situation! I can't imagine; you could feel the tension and the emotion in your words reading them; I can't imagine living them. So glad you were able to be of assistance as you could and so glad the little one is doing good

now I need to get CPR recertified again; always a timely reminder


Pamela said...

You're my hero! (:

My husband was a firefighter/paramedic - and he knows how to do all those wonderful things. But when our daughter nearly cut her finger to the bone he panicked...just stood there wide eyed and doing nothing. I quickly grabbed a towel and held her hand tight to stem the bleeding. We laughed about it later -- and of course I love to make the story much more intense when telling it in person.

I should learn CPR --

sugarlens said...

Wow, luckily you were there and glad to hear that the little girl is recovering. Some excitement!

Yankee Girl said...

I don't really have anything different to say from the other comments, but I wanted to add my own "Wow, that must have been crazy and at least you were able to help the mother." And I'm looking into a CPR course right now. I haven't been certified in years and now I don't want to be caught off guard.

Yankee Girl said...

I have an award for you at my blog. Be sure to stop by and pick it up!

Toriz said...

You remembered the most important thing... Stay calm! Even the best trained paramedics can sometimes forget that bit. You were amazing, Iggy, and I'm sure the little girl and her family are extremely grateful to you for what you did for them.

I'm glad the little girl is OK, and think the course is a good idea.

MarmiteToasty said...

So very proud of how you kept your cool :)

My advanced firstaid/cpr/pedeatric certificate lasts 3 years then I have to do another 10 week evening course to get me new certificate....... remember me boyfriend 'eddy' LOL

Im glad everything turned out ok..... phewwwwww indeed......

you super hero :)...... now you just need someone older to try out your snogging oops I mean your CPR skills one :)


MarmiteToasty said...

we have also been trained to think..... if someone needs actual cpr they are gonners anyways, so at least if you try you are giving them a chance, cos if you dont, they wont make it, so even if your certificate has expired in a given situation, it is better to try then not to :)


Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

Wow! What a panic! My certification has expired also...this has been a blessing to find you...and remind me to renew!! Scary!!

ChicagoLady said...

I know that even though you felt inadequate, the few things you did say to the mother probably were the things she needed to hear most at that moment. I'm so proud of you!