

I have a son too. He's my idol too. 
But he's so otherworldly that it's a bit different. 
When he went spray painting for the first time, he knew immediately he's gonna paint a butterfly. He makes sculptures before taking a bath. He falls asleep next to the sewing machine. The last one is his halloween outfit. He's gonna start school this year.

(I've had trouble with blogger, but I just got a good advice, I tried a different browser and here we are! A longer break than would've been necessary.)



I have a daughter, she's my idol. 


back with The Table Series

Well. Hello. I have missed blogging. I was looking for something in the blog archives this week and I just got so nostalgic! All these people who have passed by here, all this life that has happened. I just went and disappeared in instagram, I didn't tell about it to almost anyone and I also haven't really been looking for anyone there. It is just so exhausting when you suddenly come across someone and they have posted 5000 pictures. What are you gonna do? Waste time. Get inspired. Forget about it instantly. Find someone again, o my god what beauty! I love it how fast it is to post a photo there, but the problem is that the phone is always at hand, you think you take a quick look and if you calculate all these quick looks,it's a lot of time. Well you don't calculate, you just avoid thinking about it. Anyway, sometimes you get to see something SO great, that it somehow makes it worth it. Time, my eternal problem, how to spend it meaningfully. 

I was also looking at a lot of photos, from my still relatively new camera. It starts with the kittens in spring. There's spring, summer, autumn and now this. Whatever season this is. 

If you are still here, let me know. Hope you're well. I am kinda well. We all are. ♡
Hei. Moi. Tuntuupa kummalta kirjoittaa tänne näin pitkän ajan jälkeen. Pöytäkuvia löytyi kamerasta niin naurettavat määrät, että ne ovat paluukuvani tänne. On ollut ikävä!


what's up

March is ending already! The time of "willow-cats" is almost over, we discovered a strange forest, a drawing little V made me weeks ago, we have three little kittens (they are now 2 weeks old).

Life is quite ok, but there are super-stressful things going on. I don't know where to be, how to be. I should start running like everybody else. Running as in jogging. 

The kittens are adorable. The kids are cool. The grown-ups not so cool, it's not always easy to hide the stress stuff.

I started a Japan-club at the school for 3rd to 6th graders. It's fun.


Oh and I have to admit I started being on instagram after trying it unsuccessfully years ago. I have a new phone that makes it more possible. I spent almost one year with a crushed glass.

And these photos are taken with my new camera! The kittens are very hard to photograph especially with manual focus.



Hello! Now this is an old photo. V looks so small! Is it 4 years ago, I have to check.
I was once approached by someone who was going to make a book on kids' creativity and art. They thought they would use this photo as the cover of the book, so I never posted it here. I was going to, I even said so in a blog post. But here it is now. One of my favourite photos. The crocodile is still not in the oven, but on top of the oven. 

The book project sounded so wonderful, it's such a shame it never happened. I totally get it, and it's somehow comforting to know that other people also don't manage to make everything happen, no matter how much they want it. Those people are making something else happen though. I've been so frustrated lately about not making things happen. I'm just not that person. I think I have all these brilliant ideas, but they just stay with me and I forget them eventually. Then occasionally remember, and regret.

At the same time, 4-5-years ago, me and Y had a book project plan, that was equally wonderful and what happened with that. Nothing. 

This summer Y is participating in an exhibition and I'm excited and happy about that. It's so close to me, that it's almost me. I get to do some curating at least!

I'm dealing with some vaguely disappointed (in myself) feelings here, but there are things to be happy about:
- the kids (always)
- spring is coming
- a beautiful new cup
- beautiful new earrings
- deepening friendships


tables / good

I've been going through a lot of photos lately. Y is making a booklet for someone and he's using my photos as additional photos. It's nice to see or rather, nice to hear, that he thinks the pictures that I take make a whole, there is something recognizable in all of them. That's a good thing.

I've still been tired, tired of working, tired of cooking, tired of getting up. It's that time of year... I guess. We have lots and lots of snow, but it's not cold, + degrees all the time. That's also good (the being tired is not so good, but I'm a tired kinda person anyway).

I have a book that my sister has made and given to me. I started making a drawing every day on Jan 1st. Now I wish the book was thicker, I'm almost half way already. Drawing one picture every day makes me wanna draw more than just one. Good.

Little V likes his daycare place, a bit more than before it seems. We had to look for another one after the kindergarten crisis. We have a good alternative. So that's good.

V is as productive as ever and becoming more and more her own person. A pretty complex and layered person I'd say. And strong. That's good and interesting and inspiring. 

Y has new photography enthusiasm, I'm happy about that. It has a LOT to do with new equipment he's been getting. But also thanks to the new equipment, he's able to use his old lenses. He's been taking BEAUTIFUL pictures. That's good.

Because of all that I will get a new camera too. Or I have it already. And I will be able to use my old Canon lens that I bought in Shinjuku Yodobashi Camera ages ago. I find that pretty exciting and cool. And good.


kung-fu etc

Random set of photos, all taken this year, I think. (We get rid of the christmas tree on the 6th.) In the top photo they're giving out prizes to everyone at the kung-fu school.

I am super tired. But not pregnant nor depressed.