Showing posts with label Quilled Monogram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilled Monogram. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Quilled Monogram #1

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So a while ago, I started experimenting with Micro-Quilling, and as I was teaching it to Moumita (Have you met her? If you haven't, you can get to know her here. :D), we decided that she would make a Monogram with the alphabet 'M'. It's slightly complicated and does not involve the use of the slotted needle at all, unless you choose to add coils and swirls to your project. It's all about knowing how to work the paper strips and you have to have the precision of a surgeon when you handle the tweezers. And to my delight, I discovered that Moumita mastered this easily because all I did  on this project was start the outlining. Everything else - EVERYTHING - is Moumita's work.

So here I am, proudly presenting to you, in detail, the making of our first Quilled Monogram!! :)


We started with printing the outline of the alphabet on a 8"x8" Cardstock 
and once we had picked our colours, we she made the outline frame. 
The strips used here are 5mm in width. Take a look.