So the latest project that I've decided to take on was inspired by Les at I am going to paint an army of Space Marines where every single marine is from a different chapter. If that's not crazy enough, I plan on maxing out every slot (HQ, Elites, Troops, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support) with infantry. That's around 150 marines. I've not made a list up yet, but I estimate the army to come in around 4000-5000 points when I'm finished. I'll be painting these marines in between other projects, so keep an eye out for some variety.
I separated the chapters by their primary colors, and started there. The first two chapters I'll be doing share the same color scheme, just organized in different ways. Here are the Imperial Castellans and the Angels Porphyr:
I've primed each model grey, then re-primed white from about 6 inches above and away from the model (to simulate the light source). Each model has had a coat of Mordian Blue put on in the appropriate places.