
        🐆Golden Lion Game🐆     ईस game मे आप अगर आप 10 Level Complete कर लेते है तो आपको Teen Patti पर 1000Cror chips मिलेंगी ईस game के रूल्स नीचे दीए गये है। आपको हर Level Complete होते ही उसकी 1 Photo खीस कर ईस Group     https://chat.whatsapp.com/LqXEgAf6bz00QJvlFkgeCa  पर भेजना होंगा 10 Level Complete होने पर आपको नंबर मिलेंगा उस पर Call करके अपनी 1000Cror Chips लेले। और आपको किसी Level पर 2 Option मिलेंगे उन मे से कोई एक पसंद करीए।                 👉👉👉 Levels👈👈👈 Level 1. तो आपको पहेले Level पर यहा दीए गये Link पर जा कर ईन 2 Channel को Subscribe करना है     Channel No.1.   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9KLXOpOFCtKAQO5ufP-tVg Channel No.2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi9y0z28CZjGNq6sOEcIdDQ  और ScreenShot Group मे भेजे। Level 2.  आप ईन दी गई Videos को देखे : Video No.1 Video No.2 और screenshot खीस कर Group म भेजदे...
            👉Shin chan real story👈     I would like to clarify that the story circulating on social media regarding the inspiration of Crayon Shin-chan series is just a false rumor. It is   not  true.     I've been a big fan of the series ever since I first saw it on TV. I have seen all movies, read all mangas and seen almost all episodes in the original version. I have even read critics and reviews from Japan.     The original author Yoshito Usui before beginning his career as a mangaka worked at a shop called Darakuya store. The founder and owner of the store was Shinnosuke Nikaidō. In 1987, he started his mangaka career by creating a manga called “Darakuya Store Monogatari” inspired by his experiences, which got published in the magazine Weekly Manga Action. Shinnosuke Nikaidō was one of it's characters and the manga depicted his growing up from a boy to becoming the store owner. The then editor i...
           का Independence Day of India   On August 15, 1947, residents of India had gained independence from British rule. This is the national festival of India. On this day, the Prime Minister of India, every year, the Red Clint Let us address the country from the ramparts. In the leadership of Indian National Congress (INC), in the Indian independence movement 0 people participated in the non-violent resistance and civil disobedience Adolon'0. After independence, what is the British India Empire divided on religious basis, in which India and Pakistan emerged? After the partition, both the countries are playing 'Hugs in countries'. Gone and communal violence 3 Due to the nearly 1.5 million people displaced from one country to another 15 अगस्त, 1 947 के दिन भारत के प्रथम प्रधानमत्री', जवाहर लाल नेहरू ने, दिल्ली में लाल क्लिं के लाहौर गेट के ऊपर भारतीय राष्टीय ध्वज मेल्हराया । इस दिन को झडा' पल्हराचै के समारोह, परेड और सास्कृतिक' आयो...