Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jealousy rears its ugly head

So I told the coworker who has been treating me badly about my new job this morning. She said, "What makes you think YOU can do HR work?" That was it She ignored me most of the day except to make another rude comment about how I won't be going to the seminar I have been helping with if I was training someone. I said, "That's my last day. . .that's not my concern. I'm going to the training and going home." Everyone just looked at me with shocked looks on their faces. She is one of those people who are miserable in her life and she hates to see someone else do well. It's as though the smaller I get and the happier I become. . .the meaner she is to me. Is this jealousy? My other coworkers were shocked today too when she sent me an email telling me (not asking) to make sure I clean my desk today and put everything away because it bothers her that my personal things are out when she does the mail for me when I'm gone. I'm going to be out on Monday. The good thing is that the next three weeks will go by very quickly and when all is said and done. . . I will be off to start a career with better pay than she makes. . . and she will still be there. I won't have to deal with it anymore. The other job doesn't know what I looked like before. They just know me for who I am now. I feel bad for her. I really do hope that she finds a way to let some happiness in her life. Mainly. . . I'm just hoping she doesn't try to make my last three weeks miserable.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Job

I accepted the job with MediConnect Global at 40 K a year, which is a $3.50 raise for me!! It's also a profession and not just a job, which is about time for me. I'm 36 and it's time that I have something permanent that can lead somewhere. It's an HR position and after a few months if I want to, she wants to move me into an account management position!!!! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it!!! My boss isn't going to make me pay back my $5,000 tuition reimbursement, which is very kind of him because they could!!He was so happy for me and sad at the same time. I gave almost a month's notice, so I start the new job on November 24th. I will be uninsured in December and January, which is scary!! Sometimes in order to get something better, you have to be willing to take a chance!! I can't imagine God would make all this work if He didn't believe it would be better for me. I don't believe He's into punishing people just for fun!

Monday, October 20, 2008


New milestone!!! I have finally hit the 150-pound lost milestone!!! I'm so excited and it's only been nine months since surgery!!! WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Memory Grove and other stuff

I spent the morning trying to put together my team's paper for school and was so frustrated!!! I decided the dogs and I had to get out of the house and get some air. We went to a place downtown called Memory Grove. It's a beautiful nature area and there is an area of the park on the east side of the river that is an off leash dog area. It is right by the Capitol complex where I work and I often walk there during lunch breaks. My dogs had never been there until today. I was so frustrated and my car overheated on the way. All I could do was be cross with the dogs who were just excited to get out of the house. Once we got to the off leash, lush, foresty area my stress just went away!! It was so great to see the dogs explore and be happy together! I felt very blessed to have them and to live in such a beautiful state. We went off trail for quite a bit and hiked up the steep hills, across the water, etc. Toby is filthy, but he had so much fun!! Caesar was our protector when other dogs approached. It was cute because Toby tends to stay at my heels whenever he is off leash. he gets nervous and feels safe when he is by me. It's cute. Also. . . I was given a job offer for a HR position at that company. The bad news is that it is only about 93 cents an hour more, which was disappointing. I got the insurance information Friday and it is way more expensive and worse coverage!! I am going to ask for two dollars more an hour and see what they do. If they say no. . . I will just stay where I am.

Friday, October 10, 2008

LOLOLOL when people don't recognize me

I met an old coworker at my old place of employment today and no one recognized me!! It was hilarious when they greeted my old coworker (who quit there are few months ago) and just smiled at me until I explained who I was. They looked at me in shock and would immediately hug me!! It was so funny to see their faces!!! I loved every second of it. It's funny to me because I feel like the same person inside, but I realize that it is such a shock to see me 147 pounds lighter in such a short time!! I guess I would be shocked too!


I had an interview today for a management position at MediConnect Global. Honestly, I wasn't really looking for a new job because the benefits with the state are so good. I heard the MediConnect CEO speak at Orrin Hatch's Womens Conference on Monday and she was absolutely incredible!! I told her through email that I appreciate her presentation and that it was an answer to a prayer for me because I had no idea what I was going to do with a medical background when I get my communication degree. She was so motivating and really forced the idea that there really is nothing we can accomplish if we have passion. I thanked her for that and told her that if I can lose 147 pounds in eight months I can do anything!! She responded by asking for my resume! So I went in today for the interview and I think I nailed it!! I just finished an hour-long evaluation, which was more like an IQ test, complete with algebra!! I'm so exhausted because it wouldn't let me use a calculator!!!!! I forgot how to multiply fractions and I got an A- in algebra in January and I did that on the final just fine!! So, now they will think I'm stupid, but I will wait and see. Honestly, if they offer it to me I don't know what to do. What do I do about losing tuition reimbursement and possibly having to repay what the state has given me for reimbursement? There are so many what ifs. I'm in a job now where I really don't have anything to do but answer the phone and do homework. There is no challenge, no self-esteem related to what I do. This job would be incredibly important to the company and they would pay me well. I don't know if they have a tuition reimbursement, but if they offer me a job I will ask about insurance, benefits, tuition reimbursement, etc. Can I do it without reimbursement? Yes. . . I can put any extra money I make above what I have now into savings to save money to pay off the last three classes that won't be covered. I look forward to getting $577 dollars every five weeks though!! Anyone have any advice for me??? I could use some because I'm scared.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ahhh. . . Puppy

Isn't Toby adorable?? He was so fascinated by the camera on the laptop. He kept posing for one picture after another!! So I'm 147 pounds gone and I walked four miles today. I'm hoping I can hit 150 by Monday!! Wouldn't that be cool to hit that milestone at only eight months postop???? My coworker finally has decided to stop hating me, which is nice. It's finally civil at work and it makes it so the days aren't painful anymore. It really makes for a long day when you aren't getting along with someone. Honestly, I still have no idea what I really did wrong so I guess I don't have to worry about it. If you're reading this. . . hope you're doing well.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Healing and feeling old. . . LOL

So. . . I will be 36 on Sunday and I am so happy that I will be 145 pounds lighter this year than last year. My birthday wish last year was that I would be smaller by my 36th birthday. It's amazing though that the more weight I lose the more my back hurts!!! I went to physical therapy yesterday and today, which has helped some but I thought losing weight was supposed to fix all the pain. LOL. Doctors lie!!! Also, most of you know that I am a student. I was told that my student loan limits were going to be reached before I was done with classes and I was really worried about how I was going to come up with $6,000!!!! I don't want anything to stop me from graduating this time. My ex stopped me last time when I lost ex's second income and had to leave school so close to graduation. You guys also know that I am a firm believer in prayer. It doesn't matter if you go to church or not, prayers are answered. I prayed that somehow there would be a way to help me graduate. Yesterday, I was told that the government increased the loan limits from 47,000 dollars to 57,000 dollars!!! So. . . now I will only have to pay for about two classes (3,000) and if I save all my tuition reimbursement, I will have enough!!!! My coworker is being quite difficult lately. It seems that she is a huge control freak and is trying to control me as well (since I am the peon in the office, I am the easiest target). It's been exhausting to be around someone who not only doesn't communicate well in general, but who now is upset that I weigh less than her and that I am happy. It's as though she wants me to be miserable like her and I hate being around people like that. We are on day seven of the silent treatment right now and I can't stand it. She's 50+ and acts like she's 12. My only feeling of sanity comes from knowing that I will graduate and leave there to something better. Some day I will ahve a graduate degree and she will be an insurance adjuster who couldn't find an insurance job and is still working as a secretary!!! Her husband can't (or won't) find a full-time job so she has a lot of stress, but it isn't my fault.