Thursday, June 26, 2008


WE watched a video in class last night and the guy on the video said to focus on the good things in your life so you have energy to fix the things that are wrong. I really like that thought. Also. . . we cannot see things until we believe in them. Our own personal vision is more powerful than anything else and can bring about amazing change in our lives. On that note .. . the governor announced his new work schedule for state workers. Four ten hour shifts and Fridays off. I LOVE IT, except that I have school Wednesdays at 6 pm and I won't get off work until 6 pm. I might have to switch to online classes in order to finish, but they are a little more expensive. So. . . focus on the things that are going right. . . for strength to fix the rest. I'm going to try it. Things going right: Weight loss; Two great dogs I love; Great family; A roof over my head; A car that is working; A job that pays for my life; The ability to earn my degree; being alive. Whenever I turn my cell phone on, it says "today is a great day to be alive." I realize it and believe it. So. . . it WILL be a great day to be alive . . . if I MAKE it so. It's up to each of us to make a life out of whatever we have been given.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A little improvement

I stuck to my own business today at work and just tried to be friendly with everyone. I think it paid off. The women were fairly decent to me today and one of them actually chatted with me on the way out to the car. Ever tried Spitz brand sunflower seeds?? You should try them. I bought a bag and I noticed that some dill flavored seeds were mixed in with my salted. I emailed the company just to let them know. They sent me six bags of seeds, four bags of just the seeds without the shell, two bags of pumpkin seeds and a tshirt!! Talk about customer service!!! I also wrote my paper for school while I was at work. I am so grateful to have a job that allows me to do homework. Honestly, who gets to do that?? I don't think it's a very good paper though and I'm not sure what to do about it at this point. I'm just glad it's done! My school team was supposed to get me their portions of our outline yesterday by 9 pm. I didn't get some until today and the final submission wasn't sent in until today at 6 pm. It is due tomorrow! I am a little frustrated and from now on. . . the one who turns it in the latest after the deadline gets to do the editing. At lunch today, this really nice black guy I always say hello to asked me out. LOLOL. It's kind of strange how this seems to be happening. I honestly don't think I should date coworkers but there is nothing wrong with making friends. M

Monday, June 23, 2008

Well. . . today was uncomfortable at work. I honestly said fewer than 10 words to any of the women in the office. I'm telling you. . . they are having issues with me losing weight. They liked me better as fat Michelle. Now. . . I'm starting to look better and it is probably difficult for one that she is now the biggest woman in the office. I wish I could find a job that paid as well somewhere else. Honestly, the same women are everywhere. THey just have different names. I have decided that I need to remind myself that I am just there to get a paycheck so I can go home, where my life is. Governor Huntsman is announcing his new energy plan for employees this week. Stay tuned. We think he is going to announce four, ten hour shifts per week to save employees money on gas. For single parents, I wonder how they are to find a daycare that will stay open until 7 pm or later?? I know my dog's daycare doesn't stay open that late, but I hope to be able to take school days as my day off during the week!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I survived

My brother took me on the hike this morning and it was tough. I was so impressed with how in shape my brother is!! He has worked hard to lose weight and I'm proud of him. He was also very patient with me, which was surprising. I haven't learned how to fuel my body now that my food is limited. He kept trying to get me to eat a power bar, but it had 16 grams of sugar!!! I wasn't sure how often you're supposed to eat something while hiking, etc. I did really well and then I was having to stop every ten feet or so and I knew I was spent of energy. We turned around at that point. It felt good though, because I hiked farther than I did last weekend!!! My legs don't hurt yet so I'm hoping that continues. Did you know that there are flies that BITE? Those little bastards bit me on the hike. There were flies everywhere!! My shoulders are crazy sore from my massage yesterday!! I am also dreading going back to work tomorrow with the witches!!! AARGH. I should get hazard pay for working with them. Another day pretending that I don't care about them being jerks. . . make it through another week so I can have time away from them.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


You will probably read about my dogs so I thought I should post some pictures. 
My older dog is a Westie mix (white dog) named Caesar and he is 13 years old. He's a great friend and I can't imagine life without him. The puppy was a new addition, Toby (Shih Tzu). He is five months old and our stomachs are the same age since I had surgery two days after he was born!!
Toby, Caesar and I went to a charity event for No More Homeless Pets in Utah last month.  It is called Strut Your Mutt.  The last time I went I was so heavy I couldn't walk Caesar around the park with the other dogs, so my brother had to walk him around for me.  THIS YEAR  I walked both dogs around and we had a great time.  

First post

This is my before picture!! Look at all the chins! I can't believe I'm actually a blogger now. Who knew I could be high tech enough to do it. Well. . . on January 18, 2008, I had gastric bypass surgery at St. Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City. I weighed 370 pounds and was miserable, in pain, and at 35 years old I figured I wouldn't live to see 40. It is five months later and I have lost 107 pounds!!! I feel so great and can exercise without pain for the first time in years. My body is just shrinking like crazy. The drawback: People treat me different. It seems that some people, like some coworkers, preferred me bigger, as now I am smaller and feeling better. I actually get told I am pretty. I'm single, no kids, in school and have a great life ahead of me. For some of them, their lives suck and I think jealousy has reared its ugly head. I can't really worry about it, I guess, though it does make my days long and emotionally draining to have to deal with the silent treatment from women who are twenty years older than I am. So. . . if you are reading this, welcome to my blog. I'll do a few of them to kind of catch you up to today. M