Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Cute little story... Last night my feet were SO cold. I was almost asleep and I said to my sweetheart (1/2 sleeping)"if you love me, you'll get me some socks to put on" Well, when I woke up this morning, I had a pair of my husbands socks on :) He slipped a pair of HIS socks on me. CUTE! That little act of service from my love, has warmed my heart all day today. We had such a good year last year. DATE your spouse!!! I promise, it really is key to a successful marriage. I love my guy, I really do :) Here's to a wonderful 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Cast Removal

4 weeks later, we finally get this thing off :) Lindsey sure is a goof off. Look at her....

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Broken Wrist

Our sweet little Whit Whit broke her wrist last week :( She took a tumble down the stairs and sure enough, it was broken in TWO places. She's a tough girl and LOVES her new pink cast. Should be an interesting dance recital and opening Christmas gifts :)

Thanks uncle Matt for the cute drawing of Hello Kitty!!

Friday, December 14, 2012

We had an AWESOME Thanksgiving this year. I love it when my family gets together and makes memories. Our house was full and I loved every minute of it. We went swimming, had a dutch oven dinner, watched our favorite "Home Alone" and the gag gift party...WAS INSANE!!! My brother added a new game to the already gut busting time. I didn't want the weekend to end. Love my family so much!!!

See what Lindsey decided to wear to Thanksgiving Dinner....her bathing suit...Ha Ha

Love you crazy fools!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


It snowed A TON out here this weekend!  Nothing like hot tubbin with my main squeeze while the snow chilled our bubbly.  (Matt and I's toes look naaaaasty!  Ha Ha)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

You've had a Birthday shout Hooray! We want to sing to you today! One year older and wiser too...Happy Birthday To YOU! 
The big 5 happened at our house!  Time sure does fly and we love every minute with this sweet little girl.  She is joy to have in so many way.  Love you sweet Whitney!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was awesome this year! This year we had a cute little Dalmatian (most people thought she was a cow) and a gorgeous Mermaid! The weather was amazing and the folks of our little town go all out! We are talking full size candy bars, cans of soda, homemade root beer, grilled hot dogs, hot chocolate, just to name a few. Its so much fun and the girls had a great time!

Cute treats my sister made the girls!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Poor girl

My poor little sweetheart had her adenoids removed this week. First big surgery! I think I was a tad bit more nervous than she was. She did great and is almost back to herself. I'm grateful for prayers, priesthood blessings, Diet Coke, great nurses and doctors, Grandma for sending cute movies to watch afterwards, popsicles from Steph, phone calls from cute cousins in TX and Stella! (she made Whit a cute little blanket and good luck card) Glad its over!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lindsey starts dance

My little sweetheart started dance.  It's hard to believe she's almost 3 years old!  Where does the time go.  I love to watch her twirl and whirl and be the cutest little 24 lb ballerina. I try to not get beside myself that I don't have a new born or at least a little one growing inside of me.  I try really hard to focus on what I do have and enjoy every min of each day with my little girls.  They truly bring me the most joy in my life.  My motto all year has been to "Trust in the Lord" and for the most part it has brought me a lot of peace about things.  It's not easy and I  I think I'll always be a tad sensitive when it comes to "fertility" or lack thereof subject, but you know... Life is good

Saturday, September 15, 2012

slow cooker meals

Boy, do I have a treat for you...if anyone even still looks at this blog :)  I found a yummy new website called
Six Sisters Stuff and they have 8 slower cookers meals you can make in one hour!!  She made it super easy and provided the recipes, pictures and even a shopping list!!  It was SO fun to make and literally took and hour..well, maybe a little longer, but not much longer.  This is what I made:
Slow Cooker BBQ Spareribs
Black Bean Taco Soup
Chicken Broccoli Alfredo
Chicken Cacciatore
French Dip Sandwiches
Hearty Beef Stew
Maple Dijon Glazed Chicken
Cilantro Lime Chicken with Corn and Black Beans 

You can find everything you need HERE
Happy Prepping!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Date Night is Back On!!

After taking the summer off from our monthly Date Nights, we decided to get the ball rolling again in September. I decided on a "chocolate" themed get together and we ate until our stomachs hurt! Good times. Love spending that time with my hubby. Date nights have been SO good for us. I married a good man and I'm glad he's mine

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Behind in Blogging...

I've been a little behind in blogging! Now that preschool, dance etc has started, I think we are back into a routine and the blogging will start up again. We had a wonderful 4th of July. My sister hosted and boy was it nice to sit back and let someone else do all the planning. Loved it!! Thanks Steph for having us.

Awesome cake my sis made!

This was another one of our crazy Stoker adventures we took this summer. 

How fast can you drive on the Salt Flats??  VERY FAST!!!!