Thursday, August 30, 2012

Behind in Blogging...

I've been a little behind in blogging! Now that preschool, dance etc has started, I think we are back into a routine and the blogging will start up again. We had a wonderful 4th of July. My sister hosted and boy was it nice to sit back and let someone else do all the planning. Loved it!! Thanks Steph for having us.

Awesome cake my sis made!

This was another one of our crazy Stoker adventures we took this summer. 

How fast can you drive on the Salt Flats??  VERY FAST!!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What do you think of my new decor?

Do you love it as much as I do? I LOVE it! I've been working on this space for a while and I'm excited with how it came together. Just need an updated family picture. Now, moving on to my next project :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Not again....

I think we've had enough already :(

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Crazy Stoker Adventure

What an awesome summer we have had! Lot's and Lot's of fun. Where do I begin? Elle turned 10. TEN!! How did that happen? She's turning into such a delightful young women. She's such a cute addition to our family and we love her so much.  The little girls adore her!  It's still weird to have conversations with her about bra's, boys, and drama :) Crazy how time flies

We recently just got back from a crazy long road trip!  I think we covered 9 states.  Our first stop was Martin's Cove in WY.  Pretty humbling to learn more about the Mormon Pioneers. 
There was a black smith there and he made the girls rings out of horse shoe nails

Next Stop was Winter Quarters in Nebraska.  Couldn't pass up a Triple D!!

Crazy how unattractive this state is...the temple is just up from this street.  Weird huh?!

Did you know the Winter Quarters Temple is built right on top of where many pioneers are buried?
Pretty amazing to take my little family to such holy grounds.  It's so peaceful and reverent here.  So incredible what happened here and what will happen here in the future.....

Final destination TEXAS.  It was actually good to be back in the state that has so many good/bad memories for me :)  We loved visiting Maggie's family.  I wish I got more pictures of all the cousins together.  We had SO much fun

Dallas Temple
Call me a dork, but I dragged my family to Glenn Beck's Restoring Love event at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium.  It was wonderful!!  Full of wonderful history lessons, stories of service, and reminding us what our founding father's set up for us.  I have such a love for the constitution and a love for our country.  Even during these difficult times, we are so blessed.  I worry about the future, I pray for our future and the leaders of this country and I pray we will always be able to enjoy our freedoms

Elle tried to make the car ride fun with all her little tents and forts.  As a child we traveled all over the world.  We were constantly in the car!  My siblings and I have some great memories in the car :)  Trying to touch my dads head/neck/shirt etc without him feeling it.  The person that got yelled at lost!!!  Ha Ha  Or there's always "Presents" my sister and I would find trash/food/candy on the floor and wrap them up (with other trash of course) and exchange gifts!  We got pretty funny let me tell ya!

What a great trip.  I sure do love my little family.  So, glad Matt took a much needed break from work and spent some good quality time.  Can't wait for our next Crazy Stoker Adventure!!!