Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Christmas/Birthday Wish List

Let the inner BRAT reveal herself.....

Dear Santa,

This year has not been good.  I thought last year was bad, but this one tops it. 2012....will you be any better?  Keeping a close look on world events and my gut tells me NO.  I realize these are worldly items to wish for, but sometimes they help with all the crap life throws at you.  See what you can do, will ya

1.  Taylor Swifts new perfume
2.  I'd really love a flash mob REALLY bad.  I think everyone deserves one of these
Song Preference:  Moves Like Jagger~Maroon 5
Just the way you are~Bruno Mars
Without you~David Guetta and Usher
ITS FUN TO DREAM...........................................................................
3.  Beach Cruiser
4.  Child seat so Lindsey can ride with me
5.  Tickets to the Ellen show (Santa, I've been asking for these for at least 3 years now)
6.  Gift Certificate to here
7.  New purse
8.  New phone...need one BAD
9.  Greg Olsen Paiting

P.S. I've been a good girl...I PROMISE

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
My little Pilgrims

Blessing Mix
Free Printable from HERE

Monday, November 21, 2011

A package for me??

Best Day EVER!!!
I have a girl from Germany that follows my blog.  I have never met her, but she is the sweetest girl and her English is really good!  She sent my little family a package today and inside where the BELOVED smurfs!!!!  I tell you, these are my FAVORITE gummy candy in the world.  Monique, THANK YOU SOOOOOOO much!!!!
Who knew how much happiness a little blue guy could bring to a small town  girl in Utah!  I miss Europe!!!  Looks like I will be going back in 2012!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little bit of Randomness...

Not much to say on this post...Lets just say Halloween was one that we will NEVER forget!  And hopefully never repeat!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 @ 11:11 am

What will you be doing at this time on this day? I will be taking Lindsey to get this thing (Calcium Nodule) cut out of her foot! This will be the 4th attempt. If the Pediatric Dermatologist can't get it today, then surgery it is. Poor girl. Its never ending for her.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Not so good family pictures......

Looks like there won't be any Christmas cards AGAIN from the Stokers.....Sorry
*Photographer offered us a free future session. The lens she rented didn't work. Hence the fuzzy/blurry look and the sun in our face*

Monday, November 7, 2011

Whitney's Friend Party

I'm about partied out!!! I'd say this little girl had the best birthday ever!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wonderful Song

Grab a tissue, you're gonna need it!

Thank you Christy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Whitney!!!

Happy Birthday Whitney and Emily!!!!
One of my favorite things in life was being pregnant the same time as my sister! Fun times and still are. The girls are only 2 weeks apart (Emily 2 weeks older) so my sister and I decided to throw the girls a double Halloween Birthday Party. Seriously, DANG FUN! We have been working so hard the last couple months to pull this thing off. I'm SOOOOO happy with they way it all came together. So fun to have Adam come up with his kids, Grandma and Papa Lipstick come up (Whitney has always called my mom "Grandma Lipstick" cause she's always looking pretty:-) ) A ton on my sisters family came up too. What a great time we had!  Enjoy the following million pictures:-)

How cute is this cake???!  My sister made it!  She's amazing

My sister made these cute little guys too!
Whitney's cake...nope, I didn't make it

Loving the orange soda mustache!
Elle made these cute flip flops for Whit
Funny story behind these vintage jammies!  We saw them in a store and she wanted them SO BAD.  Like on the verge of a tantrum want them.  I kept saying no, they are too expensive ($30 bucks...YIKES) She started making me promises, trying to compromise and then....she says "OK, Mom....I will take the YELLOW ONES" in a disgusted/last ditch effort/like she would settle for the ugly colored one!  Hilarious I tell ya!  We went home, I found a coupon, went back, purchased them and I'm afraid she'll never wear anything else ever again!!!!!  Ha Ha
Dear Sweet Whitney,

The day you were born, was the very best day of my life.  I waited so long to have you and I can't thank you enough for picking me to be your mom.  You bring so much joy to me.  You make us laugh, you are so very kind,  tender hearted , wonderful sister, spiritual, and a complete joy to be around.  I hope you had a wonderful 4th birthday.  I love you sweet heart.


Cake from HERE
Paper decor from HERE
Some of my ideas from HERE
Beautiful decorated Oreo cookies HERE