Thursday, July 28, 2011

Have you ever...


*I had my first one at Ricks College on a date many years ago*

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good Times With the Family

We had such a wonderful time with my family this weekend. It was so fun to meet Charlotte and what a great addition she will make to our fun family. We laughed, ate, bowled, ate, played games, ate, went to temple square, ate, saw HP7, and ATE (Hence the reason I look 42 months pregnant in these pictures...I'M NOT PREGNANT BY THE WAY! I wish I were, but I'm not.  Thank you Charlotte,Grandma Lipstick and Papa for coming.  We LOVE YOU!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh, No You Didn't

Oh, YES WE DID!!!!!
 My future sister-in-law is visiting us from England.  We LOVE her!!!  If she can dress up with us to go see HP7, you know she's a keeper!  We are dorks, but boy did we have fun!!!

Just a little after party!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cutest Project Ever

My sweet little Lindsey is going to be turning two years old before I know it. (Well, not until December. For ME however, that is practically next week!) Don't get in the way a planner I tell ya! Anyway, I saw this adorable idea from HERE and knew I had to make these awesome, vintage looking things and make them the theme for her second birthday. I am thrilled to say the least how they turned out!

Cute project, bad photography...oh well!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend!
I have some fun projects I've been working on. Sneak Peak next week!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Elle's Gift to me

At the beginning of the Summer Elle was able to take a trip to Europe with her mom. On this side of her family we tend to have several family quirks. One being that we LOVE the movie "Home Alone" (the very first one.) Anyway, one of the lines from the movie is "Bring me back something French!" As she was leaving our home, knowing we wouldn't see her for the next 2 1/2 weeks, I waived goodbye and said to her "bring me back something French" She gave me that funny smile and I knew she knew why I said it:-)
Little did I know that she would take it to heart! Elle brought us all back something from her heart. Each little gift she brought back was well thought of and matched perfectly with our likes/personality. It brought tears to my eyes when I opened up my gift. It was a beautiful vintage/lacy scarf. I LOOOOOOOVE it. She really has a heart of gold and I love her.
Gummy Smurfs are a European FAVORITE on my side. We order them from Germany every year for Christmas and to my wonderful surprise she brought us back some!!!!!!

Thank you Elle

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Elle

I cannot believe Elle is 9 years old! It seems like just yesterday I was meeting her for the first time (when she was 15 months old) I love this little girl. Its not always easy having a blended family, but we are always trying to work together to make things work and I think we've done a pretty good job. I love to tell Elle that she may not have grown in my tummy, but she grew and continues to grow in my heart.
This year I asked if she was game for letting me surprise her with the "Theme" She was all for it! I knew if I told her I was thinking of throwing her a lizard party she would be like "uhhh, I'm not sure about that, that sounds like a party for a boy" She was thrilled to say the least! She even told me that she wants me to throw all of her parties even when she's married. I told her that I didn't think her hubby would like that and she said TOUGH! Funny girl

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 04, 2011

The Feast

The Kids

The Fun
We had a lot of fun this 4th of July.  Lots of family, games and fun.  I think this is the 1st 4th of July that I was cold!  The weather was awful, but we didn't let that stop the days events.