Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Princess Festival

Picture overload to the MAX

This is a treat for the Grandparents! The girls had a wondeful time at the festival. They were so excited to get pictures and autographs from the "Real" princesses. They think this was fun?? I can't wait to see what they think of Disney Land one day.

These next 3 pictures CRACK me up!

I LOVE this pictures of Linds.  She is Hilarious

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Nights At Our House

We just picked our first bunch of Strawberries from our garden. I new exactly what I wanted to do with them....ZOKU!!!! I got this nifty little gadget for Christmas and I was so excited to get it out. All I can say is PUT THIS ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST FOR THIS YEAR! Oh, so worth it! We made strawberry banana ones. I can't wait to try other flavors. As my cute friend said recently....yes, "LIFE IS GOOD"

Friday, June 24, 2011

Off to the Princess Festival

We are off to the Princess Festival! More pictures later

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Grandma

Dear Grandma,

Thank you soooooo much for the cute little package you sent us. We LOVED it. Today we went swimming and wished you were here. Can't wait to see you and Papa in a few weeks!! We sure love you. MARCH, MARCH, MARCH, MARCH!!!!

Whitney and Lindsey

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

We actually celebrated Father's Day last week because Elle is out of town this weekend. We had a wonderful weekend and I think Matt had a great day. Here are some pictures of our day as a family. We love you Matt and we are thankful for all you do. You are such a good dad!!

These are on my list to make today after church. Along with another one of Matt's favorite meals "Capreses"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

We love Herriman Days!

Herriman Days

Movie at the Park
Popcorn, Blankets, Treats
Getting home LATE
Lots of Candy
Lots and Lots of Fun

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My first 12x12

1.  Yard work...YUCK
2.  Me in funny glasses
3.  My new bowl that I'm in love with
4.  Whitney in funny glasses
5.  Pleated pillow I made (photo credit from HERE)
6.  Thinking about going for this hair style...soon
7.  Elle's cute Birthday invitations
8.  Matt in funny glasses
9.  Lindsey in funny glasses
10.  Whitney's first jeep ride
11.  Whitney's last dace recital
12.  Desserts I want to make for the 4th of July

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I love her.....

Words cannot express how much I love this little girl of mine.  She is just about the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me (besides Lindsey of course!)  There is something really special about Whitney.  I'm convinced that she was something big before she came to Earth, something really important.  I've felt this way for quite some time now.  The veil is thin for her and she says and does things that make me so honored that she picked me to be her mom.  I have to have faith that the things I teach her will be enough to help her stay on the path that leads her back to our Heavenly Father.  It gives me a better understanding of how much my Heavenly Father loves and feels about each of us.  I love you sweet girl.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Take a stand

I don't really want to get political here...BUT I support Israel. 
As the world turns on them, I still keep them in my Prayers.
I've never been good with words to explain just how I feel about this issue, but I did find this BLOG and she says it perfectly.  Please read

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh Ya!

I take "Soccer Mom" to a whole new level!!!

It was my turn for Soccer treats.  Hope the kids liked it!