Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some people's kids.....

Meet....... LESLIE

Yes, we were informed this week that Whitney now wants to be called "Leslie"  She really has an amazing personality and I love her for it.  She's even been known to make up her own words....

Jellish:  usually used when something is shiny, sparkly, or fancy ie.  "Oh, that so jellish"
Bastey:  Usually used instead of saying something is cool ie. "That's totally bastey"

Love this girl of mine!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Home Schooling??

What are your thoughts on Home Schooling?  Have I been thinking about it, yes.  Do I really want to home school, do I have the brains to do it, do I have the patience to do it.....  NO, then why do I keep having these nagging thoughts that I should look into it?  Whitney is in Preschool right now and LOVES it.  Her teacher loves her and even favors her a little. She lights up when I tell her its time for school.   I feel good and feel like she is safe when I drop her off.    Why would I want to deny her of that?  I know the pros and cons, trust me.   Maybe its that thing called "Agency" that frightens me.  I know my kids need to make their own choices without mommy stepping in, but sometimes (ok, always) I want to shield them for as long as possible.  Its been a nightmare for me to even get pregnant and have my little girls and who knows if I will be able to have anymore (that breaks my heart unlike anything)  I guess I just can't handle handing them over to the world.  Things are different these days.  Down right scary.  I'm not old, but when I was little I use to ride my bike downtown to the candy store with a friend.  I use to walk to school.  Would I ever let me kids do either of those things now NO WAY!  Anyway, these are my thoughts today.  I guess its a good thing I have a couple years to figure this one out.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I love these guys!

I really love these two sweet girls!  I'm SO glad they are mine!
*Love these cute skirts!  Thank you Aunt Stephanie!*

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Grandma

Happy Birthday Grandma. I think you are so very BEAUTIFUL from the inside out!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Crafty Part III

I made Whitney a Headband Holder!

I'm on a roll people!  I have another to show tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best Banana Bread EVER

If you love Bananas like I will LOVE this recipe!

Stephanie’s Best Banana Bread
or go HERE for more yummy recipes!

1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature

1 cup sugar

2 cups mashed banana (approximately 4 large bananas)

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

2 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom

1/2 cup buttermilk*

1/3 cup chopped hazelnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In the bowl of a mixer, cream the butter and sugar. Add the mashed bananas and mix; then add the eggs, one at a time, and mix. Finally, add the vanilla and give the mixer a turn one more time.

In a separate bowl mix the flour, baking soda, sea salt, cinnamon and cardamom with a whisk. Add the dry ingredients to the banana mixture and mix. Then, pour in the buttermilk and mix until just blended. Last, fold in the chopped hazelnuts, before pouring evenly into loaf pans. This recipe makes one large loaf and 2 mini loaves, or 4 mini loaves.

Place in preheated oven for 35-45 minutes, depending on the size of the loaf and on your oven (it’s best to keep tabs on the bread as I’ve noticed different ovens make for different cooking times). When a knife inserted comes out clean (no batter, just crumbs), then the bread is done. Once this happens, cook the loaves, in their pans, for 10 minutes on a wire rack. Then, release the loaf from the pan (by turning the loaf over) and allow the banana bread to cool completely. Enjoy! It’s excellent with butter or even a little cream cheese.

* If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, opt for this easy substitution. Place 1 tablespoon white vinegar into a liquid measuring cup. Add enough milk to equal one cup. Allow the liquid to sit at room temperature, on the counter, for at least 10 minutes.
Share and Enjoy:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Crafty Part II

I think it turned out great!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Feeling Crafty

I was feeling crafty this weekend so I made this!

Nat, great minds think a like!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year, I'm ALIVE!!!!

We brought in the New Year by going Roller skating!  Way too fun!!!

Yes, I survived 2010...barely!  Only my close friends know that I have dreaded the year 2010 since I was 12 years old.  Ya, you read that right, 12 years old.....Why?  When I was 12 years old my sister and I went and spent a week at my Grandma and Papa's house for a week.  We always had lots of fun eating Grandmas hot dogs (my grandma didn't cook!), going out to eat to "all you can eat buffets" and getting to see my first major crush....Brian Gardner!  Anyway, that summer, while visiting my grandparents I had a dream.  It was a very detailed dream and in it I died.  When I died I was with my Heavenly Father and it was the neatest feeling being with him.  Unlike any earthly feeling I can describe.  He told me it wasn't my time and that I needed to go back to earth and that he would see me in the year 2010.  When I woke up, I was a little freaked out to say the least.  I tried not to think about it too often, but how could I not?  2010 did seem like forever away.  I wondered if I would really pass away that year or if the 2nd coming would be that year.  Well, in a blink of an eye the dreaded year came.  To say I was cautious is an understatement!  I didn't go on vacation, on a plane, I didn't even like going in car.  I prayed everywhere I went that me, my family and my surroundings would be blessed with safety.  
So, here it is now 2011 and I survived...literally.  I don't know if the dream meant anything at all or if it was just that, a dream.  What I do know is that I needed the Lord probably the most I've ever needed him last year.  Let's be honest...2010 was HORRIBLE.  The birth of Lindsey brought us quite a scare, we almost lost our home to a HUGE fire, another scare with Lindsey's new found food allergies, and the disappointment that has come with 2 expensive fertility failures.  The pain has been almost unbearable at times.  There are lots of other things that happened that brought my spirits to an all time low, but those are more personal.  I learned that I wouldn't literally see my Heavenly Father, but that I would have a very close relationship with him.  I can't say I enjoyed the trials, because I didn't.  I do however, treasure my relationship with my Father in Heaven.  I'm very thankful for the atonement.  I'm thankful that he carried me like he did in my dream.  I'm thankful that somehow someway these things make me better as a person and as a mom.  I'm more than ready for a new year!  2011 is going to be great!!  I'm going to start by LOSING WEIGHT!!!!!  Watch out 7 jeans, I'm going to be wearing you again!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Guess What?

Guess What??

I'm a Sunbeam!!!