Friday, September 24, 2010

My view as we were leaving Herriman

It took quite awhile to actually get out of Herriman. Once I reached Bangerter Hwy, I had to pull over and stare, cry, and worry about what we would come home too.
*Thanks Megan for the picture*

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Burned Mountain

My Friend Megan posted this picture on her blog. I'm sad for so many people. I'm so very sad for the 4 homes that were lost, but it really is a miracle that there weren't more homes destroyed. If you were here, you would know what I mean. The fire line literally stopped at almost every one's fence. I think someone was looking down and protecting little Herriman and all the families. Its a humbling experience to go through. This morning I can still see smoke rising from what used to be the Cases home. I'm devastated, heart broken. We have every news channel parked on the other side of our fence, the sound out helicopters fill the sky and the smell of smoke fills most homes. I have someone coming on Thursday to evaluate the smoke damage in our home.  Today I'm a little sad

Monday, September 20, 2010


Last night was scary....VERY scary.  Around 4:30pm I noticed a lot of smoke right behind our house.  I asked Matt if we should call 911, but he seemed to think everything would be OK.  Well, after another 30 min I started to get a little freaked out as the smoke was getting thicker and thicker.  We jumped in the car to see what was going on.  To my surprise they were blocking off EVERYTHING within 2 blocks from our house.  Panic set in and I wanted to get home.  Everything after that is like a scene from the movies.  One minute I'm in our house and the next minute Fire fighters are banging down our door screaming for us to get out immediately!  There were at least 4 fire trucks and 25 fire fighters in my driveway.  Running through our back yard, knocking down part of our fence to start fighting off the fire that was feet from our back fence.  My heart was racing.  I didn't have time to think let alone grab anything.  We were in car with our little ones and heading out of town, not knowing what would become of our home and everything in it.  Last night I didn't sleep....I prayed.  I prayed for our home, our ward family and anyone else that was in harms way.
The start of my concern......
Seeing the flames coming down the mountain toward our house at rapid speed
This home is right behind our house.  Gary Case and his wife have lost everything.  There will be no more looking out my bedroom window admiring the log cabin and listening to the horses
The home behind ours is a total loss....I am so very sad for the case family
Today I am heartbroken and thankful.  Thankful that the ones I love most are safe, thankful that I have so many friends and family that have called to check on us, cry with us and offer anything we might need.  I am still in a state of shock....I can't believe we came so close to having our home burn down.  Today I am thankful for Prayer

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Garden Score!

Going out to our Garden is like Christmas for me! I get so excited when I get to fill a bag up with delicious freshness! We go out almost daily to pick my little strawberry shortcake some strawberries. (She's obsessed with anything strawberry right now!)

Teaching her early how to can beans!  It's my very favorite thing to have stored away for my family.  Thanks Christy for teaching me this many many years ago!  I hope my girls love doing it as much as I do

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Preschool for Whitney

Oh Ya, she's ready! She could hardly sleep the night before because she was so excited! She starts out going once a week and then in January she will go 3 times a week. Its so exciting to see her grow and learn. Whitney, I hope you have the best first day of preschool! Love, Mom