Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Poor Elle

Our poor little Elle broke her arm last week. I thought I was being a cool step mom and put the sprinkler under the trampoline (that's what we did as kids) and the little dare devil was doing all kinds of tricks off the rocks on to the trampoline and slipped. So much for having the trampoline ground level! The crazy thing was, her landing didn't look any different than the 100 times before, but as soon as she got up I could see that her elbow was NOT normal. I tried not to panic. My cute neighbor Melanie watched Whitney while I rushed Elle to the ER. Her break was so bad she had to be rushed to Primary Children's in an ambulance (she thought that was super cool) and was rushed in the surgery! They had to place 3 pins in her little arm. Can you even imagine how horrible I felt?? I did feel a tiny bit better when the surgeon said this was the most common break during summer vacation for kids. He said on a busy summers day he'll do six of these types of surgeries. Why did this have to happen while I was watching her?? Ahhhh! Yesterday she got her hard cast put on (HOT PINK of course) I can't wait to to get a picture of that. I guess we learned our lesson: NO MORE MONKEY'S JUMPING OFF THE ROCKS!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Elder Christofferson says in this talk about "True Men" making sacrifices to honor his commitments. He said:"Though he will make some sacrifices and deny himself some pleasures in the course of honoring his commitments, the true man leads a rewarding life. He gives much, but he receives more, and he lives content in the approval of his Heavenly Father. The life of true manhood is the good life."
Matthew, I love you more and more each day! I'm so glad I have you to go through this crazy life of ours!! You truly are the man of my dreams!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!!!

Day #4~ They wore matching clothes :-) Day #5~ It's been raining so hard we have been playing lots of games and putting together cute little puzzles

Day #6~ Elle got an early Birthday gift...A NEW BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little support from her baby sis!

Day #7~ Elle lost her 3rd tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what the tooth fairy brings......

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wheat Pancakes

DAY #3

I made the girls the most delicious Wheat Pancakes this morning! Here is the recipe, you'll love it! It's a fabulous food storage recipe.
5c freshly ground whole wheat
4 tsp baking soda
2 tsp salt
4 T honey or sugar (I used honey)
4 cups of milk (or 1 c powder milk and 4 c water )
4 eggs
8 T oil
**You can mix all the dry ingredients and store in your pantry and then when you're ready to have pancakes add the wet ingredients.
**I also divided the recipe in half for my little family

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Air Show at Hill AFB

This was another fun day! We took the kids to see the Thunder Birds put on an amazing show at Hill AFB. It was cool to see the kids light up and think this was the coolest thing ever. This is how I was raised! We saw these shows almost every year! This was a good DAY #2

Monday, June 8, 2009

School's out for SUMMER!!

Now that school is out we have the joy of having Elle the whole month of June! We are sooooo excited. I'm going to try and post something everyday this month to track all the fun things we have planned. This is DAY #1. Elle has been SO excited to be able to pick her baby sister up from the nursery!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun with the Cousins

I took this picture from my sisters blog! Steph you really saved me last weekend, THANK YOU!
My sister watched Whitney for several hours last weekend with about 5 min notice! I always feel so good when I leave my baby with my sister. I know that Whitney is being kissed, hugged, fed, down for a nap etc. It warmed my heart to hear that all her little cousins treated her like a princess. They sang to her, pushed her around in a big tonka truck and loved on her all day! Thank you Steph for taking such good care of my pride and joy!!!!!