Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

The Stoker's

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The history of the "Running For the Hot Tub"!

The Stoker Family “Running for the Hot Tub” tradition began about 17 years ago in Brian Head, Utah. Nathan Finnigan and I were in a hot tub at a local resort, and we noticed there was balcony covered with about 3 feet of snow just outside the sliding glass door to the hot tub area. Nathan and I opened the sliding glass door and trudged around on the deck and were challenging each other to see who could stay out the longest. Soon, our antics were elevated. We started climbing over the railing of the balcony, running out in the snow below, doing snow angels, etc. A young family entered the complex and sat in the hot tub next to us. They saw what we were doing, and the young father said to his kids something like "watch your dad show these guys how it's done". Nathan and I sat there mesmerized at the scenario...we couldn't wait to see what he would do. The father opened the sliding glass door with determination and ran out onto the deck....he threw his leg over the railing with some trepidation...looked back at his wife and kids...and let out a loud scream. He hurriedly ran back towards the sliding glass door and jumped from the deck towards the Hot he leapt; he closed the sliding glass door haphazardly and landed almost on top of his little family in a "cannonball". When the splash subsided, and the initial shock of the situation was over. The young dad realized that in his race to the warmth of the Hot Tub, he had slammed the sliding glass door so hard that it had shattered into a thousand pieces. He looked at his young family with embarrassment and said "let's go". Nathan and I have enjoyed this story ever since. The Stoker's reenact this wonderful event every year with the annual "running for the hot tub" (minus the slamming of the sliding door, of course). Please view the attached photos to see Elle's snow angel and her antics. Dad's snow angel is just above hers. I can't wait till Whitney is older and can get in the mix!!!! Nathan, bring your little family to Utah to join in the fun!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Go Elle!

Elle has been really busy... Take a look at her most recent activities! Here are before and after photos of her first 5k and most recent dance recital.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's almost Christmas!!

She hates him alright! This is a picture of the picture that was taking during Whitney's visit to see Santa. We are almost ready for Christmas! The only thing left is Christmas cards (going out this week)and neighbor gifts (working on those today) and then we are set! We didn't put up our BIG tree this yr. only because I thought it would be a pain keeping Whitney out of one, why do that to myself by putting up two! Would you believe she has NOT even touched the tree? She looks and ohhh's and ahh's but won't touch! If I'd only known.

Oh, the POWER!!

Whitney started her GYMBOREE classes last week and LOVES them! She has a "Play and Learn" class and a "MUSIC" class every week. It's so neat to see her play with the other kids. She got to go to this particular class with her cousin Emily and Aunt Steph. I love the colors, cool toys and the cute little songs they sing. I LOVE being a mommy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Catch up!!

Here's a couple of pictures from Tiffanys shower I threw. I think she was a little nervous when I told her it was going to be a "bumble bee" theme, but in the end she loved it!





Thursday, December 4, 2008


We are in Las Vegas right now (forgot the camera...bummer)but having the time of our lives! I will post more when we get back. Thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes! Its funny how I'm in Las Vegas of all places and I'd rather be in my jammies hanging out with my hubby and kids! That must be one of the signs of being old. I can't believe I'm 31!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh