Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome Ava Grace!

6 lbs 10 ounces, 20 inches

We are so excited you are here!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

All 2010 photos are up!

Finished updating all the photos for 2010.

Another one of my favorite ways to view them is with Cooliris, here is a link.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

No new is good news?

Well maybe no new isn't good news on a blog, but I have started updating our 2010 photo album. I have only gone up to July 2010 so far, will be adding more until we are finally caught up to the present.

Short and sweet, we are doing well and we have a new addition to the family as of November 2011, little Olivia and another one on the way! We are excited for summer and all the fun we have planned.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Eli!

Today is Eli's 10th birthday. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. He has grown up way too quickly.

I wanted to say how much we LOVE Elijah. He is honestly one of the greatest kids I know. He has such a sweet heart, and a desire to make people comfortable and happy. He is great with our other children and loves to play with them. He has such a curiousity about how things work, and he's great at math and reading! He is really laid back and tells really funny stories.

We have had a great time the last few weeks playing soccer outside, swimming, playing the Wii and getting ready for spring. It has been fun to stregthen our family.

Eli, we love you such much. We are so grateful that you are our firstborn. We know that may be challenging for you and for us, but we wouldn't have it any other way! You are a fantastic son to us and a son of God! Don't forget that! We love you and hope you have an awesome day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Don't bother looking.....

Hello! We are alive just extremely busy. Let's see, since last time I posted we have:
Bought a home
Did some remodeling
I've been called to Primary President
We bought a dog!
I've been training for a half a marathon
Gosh, know that I'm writing this it seems like we aren't that busy but I know we were! Anyhoo, I don't have pictures because I can't remember how to do it and I don't want to take the time (I know that is bad of me.)

Just know everything is going well and at some point I will be posting a lot of pictures!

Till next year....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Photos

I just added some new photo's in the slideshow. I just like to thank Jacob and Genny for all the great pictures they took that I have added over the last few months.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Wow, how time flies. The spring and summer seems to go by faster because we have so many family birthdays and this time it's Isaac's!!

Isaac has had a lot of practice singing Happy Birthday these past few months so he was very excited to have everyone sing to him. He even likes to go around the house and sing it to himself! We have sung Happy Birthday to him at four different occasions and it is very cute to watch. He will get this half grin/smirk and then look down until we're done singing. Then when he sees cake!! Watch out! He'll go around the house yelling cake cake until he finds me, pulls me into the kitchen and then he will proceed to climb the cabinets and sit next to the cake (and then eat it). He is so funny.

Isaac is our own modern day version of the biblical Abraham and Isaac. Ben and I both felt extremely prompted to bring this little boy into the world. So what did we do? We laughed and waited about a year. Finally, I was pretty much told by higher powers to have this baby. Quickly we obeyed. This post is sounding funny and I apologize. I am running off of a total of 12 hours of sleep for the past 4 days. Well wait, you say, that's only 3 hours of sleep a night! Yes, it is, I say. 3 hours.

Anyway, I never wanted to name him Isaac, I think I wanted gosh, I can't remember what name. Ben wanted Isaac. One day I was driving home and I was again told by the man upstairs that his name was to be Isaac. Later that night I told Ben about what had happened and he said "I've known that should be his name for a long time but I was waiting for you to know." Haa haa. (Haa haa, Isaac means he who laughs and I just put the haa haa in and.....oh man, I'm losing it. I better finish up.)

Isaac was the happiest, cutest, people person baby ever. We would get stopped constantly by people telling us how beautiful he was (and we still do). He has such a great personality. We are so glad that he is in our family. Eli and Ali love to play with him. Right now they love to play hide and seek with him and dance around the house with the music blaring. Isaac loves to play with trains (Thomas of course.) Whenever I sit on the couch he will find the remote, give it to me and say "choo choo?" Unless he is speaking about trains plurally and then he will say "choo chee?" That always makes me laugh. Isaac is my monkey. He loves to climb up our cabinets and up the bunk beds. Isaac is also very sweet. He is a little more cautious then the older two and likes to have a family member close by while he tries his new tricks. He absolutely loves trucks, boats, and 4 wheelers. Many a time you will find Isaac at the farm or the cabin sitting in the garage on the 4 wheeler. Every time he hears the garbage truck he runs to the window and watches it. He just went for his first boat ride with his cousins a few weeks ago and loved it. He even went tubing! This holiday weekend we went with friends to their lakehouse and Isaac had a blast. He stayed on the beach with Ben for most of the time with his little lifejacket on and looked for fish and watched the boats and jumped on the water trampoline. Oh, he also loves suckers. He will get into my purse as often as he can and find the suckers I get from the bank. He's got a sweet tooth! Isaac also loves his family. When Ben went on a campout two weeks ago Isaac just kept wandering the house calling "daddy? daddy?" We had gone with some friends to her lakehouse and even there Isaac was walking around asking for Ben. I felt so bad for him but he was so happy when daddy came home. He is starting to talk much clearer now and he can say Eli, Ali, daddy, mama, Isabella, baby, no, mine, truck, motorcycle, Jake, boat(which sounds like boot) bye, bike, cake, bubbles(water), chicken, choo choo and that's all I can think of right now.

I am so grateful for Isaac and for all my children. He has a very special personality and he a wonderful addition to our family. If only he would sleep through the night and not try and sleep in our bed! We love him so much and can't wait to see how he will grow! We love you Isaac!