Friday, August 19, 2011








なんか...私とBFF(best friends forever)たちの中で私だけ彼氏いないって普通なことなんですけど...そんなに寂しくないけど...ペンギン

だけど...だけど...家族の中で2年下+2人1年下のいとこと負けたのはちょっと寂しくないexclamation & question



Wednesday, August 17, 2011

cerita lama

kisah ini berlaku years ago. maybe when i was 13 years old. or 12... i dont remember much, but all i do remember that it was a family trip to Kelantan. i went there with my mom, dad, sister, late grandmother and her youngest sister's family. so, ramai juga lah orang.

we went there but all hotels were fully booked. duh... school holidays. and then my grandmother's sister, (well, boleh my grandma juga lah kan...) remembered that she has a relative(her husband's side lah) who has a big house there in Kelantan. so, she called that relative of her, an old lady (let's call her "datin grandma". she was about 60 or 70 kot, that time...) and asked whether its okay for us to stay there for one night. so, we got a green light and we went to her house. yes... it was huge. lotsa rooms and each bedroom has its own toilet.

datin grandma lives alone. well, i dont know whether she's still living alone now or not.. i hope her children live with her now. although she lived alone (anak2 semua jauh2), she had a housekeeper to keep her house clean and also to take care of her. her housekeeper lived in the next house. something like guest house lah. but her housekeeper yang duduk la.

soo... while we were there, i felt like wouldnt it be lonely to live in such a big house like this although you have many children? i felt sad. i felt sorry for datin grandma. when we entered the house, she seemed so happy to see us. it was like "finally there are people who visits me". and i was glad we came. we brought our bags into the house, duduk borak2 abit with datin grandma... my grandma's sister's youngest daughter (she was 16 or 17 year old that time) dah sibuk kata kat mak dia
"i dont wanna stay here. i dont like this house. i wanna stay in a hotel room...blablablabla"
while we were still in that house. in my mind, i was like "urghhh! bisinglah perempuan ni. kalau datin grandma terdengar mesti dia terasa..."

tak sampai 2 jam...

we got a called from one of the hotels saying that they have a suite for us.

so, my grandma's sister terus kata "okay, lets go to that hotel". and then we left the house... so, tak jadi la stay dekat rumah tu. weird. pelik. weird. pelik. pelik. pelik.

call, kata nak tumpang rumah, datang, dah masuk and letak beg, dapat panggilan dari hotel, ada bilik di hotel, terus keluar dari rumah tu. all happened in less than 2 hours.

one thing had been bothering me until now is that my grandma's sister didn't plan to visit datin grandma at all but she thought of her when we couldnt get any hotel room. i felt like.. how could she do this to an old woman? rasa sangat mempergunakan that datin grandma. i mean, fine lah kan. if we all tak dapat tempat tidur, mana nak tidur untuk malam itu. but still, we went to kelantan and takkan lah tak terlintas langsung to go and visit our relatives? bukan selalu jumpa! not everyday or every raya we all go to kelantan ke apa.

seriously, i felt sooooo bad for datin grandma. i was 13 or 12. whatever i said that time, ingat those adults nak dengar ke? how would datin grandma felt that time? her face saddened when my grandma's sis told her that we got a hotel room, so we all tak jadi tumpang rumah dia. i still remember she was sitting on the stairs. looking at us going out of the house. awkward moment for me. pelik!!!! and i really hate it that i couldnt do anything about it! should have we stayed that time? i dont know. maybe i was just a little kid, i understang nothing but.... i felt so bad for datin grandma. she seemed so lonely. she seemed soo happy when she saw us. and i felt bad for leaving in just 2 hours....

you know, its like you gave a person a hope and then you took it away. humans really are selfish. maybe im selfish too. i might be. i dont know. i just might not realize it. i might be selfish for posting this story...maybe. one thing for sure most humans dont really care about others. all they think about is themselves.... sad huh?


so, kesimpulannya when you go somewhere, and you have the chance to visit your relatives or friend, go and visit them. or at least tanya khabar. jangan datang kat mereka bila you're in trouble je. it's not nice. in my opinion, it's really rude. or kalau nak mintak tolong pn, never ever mengarah orang. contoh macam you went somewhere, and suddenly tak dapat cari place to stay for the night. so, teringat ada kawan duduk kat area tu. bila call, jangan kata like this "hmm, boleh bagi kunci rumah skarang tak? aku ada kat sini tapi tak jumpa hotel la right now," especially when you're not so close with that person. orang yang kamu minta tolong tu might felt sad, hurt, and so on. of course she/ he would say "sure, you can bunk in here" with a smile, but you never know dalam hati dia rasa macam mana. and never ignore the existence of that tuan rumah. speak with that tuan rumah, borak2, cerita about anything. be friendly. so that tak lah sedih sangat that tuan rumah tu. coz he/she is helping you! so, appreciate! express that appreciation towards him/her. at least try to make that person that helped you, smile.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ramadhan in summer is the best!

hey... siapa kata berpuasa semasa musim panas tak best? i mean, of course it's super hot and humid (lebih kurang macam di Malaysia je...but super more humid la) but, the best part of summer in Japan is: bunga api! yeay!!!

so..... yesterday, i went out with my friends. after dinner, we went to Aeon and bought ourselves bunga api/ hanabi! hehehe.

i texted some of my 4th year seniors if they would like to join us (coz they usually go back home around 8 pm...) and 2 of them came! well actually 3.. but one ran away coz he said he was hungry and please let him goooooo (he was practically

then we played the hanabi! it was fun!!! thanks to my beloved camera, we got to take these pictures: (im not really good at this but... tengok je la!)

Oku_ _ and Kai_ _

oh well, you can read this one

our university~~


so, its summer and its Ramadhan at the same time. rasa macam bulan puasa di Malaysia pula. hehe. feels like singing lagu raya~

Sunday, July 31, 2011

i wanna wear hakama too....

bad news for all....
i got injured again last week and still recovering...
dont worry, its not that bad. just fractured my toe a little bit. oh. and displaced abit...
it happened last saturday when i was practicing aikido and my partner accidently fell on my feet. and i it was not even painful that time. but that night, when i was putting on my shoes, my feet hurt soo much! it was weird because if it was a bruise, my skin must had already turned blue-black-purple. so i was kinda anxious about it.

so, i went to see the doctor (again.....) and had to take an x-ray of my left feet.. its still july and that was my 4th x-ray this year! bad luck. a bad luck. not because im clumsy or accident prone as SOMEONE said i am... i hoped that he wouldnt come to today's practice! well, he usually skip the practice because he's a graduate student.... too busy i guess... anyways, he came................ thank god he didnt gave me a lecture about my injured leg! when he asked me "what happened?" his face was half concerned and half amused. he made the "told u so" face.... quite annoyed by that...

anyways, back to the topic. about hakama. i think ive posted something about hakama already... last year... i guess. but come on, hakama is soooo cool! i've been watching Samurai X since i was in primary school!! and hakama is sooo cool!!! that's one of the reason why i joined the aikido club here.. hakama.

and because of my injury, i couldnt join the practice as in really practicing, so all i did was watching my friends doing the aikido. *sigh*

i cant sit still. so it was a great thing that i brought my beloved camera along. i shot a few pictures. some of them were really cool- i mean the photos.

then, i also took this photo.. no, im not a stalker. or i am? who cares.

hakama is soo cool. i wanna wear hakama too. the girls could already wear hakama though... i wonder why they didnt give us the hakama... (well, we have to buy it actually) i wonder how would i look in a hakama? cool or not? i hope i would look cool. i'll work hard to get my hakama! im so jelous of this guy up here. *sigh* he looked soooooo good in hakama. i wish i could wear it too now...(no, i cant steal it from him. reason 1: he's wayyyy taller than me. my height is just about his shoulder... reason 2: there is his name embroidered on it... *sigh*)

oh well, thats all for now~ i'll write again after i finish these 4 papers... :
industrial mechanics, thermodynamics, material dynamics and fluid dynamics.

Monday, July 18, 2011

wakamiya commercial high

it has been more than a month since i posted anything here. too busy to do anything.

oh well, lets just go on with the post.

last saturday was my last day of teaching English & Malaysia Language at Wakamiya Commercial High School. although i only taught them 3 times, it was fun. these students are going to visit Malaysia and Singapore next week- homestay.

it did changed my schedule than the usual ones- waking up early on Saturdays...XD

so, as you can see down here, there are a few pictures of them practicing the bon odori.

it was such a memorable experience for me as i it was my very first time doing it! it was fun! the students are good and they learn fast too! im sooo going to miss them!

the 10 students, their 2 supervisors and i

i hope i did well.......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

bila nak lepas geram

.... basic mechanical engineering's mechanics........... mid term exam....

148/36=27/9=3..... habislah.... a simple fraction pn bleh salah ke... huuuuuuuuuu....

so, because i was sooo geram about it, i made my lepas geram video, except its a very slow song... and made it less than one hour...

i dont have any ideas pun sebenarnya. but saje2... and yeah... kinda tak berkualiti punya jalan cerita... coz takde jalan cerita pn........ but nak share jugak!!

here you go~
although you wont be enjoying it for sure.... bad bad baddddddd quality one.......

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

new video~ ehe

last Saturday i took some videos for NIT aikido club's introduction movie. it was fun~~~~~~~~~
someone came~ hehehehehhehehe. super happy! and the video.. made it on Sunday.

thats it for today~

Sunday, May 8, 2011

1 year


one year since i've been in aikido club. first joined it on 17th april 2010. and still in the club! yay! yesterday was the welcoming party for the 1st year students. as usual it was fun! as you can see on the picture above, kanpai! or cheers by the aikido girls. (yes, there are 6 of us now! 2 newcomers!!)

time goes by so fast... dah setahun dah.. so, that's why........

i took this photo!!!

May 2010

one year later

i look so cool, rite? these guys are awesome

although i know next year would be hard for me and the others coz we'll be separated and all but i really want to make lotsa memories this year. (and not the one who's graduating next year) no matter how hard it would be.

Friday, April 1, 2011


things i did: went out with my frens~~~

last monday i went out with my friend, Najwa whom i met through cik Siti! thanks wawa. although you were exhausted from the bus trip kelantan-kl, you still kuatkan semangat and keluar with me! thanks!! terharu!!!

and then, by cik Siti juga, i met her housemates. picture kat bawah ni. XD you girls are so cool! love to hangout with all of you! best shopping! although i didnt shop much..

it was fun!! we went to masjid jamek, jalan TAR and shop!!! yeah....... shopped for gifts la kat sana. i bought a pair of baju melayu for one of the senpais coz he was like
"ili, ili, when are you going back to Malaysia?? Do they have baju kebangsaan (民族衣装) for males there?? if they do, could you please buy me one?? please?????"

oh well, belikan je lah...ish..mamat jepun sorang nih...

bought one for him/he wanna make it as a harta aikido club ke tatau la. suka hati la encik... it was a dark purple baju melayu. i tried to find black one.. tapi maybe it was not hari raya, so not so many choices la.

i also bought some gifts for aikido girls~ hehe. hope they'll like it la. 3 orang je...

and last nite, despite she'll be having classes tomorrow morning, my super best best best best best best best best bestfriend had supper with me at Padi House. nice place by the way. my first time there. thanks Fui Sinn!

yeah... its not the musim cuti sekolah now... so everyone's busy kan. nak buat macam mana. but although it was just like 2 and a half hours je, it was still fun!!!

padi house~ tapi tak ada sawah la... i thought ada... but ada kolam ikan la.. with cute little fish inside it.

we talked about lotsa things! including Korean pop stars(to think that i dont even listen to k-pop, thats wow for me) . lotsa stories.. hehe. ofcourse la must catch up what's happening now kan.
1 month seriously sangat cepat. feels like baru je aritu i reached KLIA... next week da nak balik da... next week... 5 more days.. ala...............

oh well, what to do, an amanah is an amanah. kena studylah! it's Malaysian punya tax money tau! tak belajar nanti kena sumpah dengan semua tax payers...(mintak dijauhkan..)


tau la masa tu emas.... i asked for 3 hours of ur time je and not even one whole day tau.. itu pun tak boleh......

this is soo not cool.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

skbbsp2 revisited

ahah! i bet all of you must be wondering what's with the pose (on the stage). this is what i call as: lakonan semula. (thanks cik siti!the girl next to me lah)best frens stick together in this picture..

skbbsp(2) or sekolah kebangsaan bandar baru seri petaling (2) was a new school back in the year 2000.
i was a....very active girl back then. yes. active. bukan nakal tau! hehe. last monday Siti and i went back to the school. saje2 tengok2 sekolah.. dah berubah ke~
and yes, banyak dah berubah, but there are still some things that havent change. such as the murals on the wall-2002, standard 6 students (me...) did them with the teachers. its good to see it is still there although the colour had faded..
jalan2 pusing2 sekolah, we entered the pusat sumber sekolah. about the pusat sumber.. i thought it was bigger when i was little. tapi bila da besar, the pusat sumber takde lah besar sangat rupanya~ in the pusat sumber,there was cekgu Seleman. he's the guru pusat sumber since i was 10 years old! and im going to be 21 this year! lama betol..
so, as we sat in the pusat sumber, borak2 with him, he showed us the old photos...year 2000-2002... omg...... i didnt expect that old album...

see. this one was the lawatan sambil belajar ke Perak. i still remember that we went to the kilang beras in Sg Manik, Perak. it was fun!! seriously!! the machines were sooo cool!!!!!!!!!
this one is also the picture from the trip to Perak. this one.. hmm.tengah naik ferry to Pulau Pangkor. it was fun!! i was soo little back then.

this one pulak taken from the Khemah Ibadat when i was in standard 5. if you can see the girl in the black hijab at the back there, that's Siti. the one in the first picture tu. and the girl with the white hijab, paling depan ni, thats my bestfriend too. Azrin. Al-fatihah and prayers for her. she passed away when we were in standard 6. that's why since then, i love to take photos. coz you'll never know what will happen kan.

siti, cikgu saliza and me. cikgu saliza was my class teacher back in 2002 (kelas 6 Cekap). and she is still the guru kelas for 6 cekap now. the school changed alot. the interiors, the landscape, teachers. but, who cares, sekolah kita kan.

Monday, March 21, 2011

kene tag suda...

1. Adakah anda rasa anda hot??
of course

2. Upload gambar wallpaper/pic anda guna sekarang

3. Cerita pasal gambar
ni amek kat zoo negara... umur da 19 baru first time gi zoo negara..

4. Bila kali terakhir makan ayam?
petang tadi...

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
shania twain..ape tah tajuk die.. kat blog siti (siti zulaikha)

6. Apa yang anda buat selain mnyelesaikan tag ini?
tgk national geographic...citer pasal penemuan bilik rahsia yg dulunya tempat King Tut di embalm kan.

7. Selain nama sendiri anda dipanggil apa?
ili, ills, faten, fatim, fatin, nadeshiko, iri..
8. Tag 8 orang
1. Shamin Merrissa
2. Athirah Ramzi
3. Najwa Najihah
4. Sharifah Hawa
5. Nurul Amira
6. Kak Maslina~
7. Nazmi
8. Ammar Hakim

9. Siapakah no.1 anda?
besfren dari form 4 kat seseri

10. Katakan sesuatu tentang no.5?
dulu dia ni pendek giler. tapi skang da tinggi dah.. siyes tinggi sket da

11. Orang no.3 berhubungan dengan siapa?
hehe. cek siti zulaikha.. tah si siti ni kata najwa reminds her of me...... sama ke? hehe

12. Bagaiamana pula dgn no.4?
kenal dari encek nazmi. skang kak hawa ni blaja kat aussie~ hidup otaku!

13. Pesanan untuk no.6 ?
kak mas...ili nak gi beijing!!!!

14. Kata-kata cinta buat no.2?
athirah~ i love u!! kang cakap lebey2 kang boypren hang jeles

15. Adakah no.7 dengan no.8 ada persamaan?
ada...diaorg dua org ni mmg byk cakap.

16. Berikan 5 perkara anda tahu tentang no.1?
nama penuh: Shamin Merrissa Binti Roslan
mak dia orang minang!!
dia ni peminat Emma Watson~~
minah ni terer speaking~ duh... debater kot...seriously kalah kalau debate dgn dia.
skang ni ada kat penang blaja kat uitm kat sana~~

17. Persamaan antara kambing dengan lembu?
berkaki empat, dan dua2 pn ili tak suke makan..

18. Perasaan ketika menjawab tag ini?

19. Adakah anda tahu Rizman itu sengal?

20. Gay or les?
im a gay guy whose soul is in a girl's body... duhh

Sunday, March 13, 2011

beloved Japan, our prayers for you

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

1 إِذَا زُلْزِلَتِ الْأَرْضُ زِلْزَالَهَا
When the earth is shaken with her (violent) shaking,
2 وَأَخْرَجَتِ الْأَرْضُ أَثْقَالَهَا
And the earth brings forth her burdens,
3 وَقَالَ الْإِنسَانُ مَا لَهَا
And man says: What has befallen her?
4 يَوْمَئِذٍ تُحَدِّثُ أَخْبَارَهَا
On that day she shall tell her news,
5 بِأَنَّ رَبَّكَ أَوْحَى لَهَا
Because your Lord had inspired her.
6 يَوْمَئِذٍ يَصْدُرُ النَّاسُ أَشْتَاتًا لِّيُرَوْا أَعْمَالَهُمْ
On that day men shall come forth in sundry bodies that they may be shown their works.
7 فَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ خَيْرًا يَرَهُ
So. he who has done an atom's weight of good shall see it
8 وَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ شَرًّا يَرَهُ
And he who has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it.
surah Al-Zalzalah (99:1-99:8)

alhamdulillah. for those who are safe in Japan. Alhamdulillah my friends in Japan are safe.

when i heard about the earthquake and tsunami, i was quite calm, knowing that the Japanese/ people in Japan are usually well prepared for these disasters. but when i knew that the earthquake was a 9.0m earthquake, i went panic and worried. For someone who loves about earthquake and volcanoes like me, 9.0m earthquake is scary. for a country that is so used to earthquake, 9.0 is just too much.

once the news spread through the world, i got e-mails and messages from my friends all over the world asking me if i were okay. Thank you guys. that time they didn't know that i was already back in KL. but even if i were still in Japan, i would still be in Nagoya. and thank God that Nagoya was merely effected. Nagoya is in Aichi prefecture. a prefecture that is also facing the Pacific Ocean. but it was one of the prefecture that had a non-major tsunami. (although the neighbouring prefectures had major tsunamis)

Thank God for internet. i am currently watching Japanese news -internet live streaming. CNN... they talk too much about the same thing over and over again but no latest news...

tsunami alert is still on. right now, the tsunami's height is estimated to be about 0.5m. Kantou (Aichi and it's northern neighbours) area is predicted to be safe from tsunami.

i hope it is due to telephone line problem that he haven't reply my mails. is really hoping that he will be fine. insyaAllah.

may our prayers be with people in Japan

Monday, February 21, 2011

shoujo manga

yesterday was the day i where started to think that my life is just like in the shoujo manga.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

study mode

exams. exams. exams.

i dont know why but sumtimes its too stressful. i bet it must be because of the age~... u know, not a teen anymore.. 20... the age where u started to think too much. and everything is annoying to me. the expectations and all.

yes, examination week/month= i'll become a bi*** to everyone. even to my own family. except chocolate.

im angry at myself for being superly stressed out when my mom asked me how was my exams and all. because i really wish i could say to her "yeah, it was okay~" like last time when i was in high school, and then i'll get As. but not this time. my family's expectations of me somehow has become a big burden that is making me more stressful than ever. why is it that i was okay with it 2 years ago?

and they said, "its okay, u can do it." its just too annoying!!! -maybe its my ego.

thats y during examinations week, i dont like to contact my family. i dont want them to worry/tell me anything/ give me motivation or so on. plus someone will always be overreacting and whats worse is that whatever she said is what i do not want to hear at all coz its making me even more angry, stress, tension and so on.

haih...... yeah yeah.. bad mood....

maybe because its even harder here than in high school. duh.. higher level.. always frustrating about myself, about not be able to understand some classes (even worse when even the japanese couldn't understand the class). i really want to study with the Malaysian seniors here (the girls). but there is only one who's in the same department with me. and whenever i asked her, she said she doesn't understand the subject. well, that's why sometimes i went studying with another Malaysian senior who is in another university.

and i am still asking myself why couldn't i just have a normal conversation with the Malaysian girls in my university? it will be awkward. a few sentences and nothing... i could not talk. i don't know why. its like there's no connection at all. the only topics i know are: study, classes, subjects, exams, anime, manga. and i dont get it why is it that being polite is weird? and about the guys here... tak payah cakap lah. im not comfortable with guys unless they're otaku. or nerd... which is why i felt more comfortable with the aikido club members (coz there are otakus there). yeah.. i think im a racist... why couldnt i fit in with them?? tensionnya!!
ok, back to the topic. if i were a guy, i would've go to the senior's house and study there. although i have a tutor, friends, but studying with a Malaysian senior is even better kan? kinda envy with one of my friend who could study with our seniors (population of male students here are like 80%). sometimes i wish i were a guy... but of course i am thankful to be a girl. I LOVE BEING A GIRL! oh, and i see/contacted the seniors from other universities more than i do with my own. i think without the weekly tadarus, i would be super lonely. all of the advice and good FOOD~ i love weekly tadarus! thanks kakak2!

Alhamdulillah for the Quran. beautiful words that could ease my stress(and its frens). tenang sikit kan?

so, for those who are still sitting for their exams, good luck and all the best! remember to work hard, pray, and then just leave it to Allah~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

tuesday ranting

sorry dear readers (if any). this month and last month have been such an annoying time for me. sorry for all the rants. because...... i have one more today!!

nope. takkan guna english. wait.. kalau bm boleh google translate ke? owh well. pape pn im soo gonna use bahasa pasar like seriously bahasa pasar2.

seriously amat marah skang. and now, its not becoz of the sardin cap ayam.

hishhh mamat nih.... nak buat demo pn... buat la demo.. nak ajar cara gerakan dlm latihan aikido tuh ajar je lah.... tgn ini bukan utk dibuat sandwich ok!!!!!!!

n nape la dtg klu tak berlatih skali?!! takot ke?! takot nnt aku buat gaya gerak sendiri? takot kne blasah???

and yes, klu ada pluang, mmg akn digunakan pluang tu utk buat gaya gerak seganas2 yg mgkin kat die nih! seriously nak cekik die nih!!! arghh!!

God, help me.

hari ni diramalkan hujan

which means akan guna payung. which means nightmare akan diingati kembali.

janganlah mimpi ngeri ku menjadi realiti jumaat nih... lari2.

biar terusku berlari dan lari
waktu yang selama ini aku mencari
keluar dari mimpi ini

Monday, February 7, 2011

i know la!

freakinglishly rimas!! i dont care if i use incorrect english or bm or whatever right now as if i ever care abt it before...

stop bothering me!!!!!!!!! arghhhh!!!! rasa nak cekik2 je dia nih!!!!!! tak pergi practice, tapi datang after the practice. hmmmm... selama ni tak pun! kalau tak datang like seriously tak datang. but now, now you're not here, and now you are~ like what the?! ingat nak buat macam SURPRISE!! ke?!

omg. you are SUPERLY SOOO ANNOYING!! although i tried to convince myself that you were drunk that time, it was still not okay, okay! ape dgn nama panggilan yang takde kene mengena langsung with the club?! rasa ber api2 kepala nih. maybe effect makan sardin cap ayam kot. but apa2 je lah.

and then, selama ni tak penah ada pengumuman about gamba2 yg dah diupload dlm homepage tu diambil oleh sape, and now, nak umum kenapa? macam orang len tatau! "gamba kali ini diambil oleh saya dan ili" i mean, what the hell??

seriously amat rimas. rimas gile. naseb baek i have my girls by my sides all the time whenever kamu ada kat situ.

tengah examinationsssss month nih. and kadang2 susah nak focus because of this. amat annoying coz tiba2 rasa nak marah, hentak2 buku and cekik2 mamat nih. astagfirullahalazim..

ni lah die contengan kegeraman oleh seorang junior tentang seniornye.. hissshhh. leceh btol la bile senior tu 2 tahun lagi senior dari diri nih. leceh.... ok, fine, he's a nice guy. but all of these....hmmmmmm merimaskan. the snow, the lunch, the coffee, the summer and all ....bile pikir balik now i know why.......... haih...

Allah, save me please.....

p/s: sardin cap ayam penyelamat waktu malas masak

Monday, January 31, 2011

snap! snap!

as i was checking the photos i shot for the aikido club (camera and aikido at the same time is just AWESOME!), i saw one photo that has a very cute element in it. look:
you might say, "aww, what a sweet couple~~"


they were just practicing...........

oh well, what to do~~ its the easily-mistaken-moment shot...

Friday, January 28, 2011

who said that softball is soft?

first thing about softball is: its not soft.
second thing about softball is: pitcher is the most dangerous position of all

well, i have never played softball ever in my life until i took softball class for the physical education class this year (yes, we have PE classes here. its compulsory).
so obviously im super not good in it. for that class, we were divided into 4 teams. my team is Hornets. dont ask me why our team name's is hornets.. green hornet?
because im super bad at catching balls (duhh..) i became the pitcher(the one who throws the ball to the opponent's batter).

since the very first game, i would eventually got hit by the ball. its totally super weird why is it i was the only pitcher who got all of these injuries.

first game: my first injury was when the batter hit the ball, the ball hit the ground and then bounced and hit my shin.

second game: the ball hit the ground, bounced and.... i was lucky that i caught the ball with the gloves but my hand also bounced back and hit my chin. it was still painful...

third game: the ball was hit, it flew towards me and i tried to catch it with my gloves(which was on my left hand) but due to my reflex, i tried to caught it with my bare right hand... which was really stupid of me to do that. and yes, that was the most painful injury ever.

fourth game: i was sick (fever). i didnt play the game. i just sat back at the bench, and then fell asleep.

fifth (final) game: it was today. our team did a great job! and then as the batter hit the ball, i thought that it will fly high as he always did (yeah, he's good in softball. his hits are powerful), the ball flew right towards me and hit my left thigh. the ball was so fast that i didnt realize that it actually came towards me. i fell (duhh. it was sooo painful that i couldnt stand up) and then, as my team members came to me asking me whether i was okay or not, the buzzer rang. wow. nice ending for that game huh?

my team captain said "it was weird that 4 out of 5 games, you got injured. that's a lot of probability."

my reply was, "yeah.. i am the so called けがばかりピッチャー(kegabakaripiccha- : the pitcher who always get hurt)." my frens helped me to walk.
my lecturer asked me to go to the student centre to take some cold packs. i'll be fine. dont worry.
so, who said that softball is soft? kalau tak percaya lagi, tengok video ni

thats all for today.

i will work hard for linear algebra, ordinary differentiation, english 1 & 2 and magnetism exams!!! and aikido practice tomorrow too.. going back to the school later. have to go to the library- i dont have algebra's reff books... im soo miskin here. so, library is my 2nd home lah.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

definition of ikemen

my definition of ikemen is a guy who do not wear oshare (stylish) shirts or jackets or shoes, doesn't dye his hair and doesn't make anything to his hair (just neat and original). i dont like to see guys with long hair but i dont like to see guys with too short hair too. if a guy had been labelled as ikemen to me, if he accidently cut his hair wayyyy too short, his ikemen percentage will also cut down by 50%. yes, i do like yamapi, but please, yamapi is not an ikemen okayy. he's just kakkoii idol.

about attires: the simpler the better. black, brown and gray t-shirts are the best with a pair of jeans. and NO SKINNY JEANS. i hate them on me and i hate it more on guys. its just too eww. brown/ black jackets are nice too. hahah.

oh. and ikemen doesnt talk too loudly. and... he is always calm in any situation, although his face might be a lil bit pale when he sees you get sick or anything(thats cute isnt it? haha. just wanna add the cute factor).

an ikemen cares about people's safety. doesnt matter who that person would be (this does not include strangers much).

an ikemen would say, "it looked too oily" the food that he saw was quite oily, but when he heard that you were the one who made them he would quickly eat it and say "this is delicious!" (yes, another cute factor. obvious lies are cute sometimes, but if you ask him for an honest comments, he can give it to you without hurting your feelings. he watches his own words..)

an ikemen respects girls/women/females. he knows the limit= no touching2.

an ikemen is a gentleman. not a softie or sissies, but gentle to a girl.
and he must be neat! and i mean it neat, as in a clean person.

conclusion, my definition of an ikemen= cho hakkai. (with the looks like takeshi kaneshiro, that would be an extra point)
even Vettel and Webber couldnt understand about my definition of an ikemen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

snow 3

omg. siyes nyesal.... tp atleast dapat gamba2 best!!!

snow 2

hahahahaha. this one kena dalam BM. kalau tak habis... hahahah. bestnya dia tak faham bm!!

ili nak main snow. coz its kinda late, semua orang tanak keluar. so, ajak je siapa2 yang nak keluar. as expected, ada orang tu memang confirm nak ikut sekali... wow..... oh well, ada orang tu sibuk dengan part time job dia, so.................................


yeah.. malang. the snow finally come to nagoya but takeshi kaneshiro had to go to work today... baddddd timing.. baadd timing

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

this kotatsu is evil

this kotatsu is evil. its soo warm inside that one wouldn't want to be separated from it at all. one will feel so good sitting in (yes, in) it that he/she can fall asleep here..

once again i'll say this: I dont fancy winter at all. i am not a winter person.

but i'm a player~

not addicted to coffee. seriously.

no. im not a coffeeholic.. or am i? well, i was one before.. naah, i only drink coffee in the morning.....


love the smell of coffee~ haha!