my EJU (examination for japanese university admission) results are out... kinda of sad but oh well, da lepas da kan~
my japanese language.... listening-below average, listening and reading- below average, reading comprehension- below average, essay-full mark....
urgh!!!! total marks (essay not included)--201/400. the average is 232.9..... wayy off... well, thats the whole world average mark. i heard that if we, the AAJ students get 50% above, we passed already. dunno la...
my chemistry also like that... the trial exams, the exercises that i'd done bfore the exam were ok. but the real exam... 51/100... God.... but yeah, everyone said that the paper was damn hard. and they even said that it is just their luck if they got above average mark... yeah... haih......
the average mark is 52.8... COULD YOU IMAGINE?!!! 1.8 POINTS.... haih...
seriously, chemistry is just not my thing. i dont know why but i think chemistry, biology and history have grudges against me. seriously. since form 4! in my trial SPM, i got C for chem and bio. and D for sejarah. D... i was the only one in class who got D. or maybe the only one in school who got D for sejarah....
ok. new story pulak. today. my class ended at 4pm today. yay! but then i had to meet Zoraida Sensei. i interviewed her for this project work for japanese language regarding stress. right after i walked out of her office, nazmi-my fren since form 1- textd me.
"ili, ko habis kelas kul 5 ke? ak on d way ke mid. ada 2 kwn ak join. 1 laki 1 girl."
i called him right away.
me: hello
nazmi: gi mid! gi mid!
me: HA?! ko kat ne ni?!!
nazmi: ak da kat kl sentral da.
me: ha. jap nnt ak smpi r mid.
and ada la bende2 kitaorg cakap about my classes sume. nthen i rushed to my room, siap2, i went to find any frens yang nak gi mid. luckyly fatimah and ermi nak pegi. well, my rummate pn pergi gak. but she went with 3 other frens. so the cab is full la kan.
ermi and fatimah they went there to watch Sherlock Holmes. agak nye right now they all baru habis tgk tak...
then, i right after i came out of the cab, kat mid, nazmi textd me.
"trus gi pizza hut. ak kat sini"
n i went to pizza hut straight away. he already ordered. and we talked alot.. well.. I TALKED alot la obviously and waited for his fren and his fren's fren(girl) la. coz they went to memory lane kot. beli hadiah. his fren is also from intec. and the girl is from um jugak.
nazmi's fren, megat. megat's fren, rose. klaka la megat... hahahha! he thought that nazmi malu2 nak makan alot infront of me. and then both of us burst into laugh!
nazmi said, "aku nak malu2 makan depan ili?"
i said, "nazmi nak malu2 makan depan ak?"
AND WE LAUGHED. hahahhahahha. seriously, nazmi malu2 nak makan depan orang???? mmm... impossible.. especially infront of me, lagi die tak kesah. same goes for me too! seriously kitaorg tak kesah. but Qayyum tu tak leh included. he's always macam tu je la. i mean, macam tu je la die. in his own world. hahahhahahaa!!!
last2 i thought we were going to split the bill to 4, but rupa2nya nazmi n megat belanja! yay!!!!
rugi sekor mamalia laut tu tak dapat datang psl die gi training lompat2 dalam air. hahahahhahaha!!!!!
nthen kitaorg pn gi la tgk laptop sume... mmm... hp touch screen takde da..... sedih.. da r camni.. ak gi beli vaio r.... tak pun ak gi beli macbooc... (wlupn ak benci macbook) dlm 3600 r harga. ok je kot... sama je harga cam laptop ak nih. hahah. laptop dari tahun 2005 nih. sayang oooo. hadiah pmr..
thanks nazmi! dpt makan pizza pn ak da leh r hepi sket! hahaha! result teruk kan.... ko la kawan dunia n akhirat! kahahahha! (org da belanja baru nak ckp tu ek......)
ma... itujela kot for today~. jya~!