Sunday, January 24, 2010

happy yang tersangat!!

yay! alhamdulillah! dapat gak beli new lappie! thanks to mama gak r yang tolong topupkan lagi rm1000. coz otherwise i'll be using my money yang utk simpan tu.n lagi 2600 tu gne duit scholar yang dah dijaga dari 1st year dlu. so, its worth it la. 2 tahun jimat cermat kan.

now, duit scholar tinggal rm13. wuuuuu... T.T

oh well, da dapat lappie baru ni, walaupn sedih sket coz terpaksa meninggalkan laptop lama tu coz die da lembab sangat, lg baek beli baru than repair.. laptop lama tu hadiah time pmr dlu. so mmg ada sentimental value la kan. sayang sangat kat laptop tu. da r 15" tau. so skang ni skrin lappie baru ni cam kecik sket by 2 inches la. mmg rasa tak best sket. but i know that this is a good investment. plus, i love white!!! tapi if ada kaler purple la kan, mmg beli kaler purple la. skang ni complete la my electronics goods kaler putih!

thanks mama, babah, kakak coz ikut gak gi the curve amek lappie baru ni kat kedai ascend zone tu. heheheh! happy!

Monday, January 18, 2010


alhamdulillah. insyaallah i'll be going to japan this march. result da keluar. lulus. but sayang, ada 4 org of my frens tak dpt fly ke jepun. 1 girl, 3 boys.
i hope they all dpt la gi jepun blaja bahasa camtu la nnt. or gi korea lak ke kan.

thanks to all. im happy today. but rasa demam sket da. body temp da naek...



kul 9.50 am, 18 januari 2010 the result wether i cud fly or not, keluar. i am so nervous right now. like sangat berdebar2. i feel like crying. i feel like screaming. im so scared. but i want to prepare myself if bad news comes. Ya Allah, please help me. i hope im able to go to japan this march, buat degree kat nagoya kougyou daigaku. im so scared. i want to cry but tears just wont come out.

harapan mama, babah, kakak, my cuzins, my aunts, uncles, teachers kat sekolah rendah, menengah, AAJ sume... sangat takut utk kecewakan all of them. whatever results, ili redha je. coz i know Allah knows what's the best for me. but to make all of those people who have been supporting me 200% frust, kecewa, sedih and all... i dont even think that i could bare it.

mintaklah dijauhkan. tapi if tak dapat la pegi jepun ni, i wont cry because i am sad that 2 tahun usaha sume tu, but i will be sad and upset with myself because dah kecewakan ramai orang yang da bagi harapan sume. termasuklah mak2 of my frens and also jiran2.

tadi mmg best, ada bowling taikai G2, dgn mori sensei, kubota sensei, jinushi sensei and fujita sensei. tapi.... kerisauan ni...

jinushi sensei dari semalam lagi time soubetsukai tu dah muka happy. die kata semalam, "ima san wa saigo made yoku ganbatteimashita ne." gile buat ak rasa cam dapat je gi jepun.
nthen, tadi pn, siap tanya daigaku ak katne, reti masak tak? mm.. kene blaja masak ni, nthen nnt kat nihon, da buat degree, buat la master skali if nak jadi race engineer. macam mana ni???!!

mama da belikan video camera for me so blh r record mcm2 before gi jepun. tapi... if tak dapat??

nazmi da selamat dah. dah confem leh gi new zealand. me? blaja kat AAJ have made me feel that i am the stupidest student here. rasa cam tak sanggup je. sangat tak tenang.

separuh rasa cam dapat. separuh rasa cam "ili, prepare urself if tak dapat."

moga Allah berikan la what i wanted. but if tak dapat, its okay. maybe tak sesuai kot gi jepun. ada la tu benda yang tak baek for me there. Allah knows what is the best for me.

i dont know why but somehow rasa tak sedap hati.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

dream dream dream~ yume dayone~~

ok. fine. ive been watching/reading ouran high school host club anime/manga banyak kali la jugak. but tak kesah la~

this post, this time, ditujukan kepada girls saje. guys tak digalakkan lah.

hahahaha. haih~

which one do you think lagi sweet?

a guy who says sweet things or guys who do sweet actions unconciously (kot) ??

okay. i give you this situation ok!

situation 1:
-do you like that guy (guy A): low percentage akan happen la....hahhahah
-tengah berjalan with that guy.
you were carrying a kinokuniya plastic bag (of course with books in it). and then that guy asked you, "ok ke ni? macam berat je. let me carry it for you."
and you replied, "no, its okay."
he insisted, "takpe la, meh sini aku bawak."
you said, "its okay, really. i can manage."
lastly he replied, "oh. you sure?"
you said, "yeah." tapi muka mengharap die bawak tapi segan je coz macam menyusahkan...
he said, "okay then..."
-do you like that guy (guy B): obviously in denial state...
-tengah berjalan with that guy.
you were carrying kinokuniya plastic bag macam tadi. and then, without saying anything, that guy just took it from you and carried it for you.
you said, "huh?"
and he said, "i didnt bring anything. macam tak best tangan kosong."
and he just buat cam takde apa je...


situation 2: something happened. and girly girly girls would usually cry la if it happened. tak kesah la apa pun. and you are this tough girl. you dont cry easily. and you were wearing your contact lenses that time, obviously your eyes looked teary... duh... shining sebenarnye... and you were not crying that time.

-guy A.
that guy asked, "hey, you okay? jangan nangis la. takde apa je la tadi tu."
you said, "im not crying. im wearing contact. mmg la nampak teary."
that guy said, "ye lah tu... dah lah tu, jangan nangis lagi."
you replied, "contact mmg macam ni la. nak nangis buat ape lak..."
he said, "mmm... ye la...."

-guy B
that guy saw your eyes teary and bagi handkerchief die to you. you turned to him and looked at him with a weird expression.
you said,"hah?"
he said, "mata cam berair."
you said,"contact lens..."
he replied, "oh.." he looked away.
he searched something in his pocket and took it out.
"nak?" he offered you his Bausch and Lomb eye drop(any brand pn blh je. i use this one... haha).
"tak," you replied.

so, pendapat korang? which guy lebih sweet? guy A or B??? saje je nak tgk org ramai nye pandangan. kahahahah!!! banyak sangat baca komik nih...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

sedih pun happy gak! arigatou ne!

my EJU (examination for japanese university admission) results are out... kinda of sad but oh well, da lepas da kan~

my japanese language.... listening-below average, listening and reading- below average, reading comprehension- below average, essay-full mark....

urgh!!!! total marks (essay not included)--201/400. the average is 232.9..... wayy off... well, thats the whole world average mark. i heard that if we, the AAJ students get 50% above, we passed already. dunno la...

my chemistry also like that... the trial exams, the exercises that i'd done bfore the exam were ok. but the real exam... 51/100... God.... but yeah, everyone said that the paper was damn hard. and they even said that it is just their luck if they got above average mark... yeah... haih......
the average mark is 52.8... COULD YOU IMAGINE?!!! 1.8 POINTS.... haih...

seriously, chemistry is just not my thing. i dont know why but i think chemistry, biology and history have grudges against me. seriously. since form 4! in my trial SPM, i got C for chem and bio. and D for sejarah. D... i was the only one in class who got D. or maybe the only one in school who got D for sejarah....

ok. new story pulak. today. my class ended at 4pm today. yay! but then i had to meet Zoraida Sensei. i interviewed her for this project work for japanese language regarding stress. right after i walked out of her office, nazmi-my fren since form 1- textd me.

"ili, ko habis kelas kul 5 ke? ak on d way ke mid. ada 2 kwn ak join. 1 laki 1 girl."

i called him right away.
me: hello
nazmi: gi mid! gi mid!
me: HA?! ko kat ne ni?!!
nazmi: ak da kat kl sentral da.
me: ha. jap nnt ak smpi r mid.

and ada la bende2 kitaorg cakap about my classes sume. nthen i rushed to my room, siap2, i went to find any frens yang nak gi mid. luckyly fatimah and ermi nak pegi. well, my rummate pn pergi gak. but she went with 3 other frens. so the cab is full la kan.

ermi and fatimah they went there to watch Sherlock Holmes. agak nye right now they all baru habis tgk tak...

then, i right after i came out of the cab, kat mid, nazmi textd me.

"trus gi pizza hut. ak kat sini"

n i went to pizza hut straight away. he already ordered. and we talked alot.. well.. I TALKED alot la obviously and waited for his fren and his fren's fren(girl) la. coz they went to memory lane kot. beli hadiah. his fren is also from intec. and the girl is from um jugak.

nazmi's fren, megat. megat's fren, rose. klaka la megat... hahahha! he thought that nazmi malu2 nak makan alot infront of me. and then both of us burst into laugh!

nazmi said, "aku nak malu2 makan depan ili?"
i said, "nazmi nak malu2 makan depan ak?"
AND WE LAUGHED. hahahhahahha. seriously, nazmi malu2 nak makan depan orang???? mmm... impossible.. especially infront of me, lagi die tak kesah. same goes for me too! seriously kitaorg tak kesah. but Qayyum tu tak leh included. he's always macam tu je la. i mean, macam tu je la die. in his own world. hahahhahahaa!!!

last2 i thought we were going to split the bill to 4, but rupa2nya nazmi n megat belanja! yay!!!!
rugi sekor mamalia laut tu tak dapat datang psl die gi training lompat2 dalam air. hahahahhahaha!!!!!

nthen kitaorg pn gi la tgk laptop sume... mmm... hp touch screen takde da..... sedih.. da r camni.. ak gi beli vaio r.... tak pun ak gi beli macbooc... (wlupn ak benci macbook) dlm 3600 r harga. ok je kot... sama je harga cam laptop ak nih. hahah. laptop dari tahun 2005 nih. sayang oooo. hadiah pmr..

thanks nazmi! dpt makan pizza pn ak da leh r hepi sket! hahaha! result teruk kan.... ko la kawan dunia n akhirat! kahahahha! (org da belanja baru nak ckp tu ek......)

ma... itujela kot for today~. jya~!