あ. Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.*Tagged by Fara_nym-chan // Thanks so much forever!
い. Answer the 11 questions asked.
う. Nominate 11 other bloggers with smaller followers but with lots of potential.*just answer only
え. Create 11 of your own questions for them to answer. notify your nominee.
*just answer only
あ. Have you ever feel like 'you' were abandoned?

い. What do you want? (hountouni want * nak sangat)

う. You already seen my blog right? What do you think of me?

え. How did you express your feelings?

か. What do you think if an otaku meet a kpoper and a directioner?

き. Do you Love to draw? if you do, why? if you don't then why?

く. Babies or children ? which one do you most prefer to take care of? Why?

け. Type of song that you like?

こ. Whats on your mind right now? (random. no thinking on this time) Honest please~

さ. If you have 'travel' all of my blog, since when I'm an Otaku? If you don't, what was your expression and thought when the first time you took a look of my blog?

し. What type omy blog when the first time you get in.(zaman purple dulu / zaman hijau skang ni). What do you think of my blog. Comment my blog ..Onegai! (please) and be Honest please~