.:Di atas Sajadah Dunia:.
Di hamparan sejadah itu, manusia kusyu' melabuhkan segala masalah dunia.Larut.Pada sang Pencipta.Lantaran kasihNya, manusia dapat hidup sejahtera.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Striving for the people's benefits!
Bagi mereka yang baru memandu di Mesir, perlu ingat tiada undang2 utk mematuhi traffic-lights~=p
Just wanna share some hadeeth to all of you, expecially yang dalam study leave. Moga2 dapat kekuatan untuk terus study..For the sake of ummah!
None of you truly believes until he likes for his brother what he likes himself..(Bukhari and Muslim)
Allah will continue to help His servant as long as His servant continues to help his brother - At-Tabaraani
A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim: he does not oppress him or forsake him when he is oppressed. Whoever helps his brother, Allah will help him; whoever relieves a Muslim from some distress, Allah will relieve him of some of his distress on the Day of Resurrection: whoever covers the faluts of a Muslim, Allah will cover him on the Day of resurrection..(Bukhari and Muslim)
Whoever goes to the aid of his brother, it is better for him than his remanining seclusion for the years and whoever spends one day in seclusion seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah will place between him and the Fire three ditches, between each of which is a distance greater than that between th East and West - At-Tabaraani
Seronoknya dapat berada di golongan2 seperti hadis di atas.I hope that one day i can serve and help my community by being a Muslim doctor..
It's just a sort of motivation for us when we feel so lost, striving hard for the exams..Especially for a-would-be doctor! Really hard, isn't it?
So, referesh our minds, muhasabah semula niat kiter kenapa aku study..Hopefully mardhatillah! Supaya nanti boleh menggunakan medan pekerjaan untuk menambah amal kiter..Itulah motivasi yang terbaek bagi kiter..
So jangan mudah berputus asa! Banyakkan bersabar..Sesuatu benda yang manis akan diperolehi dengan pahit maung berusaha..Jadi, berusahalah selagi masih ada upaya!
May Allah bless our efforts..
Ikhlaskan setiap pekerjaan kamu, moga setiap amalan kamu tidak sia2.
All the best to all medical students from Alexandria University!
Jia you!
Friday, July 9, 2010
“Doctor, I need a painkiller!” vs “O Allah, relieve me from this suffering!”
All of the above sounded simple and straightforward in the medical world. We rely on doctors to ‘cure’ our sickness while doctors rely on ‘their’ knowledge to find cure. But ultimately, who does the curing?
Is it the doctor?
Is it the medicine?
If it is the doctor, where does his or her knowledge on medicine came from? Why do some medicines work and some do not? Why scientists have to conduct endless researches to find cure for diseases?
It seems like all entities have their own limitations except for one – Allah ya rabbal ‘alamin. To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. It is Him that creates human beings. It is Him that causes the sickness thus it is Him that cures it.
And when I am ill, it is He who cures me [Ash Syu’araa’ verse 80]
Total reliance should be towards Allah. In saying that, Allah encourages His servants to make an effort to find cure. Researching a medicine, seeing doctors or taking medicines are all part of our efforts to find cure. But these efforts are not curative on their own. Rather it is only with Allah’s will that we will find cure.
Jabir narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: “There is a cure for every disease. Whenever an illness is treated with its right remedy, it will, by Allah’s permission, be cured.”(Muslim)
Usamah ibn Shuraik narrated: “I came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and found him with his companions. They were calm and serene as if there were birds over their heads. I greeted them and sat down. Then some Bedouins came from various places. They ask him: ‘O Allah’s Messenger! Should we seek medical treatment for our illnesses?’ He replied: ‘Yes, you should seek medical treatment, because Allah, the Exalted, has let no disease exist without providing for its cure, except for one ailment, namely, old age’.”(Reported by Ahmad and the six sunnan. Tirmizhi considers it a sound hadith)
Whatever bodily sickness we experienced, they serve as a reminder for us to always be thankful of His blessings in the form of good health, among others. If sickness befalls us, it is Allah’s way of testing who among his servants are true believers.
Suhaib ibn Sinan narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “How remarkable is the case of the believer! There is good for him in everything, but this is not the case for anyone except for the believer. When the believer receives any good, he is thankful to Allah, and gets a reward. And when some misfortune befalls him, he endures it patiently, for which he is (also) rewarded.”
Abu Hurairah also reports that Allah’s Messenger, peace be upon him, said: “For every misfortune, illness, anxiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim -even the hurt caused by the pricking of a thorn – Allah removes some of his sins.”
Let us be among the true believers, insyaAllah. Stay healthy!
‘To cure and be cured from any sickness of the heart and body, if Allah wills’
Moga artikel ini bermanfaat pada pembaca. Have a nice day~
Friday, July 2, 2010
Subuh dan ANDA.
Asslamualaykum! kef haluku? Moga sehat sentiasa...
Bila datangnya musim panas, seperti yang kita pelajari dalam subjek Geografi, waktu siang menjadi lebih panjang jika dibandingkan dengan waktu malam. Sebagai contoh di Mesir sendiri, langit terang benderang bermula seawal 6 pagi, dan mula suram sekitar jam 8 malam.
Puratanya kita menjalani waktu siang selama 14 jam, amat berbeza dengan musim sejuk, dimana waktu siang hanyalah lebih kurang 10 jam.
Perubahan waktu yang agak ekstrim ini, jika tidak didahului dengan persiapan menghadapinya akan menimbulkan masalah dari segi pengurusan masa, terutamanya waktu solat.
Bagaimana kualiti solat Subuh kita? Subuh awal atau subuh terlajak?
Jikalau dulu musim panas pukul 6 pagi masih lagi gelap, kalau kita tidak mengubah jam badan kita mengikut waktu musim panas,dan masih lagi bangun pada pukul 6, alamatnya kita sendiri telah menggadaikan subuh kita. Begitu juga halnya dengan waktu Isyak yang masuk waktunya menghampiri jam 10? Masihkah tegap kita menunaikannya ataupun kita kalah dek layunya mata menahan kantuk?
Jadi di sini sama-sama kita kongsikan beberapa tips yang boleh dipraktikkkan untuk bangun subuh awal pada musim panas khususnya. Sama-sama kita pelihara solat kita.
Sebagaimana dalam firman Allah surah Al Mukminuun, ayat 9-11:
“ dan orang-orang yang memelihara sembahyangnya(9), Mereka itulah orang-orang yang akan mewarisi (10) (ya'ni) yang akan mewarisi syurga Firdaus. Mereka kekal di dalamnya (11)”
1. Berniat dengan azam yang tinggi untuk bangun solat Subuh esok pagi. Solat subuh memang senang, hanya 2 rakaat, tetapi untuk melaksanakan solat subuh yang bekualiti, bangun dalam keadaan yang segar tanpa mengantuk dan menjadikannya satu habit yang konsisten bukanlah satu perkara yang mudah. Ada juga sebahagian yang menulis nota, “Aku akan bangun subuh pukul 4 esok” dan mendapati dirinya bangun tepat pada pukul 4 pagi.
2. Solat Isyak sebaik sahaja masuk waktu dan jangan melengah-lengahkannya. Sesiapa yang ada masalah untuk bangun subuh selalunya turut mengalami masalah untuk menunaikan solat Isyak.
3. Berwuduk sebelum tidur. Pastikan anda telah menunaikan solat Isyak dan witir sebelum tidur. Melakukan amalan sunat sebelum tidur membantu menguatkan keazaman untuk bangun subuh. Berdoalah memohon kepada Allah supaya senang bangun subuh.
4. Elakkan makan dan minum sebelum tidur. Perut yang kenyang hanya membuat kita kerap ke tandas dan kurang kekerapannya ke sejadah!
5. Kunci jam dan letakkannya dalam bilik air. Pilih nada dering yang mampu mengganggu tidur anda. Cara ini mampu memaksa anda ke bilik air dan alang-alang sudah berada di sana bolehlah anda mengambil wuduk seterusnya menunaikan solat subuh tanpa bertangguh lagi.
6. Seeloknya bangun sebelum subuh dan tidak tidur selepasnya. Solat Subuh adalah satu perkara yang amat penting sebagai permulaan hari anda. Bangun sebelum subuh adalah lebih baik, anda boleh melaksanakan solat tahajud, zikir dan membaca Quran dengan tenang dan tertib. Masa selepas subuh boleh digunakan untuk menghafaz Quran dan mengulangkaji pelajaran. Berzikirlah hingga waktu syuruk, solat Dhuha dan mulakan hari anda dengan amalan yang mendapat redha Allah, bukan kebencianNya.
Selamat mencuba!
artikel dari: http://ismamesir.com/v1/index.php
p/s: Agak payah? Cuba dulu..InsyaAllah,anda dapat kuasai waktu Subuh anda dengan sebaiknya..=)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Cleanliness is next to?
Salam wbt.