f a t i h a t i e
I actually draft recaps of 2007 but i couldnt make myself to publish it.. cz i couldnt make it nice.hehehe. i mean, i kinda lost the words. or maybe i am simply too lazy to type or think... hehehe...

all i can remember were...

I studied like shit. (before april)

Our chemistry batch is closer ever since the program. (may-jun)

I knew u. (jun)

I get myself a job. (Aug)

I get new friends. (Aug)

I graduated. yeay! (sept)

Diyana flew to Ireland. (Sept)

I rented 4 houses since i get the job.. the 5th is hopefully the last.. (insya Allah) (Aug-present)

I knew Liyana. (Nov)

We went to Danga Bay with the chem crew last month. (Nov)

I bought a car =) (Dec)

I'm a weekend teacher=P (Dec)

I'm currently looking for my meant-to-be job.

So i guess u know wut's my resolution for 2008;)

and yes, I need to trim back down to 47 kilos..heheh..damn..

& the rest are history..

Hepy nu year everybody!!!
f a t i h a t i e
Suatu pg di minggu yg baru lepas...adik cium tgn mama sblm ke sekolah, nak tgk result pmr.
Sambil cium tgn, mama kate...

Mama: gud luck Fahim...
Fahim: Ma, it's too late.

f a t i h a t i e
my name is fatihah (baju eree mmg x bleh bla)

hello my friends...hi D...
hehe lama gak x update...

rasa nak menaip lak malam ni
td dah sangap tp nak update gak...
update singkat(singkat ke ni?)

skrg Atie dah tinggal kat shah alam...heheh
dekat la gak ngan tmpt kije...
ade la 20 min...
atie ske duduk s.alam
insya allah tak tukar rumah dah..
ni last insya allah (at least utk hoe, ni yg last ....???)
Liyana, kawan sekerja atie yg offer tinggal dgn member2 dia yg
kebetulan cari housemate kat s.alam...
o ye D, skrg atie dah x pincang lagi nk g kije
*battering eyelashes*

dan bile semua hampir sempurna...
terasa nk karang surat utk boss tersayang
tapi resume x update lagi
cover letter baru x buat lagi

work is ok (maybe....)
but i'm not ok...
hehe pe ni
lets put it this way
this job suits me well
but i dont suit the job
hahah =(

can i stand another 7 months?
cz i find it impossible
ape guna nak cukupkan 12, atie pun x tau...
sbb dah 5 ke?
yes i'm ranting

i'll be writing recaps of 2007 soon
insya llah
looking forward for it

Atie ucapkan selamat Hari Raya Korban utk semua kawan2
Maaf zahir batin
maaf kalau ade kawan2 yg atie x keep in touch
maaf ye
nape senti ni
ntah la
x tau nape
2007 mmg sangat2 menyentuh perasaan kot
dari january ke disember
atie igt semua
i mean SEMUA..
nothing left out...
no one left out...

he or she..

Lilypie Maternity tickers