f a t i h a t i e
I actually draft recaps of 2007 but i couldnt make myself to publish it.. cz i couldnt make it nice.hehehe. i mean, i kinda lost the words. or maybe i am simply too lazy to type or think... hehehe...

all i can remember were...

I studied like shit. (before april)

Our chemistry batch is closer ever since the program. (may-jun)

I knew u. (jun)

I get myself a job. (Aug)

I get new friends. (Aug)

I graduated. yeay! (sept)

Diyana flew to Ireland. (Sept)

I rented 4 houses since i get the job.. the 5th is hopefully the last.. (insya Allah) (Aug-present)

I knew Liyana. (Nov)

We went to Danga Bay with the chem crew last month. (Nov)

I bought a car =) (Dec)

I'm a weekend teacher=P (Dec)

I'm currently looking for my meant-to-be job.

So i guess u know wut's my resolution for 2008;)

and yes, I need to trim back down to 47 kilos..heheh..damn..

& the rest are history..

Hepy nu year everybody!!!
f a t i h a t i e
Suatu pg di minggu yg baru lepas...adik cium tgn mama sblm ke sekolah, nak tgk result pmr.
Sambil cium tgn, mama kate...

Mama: gud luck Fahim...
Fahim: Ma, it's too late.

f a t i h a t i e
my name is fatihah (baju eree mmg x bleh bla)

hello my friends...hi D...
hehe lama gak x update...

rasa nak menaip lak malam ni
td dah sangap tp nak update gak...
update singkat(singkat ke ni?)

skrg Atie dah tinggal kat shah alam...heheh
dekat la gak ngan tmpt kije...
ade la 20 min...
atie ske duduk s.alam
insya allah tak tukar rumah dah..
ni last insya allah (at least utk hoe, ni yg last ....???)
Liyana, kawan sekerja atie yg offer tinggal dgn member2 dia yg
kebetulan cari housemate kat s.alam...
o ye D, skrg atie dah x pincang lagi nk g kije
*battering eyelashes*

dan bile semua hampir sempurna...
terasa nk karang surat utk boss tersayang
tapi resume x update lagi
cover letter baru x buat lagi

work is ok (maybe....)
but i'm not ok...
hehe pe ni
lets put it this way
this job suits me well
but i dont suit the job
hahah =(

can i stand another 7 months?
cz i find it impossible
ape guna nak cukupkan 12, atie pun x tau...
sbb dah 5 ke?
yes i'm ranting

i'll be writing recaps of 2007 soon
insya llah
looking forward for it

Atie ucapkan selamat Hari Raya Korban utk semua kawan2
Maaf zahir batin
maaf kalau ade kawan2 yg atie x keep in touch
maaf ye
nape senti ni
ntah la
x tau nape
2007 mmg sangat2 menyentuh perasaan kot
dari january ke disember
atie igt semua
i mean SEMUA..
nothing left out...
no one left out...
f a t i h a t i e
Happy Graduation the day Afah

Afah & her beloved mom

Happy Birthday mama&Rin

Rin & Co.

f a t i h a t i e
me back home...
tapi rase saket tekak lak...
masuk kali ni dah 3x saket tekak dlm 4bln...
kerap lak saket tekak skrg ni...

okies...nak g museum...
museum ke...

yesh...museum n shopping after dat...
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Wahai sahabat...ingatkan aku...
f a t i h a t i e

Ayat ini diturunkan setelah hijrah. Semasa penurunannya ia telah diiringi oleh beribu-ribu malaikat kerana kebesaran dan kemuliaannya. Syaitan dan iblis juga menjadi gempar kerana adanya satu perintang dalam perjuangan mereka. Rasullah s.a.w. dengan segera memerintahkan Zaid Tsabit menulis serta menyebarkannya.

Sesiapa yang membaca ayat Kursi dengan khusyuk setiap kali selepas sembahyang fardhu, setiap pagi dan petang, setiap kali keluar masuk rumah atau hendak musafir, InsyaAllah akan terpeliharalah dirinya dari godaan syaitan, kejahatan manusia, binatang buas yang akan memudaratkan dirinya bahkan keluarga, anak-anak, harta bendanya juga akan terpelihara dengan izin Allah s.w.t.

Mengikut keterangan dari kitab "Asraarul Mufidah" sesiapa mengamalkan membacanya setiap hari sebanyak 18 kali maka akan dibukakan dadanya dengan berbagai hikmah, dimurahkan rezekinya, dinaikkan darjatnya dan diberikannya pengaruh sehingga semua orang akan menghormatinya serta terpelihara ia dari segala bencana dengan izin Allah.

Syeikh Abu Abbas ada menerangkan, siapa yang membacanya sebanyak 50 kali lalu ditiupkannya pada air hujan kemudian diminumnya, InsyaAllah Allah akan mencerdaskan akal fikirannya serta memudahkannya menerima ilmu pengetahuan. Untuk amalan kita semua. Fadhilat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-Hadis Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda bermaksud: "Sesiapa pulang kerumahnya serta membaca ayat Kursi, Allah hilangkan segala kefakiran didepan matanya. Sabda baginda lagi; "Umatku yang membaca ayat Kursi 12 kali pada pagi Jumaat,kemudian berwuduk dan sembahyang sunat dua rakaat, Allah memeliharanya daripada kejahatan syaitan dan kejahatan pembesar." Orang yang selalu membaca ayat Kursi dicintai dan dipelihara Allah sebagaimana DIA memelihara Nabi Muhammad. Mereka yang beramal dengan bacaan ayat Kursi akan mendapat pertolongan serta perlindungan Allah daripada gangguan serta hasutan syaitan.

Pengamal ayat Kursi juga, dengan izin Allah, akan terhindar daripada pencerobohan pencuri. Ayat Kursi menjadi benteng yang kuat menyekat pencuri daripada memasuki rumah. Mengamalkan bacaan ayat Kursi juga akan memberikan keselamatan ketika dalam perjalanannya. Ayat Kursi yang dibaca dengan penuh khusyuk, insya-Allah, boleh menyebabkan syaitan dan jin terbakar. Jika anda berpindah ke rumah baru maka pada malam pertama anda penduduki rumah itu eloklah anda membaca ayat Kursi 100 kali, insya-Allah mudah-mudahan anda sekeluarga terhindar daripada gangguan zahir dan batin.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah mewakilkan 2 orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang Fardhu, ia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah hingga sembahyang yang lain.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi diakhir tiap-tiap sembahyang Fardhu, Allah menganugerahkan dia hati-hati orang yang bersyukur perbuatan2 orang yang benar, pahala nabi2 juga Allah melimpahkan padanya rahmat.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah mengutuskan 70,000 Malaikat kepadanya, mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya.

Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang, Allah azza wajallaakan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan ia adalah seperti orang yang perperang bersama nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid.

Barang siapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allah berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya.

~Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a. Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda, "SAMPAIKANLAH PESANKU BIARPUN SATU"~
f a t i h a t i e
I'm doing good...never been better.

went to 3 openhouses today. am full. am very tired.

My JPJ test will be on next tues. suddenly i hate kancil. am not used to kancil.hehe

I got myself 'my own' hplc which gives me headaches.

We get ourselves a new chemist name Liyana, 22years old. She's cool. huhu me not the youngest chemist there no more...hehe

Signed up as a docent... not rite.. not rite.. but believe it or not... hehehe
ps: history was never my field of interest...hehehe...today is my 1st tym at the museum negara...yup.true.hehehe. talk abt trying new things..hmm

I shud stop going home at weekends. Unless i look better in my jeans. yup thanks mum. thank u very much.

f a t i h a t i e

Igtlah org yang tersayang...
2 points are enuf.
f a t i h a t i e
Rela ku menunggu mu seribu tahun lama lagi
Tapi benar kah hidup ku kan selama ini

Biar berputar utara selatan
Ku tak putus harapan
Sedia setia

Rela ku mengejar mu seribu batu jauh lagi
Tapi benar kah kaki ku kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini

Biar membisu burung bersiulan
Tenang lah gelombang lautan
Ku masih setia
f a t i h a t i e
Hmm mungkin x dpt tulis pjg2 cam sham tp ni la yg terikhlas... =)

1. Jumlah terbanyak duit raya yang pernah kamu kumpul?
Em x igt sangat...mungkin rm 200 lebeh

2. Jumlah terbanyak kad raya yang pernah kamu terima dan tahun bila?
serius x igt jumlahnye...x la byk, dlm 20 lebeh kot...masa sekolah menengah...

3. Kalau la dapat kamu angankan, siapakah celebriti yang kamu mahu datang beraya di rumah kamu, ikikikik?
em...xpnah nak selebriti dtg umh...hehe normal ke x ni...

4. Bila kamu start puasa penuh sebulan?
tadika ke darjah 1 ek? atr dua tu la..hehe...x igt gak...

5. Ada apa-apa pengalaman raya tentang mercun,bunga api atau mungkin meriam buluh?
pnah main bunga api tp xde ape2 pngalaman yg menarik...=P

6. Dalam banyak2 warna, warna apa yang paling banyak kamu pilih sebagai warna baju melayu atau baju kurung kamu?
Turqoise. kebetulan kaler tu yang sll ade corak cantik.

7. Lagu raya favourite kamu? Satu lagu je tau......

Mamat Exist - Ku pohon restu ayah bonda. All time Fav.

8. Selain dari family kamu, dengan siapa kamu rasa nak beraya sangat dengannya? Siapa tu ek?
Si senget

9. Sejak kamu kerja ni, berapa RM$ biasanya kamu peruntukkan untuk duit raya bebudak dan adik beradik lain?
jap nak kira.... xde peruntukan...berhutang pulak ade la..hahah

10. Rumah siapa paling kamu rasa malas nak pergi masa hari raya?

ntah...rs mls bile penat..rumah yg kbetulan tym penat tu la yg mks...
f a t i h a t i e
Venue: ktm kjg to bank negara
Time: ~1pm

Buddy: no need to buy ticket for me. i have my touch n go card
Sengal : ok

Venue: bank negara to kajang
Time: ~1030pm

...Bought 2 ticket at the ktm machine for both of us,
Sengal: here, ur ticket.
Buddy : ... (?) i have my touch n go card..
Sengal: *Damn*

This memory lost get worst each day=P
f a t i h a t i e
omg :-O

until him
f a t i h a t i e
kite dah dpt rumah sewa tapi belum pindah masuk lagi.

kite akan rindu ngan tuan rumah lama kite, tapi kite akan dtg melawat dia lain kali sbb umh ktorg dkt je.

decoder astro kat umah kite (umah sebenar hehe) dah ting tong=(

adik kite dah dload prison break episode 1&2 season 3. kite suke!

kawan kite linda & sarah nak dtg berbuke sesama ngan kite ari ni=). Sarah mengidam kerabu mangga=P

kite x tau nk ckp camne tempat kije kite sampai ke hari ni

kite suke kije kite tp ade anasir yg buat kite muak...yep trying to cope with it

kite rindu dgn zaman belajar..hehe saje je

kite lom bayar PTPTN dah 2 bln ... hahaha ... *patut la ade baki bawa ke depan bln lepas*

kite sll blk umah tym weekend =P kite homesick sll

kite x sbr tgu jumaat masa hari isnin

kite rase hari khamis mcm hari jumaat

kite x de lesen lagi=P

Baju raya kite mak kite dah siap jahit siket. kite rase suke hati bile pakai baju tu=P...cam kanak2 try baju raya.

sll kite mls nk layan ngan baju raya. ada x pe, x de pun xpe. tp x pnah x de..heheh

kite nak cuti!!! kite x sabar nak balik kg raya ni. kite x pnah x sabar nak balik raya.bg kite raya stiap tahun same je.

kite sll igt wani & diyana *PERLU KE nk cakap* :)))))))

kite xtau nk ckp ape dah.

kite rase entry ni kaku..hhehheh

This ad is brought to u by saharil
ps: kite suke iklan merdeka petronas...

f a t i h a t i e

f a t i h a t i e
She broke somebody's heart
She never knew it was so bad...
but She believes it will get better in tym
He'll find someone better than her...

She: hmm, u'll find the rite 1 in the future...
She: insya allah
He: thnks
She: akceli awk x la rugi sgt
She: sbb sy ni bkn la best sgt
He: does ur bf say so?
She: hehe
She: of cos la tak
She: hahah
He: then i dont believe u


it's amazing what u can do to others...
the power in u dat u never will admit u possessed...
f a t i h a t i e
work sucks
sue me
f a t i h a t i e

To along with <3...
kat sana nnt rajin2 la update or send emails k
me sure baca hehe
story pe2 pun leh
haha me pun x story byk experience kije kat cni
x berkesempatan
so me fhm if D x sempat
am goin back to port for house hunting again
nvr ending prob~
receive a call frm a chemical company for an interview sumwhere in beranang 2 days ago
hahaha katakan la kalau dpt sure bahagia gile coz dkt gle ngan umh
haha tp x g pun...
ok am gonna mish u
good bye n c u again
insya allah
take care my dear along...
make 'em proud
make us proud...
suddenly it got watery~

11 Jun 07

21 Mar 07

5 Oct 06

5 Oct 06

5 Oct 06

5 Oct 06

28 Oct 06

28 Oct 06

28 Oct O6

12 Sept 06

==A year ago today==

f a t i h a t i e
When u r glued to the ground watching n i'm leaving towards the all alone destination
dat's when the feeling of awfullness creeps in.

f a t i h a t i e
Pasal pe melayu x maju2???
pasal bawah satu bumbung pun nak gadoh2???...
Eeeeeeeeeeee keji senget sungguh!!!

i am annoyed


Nape susah sgt nk cr umah sewa???
Sebab aku x de lesen=P


Pesal kite semua dah lama x jumpa?
a.sebab masing2 ade tanggungjawab masing2...
b.sbb jauh sangat.
c. Dua2 di atas
d. Tiada di atas


Pesal aku rs office mate aku pelik2?
Sbb dorang dari planet lain

ps: tp dorang baik je...hehe...


Pesal aku rs cleaner kat opis aku sgt rajin dan gigh sgt2?
sbb aku nmpk dia wat kije SETIAP MASA & x lupe snyum setiap masa wpun penat.


Dengan tiba-tiba...
A: sy bkn nk bangga tp awek sy lagi lawa dr pempuan tu (sambil menuding ke arah seorang pempuan yg kukira cantik, yg menarik perhatian ramai kerana tertumpahkan air di meja makan)
aku: yeh?( erk??? pe citer???)
A:bkn nk bangga tau, tp kwn2 sy pun kata cam tu...
aku: ye ke.ok.(sure special awek ko, sbb dia nk kat ko :))))))
A: klu dgn awk pun, awek sy lagi lawa.
aku:*lost jap smbil muka blur sbb x dgr dia ckp pe*
A: awk caya x?
aku: caya pe? *terpinga2*
A: awk ngan awek sy, awek sy lg lawa.
aku: ooo pesal lak x caya? caya je.
A: sbb muka awk td cam x caya.
aku: eh bkn, x dgr tadi. igt awk still banding ngan pempuan tu.*sengeh*

Assalamualaikum brader... erm ko hengat yg aku hengat yg aku ni lawa ke???
x bleh blah tok mamat nie.
part ni, x emo, tp cam lawak sket.
ape2 lah.nasib baik la ko member aku kan, mls aku nk amek port.

Kesimpulan: ekspresi muka aku ke yg macam bagus???


Home sweet home...


I need a sandal/shoes for dat particular day.


I peeped her blog but still i'am disappointed.

ps: menghitung detik, x update
klu dah kt sana sure lagi x update kan?
sure mls nk layan bz kan.
hmm awk ni ada maximum dan minimum la wak..hihihi
sure x phm kt ckp pe kan.hehe

Selamat hari kemerdekaan ke-50...


I'm thinking of Sarah, Ana, K.Nor,Amin, Zarif n u.
f a t i h a t i e
I feel like i ought to make a new blog...but since i have no tym to update so lets leave it dis way...

i need stability.
i hate to move out,
but i just have to.

kerana sekeping kad, sebuah kereta dan port klang.
f a t i h a t i e
3x tukar umah dalam masa 16 hari?
this is sickening.
f a t i h a t i e
Everybody is not a stranger anymore but everything here excluding them is.
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f a t i h a t i e
Pheeeeewww after almost two months sticking myself at home as a "home management trainee", hanging out with some of my friends, and a couple of interviews, i manage to get myself into the serious business..

Alhamdulillah..berkat doa semua..

First month of being unemployed, mom was worried... She was worried i'll be jobless forever and i got a bit tensed for her paranoia.. Actually she wasn't that worried but i sensed her anxiety under my skin. Rationally i told her to calm down a little so i can breathe... (not that i can't breathe, just being dramatic here=P)

Last semester, I planned to further my studies right after my i finish my degree.. and out of the blue, i decided to work first. Some of my friends were.. erm should i say stunned.. a little bit surprised because they thought i'd continue my studies first... to be frank i'm very very very lazy to hit the books again... and i dont have the passion to do academic research yet (thinking of writing journals just turns me off)...ahahhaa as if i don't need to study if i'm working... to me chemistry research is very tedious.. one need to be very determine to be a scientist in this field... furthermore i have no idea what chemistry field am i interested in.. =P yeah u can sue me.. hehehe

To Aina, Linda & En mansur=P, i hope u guys will be patient in this job hunt... don't be too worried... maybe the right one hasn't come yet...maybe it hasn't come yet because the job doesn't suits you, not because u are not qualified for the the job..hehe.. ayat sedapkan hati... n i hope i can adapt well in this job.. be it in the work enviroment and the task given itself... insya Allah... and i pray u'll find a better job with better location and pay of course=).. huhuhu jauhnye port klang... sob3x.. have to get out from my "kepompong keselesaan di kajang yg terchenta"... haha

erm mekaseh kerana memahami...=P

A great virtual friend of mine, Banji had posted an entry on the first day tips at work... thought u guys might one to sneak into his humble page for useful advice and information =)

u guys hv a nice day ok..
f a t i h a t i e

A Chemical is a Substance that:

An organic chemist turns into a foul odor.

An analytical chemist turns into a procedure.

A physical chemist turns into a straight line.

A biochemist turns into a helix.

A chemical engineer turns into a profit.
f a t i h a t i e
dah lama x update..hehe..sangat malas dan x tau nk tulis ape..
dan bila rasa nak update, ape yg nak ditulis mesti macam flashback..hehe...

masa sekolah2 dulu..
tahun 2000 & 2001 kelas ktorg... 4 Setia & 5 Setia suka wat friendship day... 1 ogos...
tapi di kalangan perempuan je...
Ade 14 org perempuan je... x ramai yg amek pure sc...
heehee lelaki x join sbb mls bli hadiah & kumpul duit...
tp masa jamuan, jeles pulak... padan muka =P

Masa form 4 tu, ktorg hanya tukar2 hadiah...
Igt lagi masa tu dapat hadiah dari Hairine...
ade lagi smpai skrg...erm Hairine buat sendiri, guna calender, dia tulis quotes kat calender tu..
Wani buat sijil frienship day utk sume... masa tu wani la yg dikenali sbg pakar computer..haha kunun la pakar... yg lain cam x layan sgt computer masa tu...

Masa form 5 lak, ktorg curi masa klas BM kejap...kumpul kat taman tepi sekolah..(masing2 bawa mknn & siap collect duit utk jamuan)... Siap ajak cikgu BM join jamuan sesama...
Kalau bdk laki join, leh wat jamuan dlm kelas terus... leceh sungguh mereka2 ini =P
Tukar2 hadiah cam biasa...sebelum tu kena cabut nama dulu utk tau tukar2 hadiah ngan sape...
hmm tahun tu dpt hairine lagi... Hairine bagi brooch bentuk rama2... ade lagi smpai skrg... brooch yg byk berjasa sbb bentuk leper, sesuai utk pin tempt tersembunyi... hehehe...
& Wani gak yg wat sijil friendship day...

Tiba2 teringat kata2 mama dari Ustaz Othman Muhammadi...lebih kurang camni...

Ape yg org buat jahat kat kite, kite x payah kenang...
Ape yg org buat baik kat kite, yg perlu kite kenang...
Ape yg kite buat baik kat org, kite x perlu ingat...
Ape yg kite buat jahat kat org, yg kite perlu ingat...

hehe...bukan ape... sbb cuba nk igt masa tu bg hadiah kat sape..tp x dpt igt...mungkin kat hairine jugak...hehe asek2 hairine..jodoh kot..haha

hmm alkesahnye...
tapi kalau ditanya waktu2 plg best, rasanye masa awal2 kat universiti... ok la, keseluruhan masa kat universiti =P
kat sekolah x gempak sangat haha...
plg perit (tp best) masa matrik hehe...hmm boleh dikatakan masa matrik tu "bittersweet" sbb dikelilingi org2 genius..sebilik pun dgn geniuses... skrg sorang dah wat PhD, sorang lagi dah kerja dgn jayanye...

Ape2 pun semuanya menghasilkan aku di hari ini =)

f a t i h a t i e
12.9 g/dl

Could it be bad?


may not be

f a t i h a t i e


not bad huh?


f a t i h a t i e

1. If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.
2. When you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.
3. Experiments must be reproducible, they should fail the same way each time.
4. First draw your curves, then plot your data.
5. Experience is directly proportional to equipment ruined.
6. Always keep a record of your data. It indicates that you have been working.
7. To do a lab really well, have your report done well in advance.
8. If you can't get the answer in the usual manner, start at the answer and derive the question.
9. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.
10. Do not believe in miracles - rely on them.
11. Teamwork is essential, it allows you to blame someone else.
12. All unmarked beakers contain fast-acting, extremely toxic poisons.
13. No experiment is a complete failure. At least it can serve as a negative example.
14. Any delicate and expensive piece of glassware will break before any use can be made of it.

Ouch... hahaha

f a t i h a t i e
Last month, my friends and I were having our lunch together, my friend Jay ( the most outrageous human i've ever known... ) were talking about his housemates back then ( ms muda2 dulu haha)... hmm.. He had 3 housemates... 1 of them was the angelic one (shah-bkn nama sbnr), 1 likes to stay out of fight and always seek peace (razak-bkn nama sbnr...erm bukan razak baginda) and the last one was erm... a PSYCHO... Actually, i couldnt quite get the actual term of psycho relating to his friend behaviour but after listening to his stories, I think Seman (bukan nama sebenar) is truly a psycho.


Threw away Jay's belt saying that it was old and ugly but it wasnt.

Threw away Shah's towel saying that it's worn out but its still in good condition.

Threw away all knives from the kitchen with no reasons at all.

Commented Jay's Eternity perfume smelled like car fragrance.

Scooped in fallen off hairs from the drain into Shah's shower foam. yaicksss!!!!!!!

Wow now that's way out of the line!!!

They were housemates for a few months. But apparently they cant stand him anymore. 2 of them move out.

They move out next door...hahahah...
But Jay said it was ok. They dont have to have their things thrown away without reasons anymore...

Talk about problems with housemates... I use to have a room mate back then who always had a bad history record with whomever her roomate was including me. There were 4 all of us and she had her issues with each and every one of us... Devastatingly she didnt tell me what i did wrong although I asked her so many times. She had these habit of smacking her things on the table (which i share with her), showing her moody and gloomy face if she's in her bad state and etc. She is highly hot tempered. The time with her was the black days of my life. No need to go into details. We made truce about a month after (she asked for apology) but still she refused to tell what the problem was. Being soft hearted i am, i just have to forgive her since she admit she is wrong...and she kind of said something unclear about she forgives me too but she didnt want to tell me what my fault is (huh?!). Because she always had problems with people around her, i want to assume that i've done nothing wrong, that she had issues, that she's mentally ill... and for the record I would like to state here that I was extremely MAD.FURIOUS.IRRITATED. of her for what she had done to me but i had to let go. It's history. fullstop.

But we keep in touch until today..She'll send her new phone number every time she has new one...(yes she has the habit of changing her phone number too)...

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I couldnt sleep last night, so i decided to write this =)

This is my mom...Her name is Wan Sharifah Wan Abdullah. And yes, our face isn't alike... =) I'm an adopted daughter... hahaha... hmm not funny.

Couple of nites ago, she was being all emotional..(haha, i guess i inherited it from her , but maybe a bit differently since she is the youngest in her family, and i'm the oldest). I was babbling about my youngest brother who was freaking out to finish up his school scrap book. A thing that piss me off about him is that he does his work last minute and he involved every family member in his problem. As I babbled, I asked my mom, was I ever this problematic upon finishing up my school work when I was in high school. Seriously, I cant remember. Mom said no. And she paused. She looked down. She was in clad (tudung), at that time. she took the ends of her clad to her eyes and put them there still. She withdrew her clad and smiled, acting like nothing happened and i was like... "Were u crying??? y were u crying???" At first i had no idea what exactly she was doing but she manage to avoid the tears from falling down her cheeks...hehe... dat's my girl... eh... dats my mom... I came to understand dat she was touched when she flipped over my high school scrap book a few years back because it was handwritten and my brother's was typed... ngeeeeeeee... Somehow she made me want to cry too...hehe... I dont feel like it was something to be proud of...=)She was just easily affected emotionally... dats all... She said she felt like I had difficult moments during school compared to my younger brothers...huhu... by the way, all of my friends wrote it by hands too mom..... hmm another thing was that she was pleased I didnt ask much help from her (there was only her if I were to ask for help), compared to my siblings who asked for EVERYBODY's help...=)=)=)... ni yg nak perasan jap ni... hehe... ok fatihah snap back into reality!!!

ok, I'm back...hehe... well that's my beloved mom...

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Place: in my room at 10.30 pm today...

Mama: Fahim, belikan peanut bile singgah balik nnt.
Fahim: peanut?
mama: peanut la...ground nut... nk bg Abg Adam.
Fahim: Ground nut? ok.
mama:Kalu x de Ngan yin, yg cap tangan tangan pun leh.
I think Fahim didnt catch the last part...

Later, fahim got back...
Mama: Atie, tau x fahim beli kacang ape?
Me: hmm kacang tok masak la tu...
Me: mn Ati tau?
Aku: dah agak dah, tadi dia cam tanye byk kali, cam x phm je.
Me: Dia balik beria nak cerita ade gak yg dah pack dah, tp mama potong " haa, fahim beli kacang ni? Mama nk yg ngan yin tu"...mama gelak, x jadi marah.
Me: mama wat le kuah kacang:
mama: setahun nak habis
Me: naper?
Mama: sekilo dia bli.
fakhrin & me: *Laughing out loud*
Me: pesal la sengal sangat adik ko tuuuu...
Fakhrin: Adik ko gak...
Fakhrin & me: *Burst into laughter*

Ps: hehe...we use 'aku-ko' in the house for teasing purpose only =P
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I think I ought to vomit right now




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Sebenarnya x rasa ape2 smlm bile dgr berita Diyana akan ke Ireland. Rasa gembira sebab itu yg dicitanya sejak dulu dan rasa 'menyokong'. Tapi hari ni, bila baca ayat yg ckp pasal 2 thn tu, terus terasa sebak... huhuhu... penglihatan rasa cam 'kabur2' sikit... screen pc rasa cam nmpk x nmpk... hehehe... slama ni memang dah biasa jauh sbb tu rasa x de sebab utk sedih sangat... yang jadi sedih tu sbb diri sendiri yg nak emosi tiba2... hehehe... mengade-ngade la awk nie...
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Diyana came to my house this afternoon with her mom and her friend, Kak Hanim. They were heading back to KT but I think she terribly missed me, so she paid me a visit... hehehehe perasan... She came bringing urm... should I say good news or bad news?... =( She'll be leaving Malaysia for Ireland to further her studies... and it's going to happen this September... huhu... why so early???

But from the bottom of my heart (broken heart? hehehe), i am truly happy for you... hiks.. =)

Last week I asked Diyana if I can borrow one of her books written by Sophie Kinsella... I couldnt remember the title... I thought the title was PS: I Love You (PS:I.L.Y.)... hahaha... Later then I recalled the title was actually Can You Keep a Secret (C.Y.K.A.S). She brought over tons of her books and to my absolute surprise, PS: I Love You was one of them... hehehehe... and she just bought it last friday... She didnt bring the book by Kinsella, C.Y.K.A.S.. Maybe she forgot and replaced it with PS:ILY. But it's fine with me. I'd take anything that you bring... =)

And here's pictures of zarief snuggling with his bears in my room before Diyana came... huhuhu sibuk je budak kicik nie.. =P
elleh...kunun chomel la tuuuu...

huhuhu... memang chomel puuun... =)
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:: at Madam Rahmah's house::
the cat: Adeh..biler pompuan ni nk lpskan haku???

On the first day of Pre-Employment Programme, each of us had to talk one-on-one to Madam Rahmah... She kinda wanted to pre-evaluate our proficiency in English... I was asked 3 items i wish i had if i'm stucked in an island... erk? wut the heck... i never thaught that coming... i stammered on my final item... yeah plzz dont ask me what the two items were... oh yes, i wasnt allowed to choose a human... hahaha... hmm i cannot think of anything... Suddenly, out of the blue, i said the word "my cat". DAMN. Since when do i have a pet? I never had touched one...haha... i did touch 'em but i never 'mingle' with 'em. It's not that I hate them... i'm just not use to cats... hmm ok be honest- I'm afraid to hold them... truth be told. But i'm alright if they are around... no screamins and freakins... so uncool..hahaha..

Towards the end of the course, i found out that mdm rahmah has many kinds of pets... yes one of them is Felis catus. and she has like trillions of THEM. When I knew it, all i can do was smiled expressionlessly to Aina who couldn't stop laughing. Damn Aina.

As a result, at Madam Rahmah's house, i had to ACT... God I'm evil... It felt akward. arrrggghhh... what have i done... why did i lie...

But finally i overcome the fear to hold them right?... was it fear or plain ignorant towards the species? i'm not sure...maybe both...

I didnt mean to lie at the first place...

One of the things Mdm Rahmah reminded us was to be honest as an employee.. and of course at the interview... coz u might be caught dead if what u've stated in ur resume differs.

Ps: Mdm Rahmah also said that those who have pets are a responsible kind of person coz they take responsibility of their pets...ngggeeeee... who have pets?? hands up plsss.. hahaha... no wani, u can keep ur hands down.. =D
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lawak petang...
sila jgn contohi...


bla bla bla..............

3. It would be a privilege to work for a progressive company such as yours. I read from the newspaper recently that your company has killed two Malaysians and injured two others in an explosion in one of your chemical plant. What's wrong with your company? Have u got any brain?!!! I think you are too busy ensuring the safety and high quality of your products and you neglected your employees's safety.

4. I hope I will be invited for an interview when I could tell you more about myself and ask you more about the methanol explosion. I can be contacted at 012-3456789 or you can e-mail me at petangyangbosan@cari.net.



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~adorable Zarief...waiting for kak Ummie at 6pm~

"Zarief, u can give the flowers to ur mama as soon as she gets back home from work, okie?..."
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I have a few numbers of good friends...
u r one of them...
i thank u all...

B: ntah ar, aku tgh panas hati kot, tu yg pk camni...tp betul gak pe yg ko kata...nk jd cam yg ko ckp la camtu...plus hati mesti lagi tenang, tol x...
A: kan madam ckp kan
A: sentiasa maaf kan org
B: dia ade bg nsht yg 2.ms biler dia ckp eyh?
A: kan dia kata kita klu nk happy
A: maaf kan la org
A: tk salah pun nk maaf kan org
A: hati kita akan tenang
A: lagi kita nk marah lagi tu kita tk tenang
B: a'a
B: terharu aku dgr ko bg nsht ni kt aku
B: hehe
A: aah
B: thanks lah A.
A: biasa la tu
A: ko kena bljar terima keaadaan
A: sentiasa open
A: idup ni cmtu la
A: sentiasa ada dugaan
B: n aku doa dia sedar ngan ape yg dia wat... spy dia insaf...klu doa cam tu leh kan A.
B: if x sedar skrg, satu hari nanti...
B: pun x pe.

Seseorang manusia harus cukup rendah hati untuk mengakui kesilapannya , cukup bijak untuk mengambil manfaat daripada kegagalannya dan cukup berani untuk membetulkan kesilapannya.
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I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding on TV 2 nights ago with my youngest brother. A quote uttered by Nick Portocalos from that movie catched my ears...

"Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become."


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You Are a Life Blogger!

Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary.

If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible.

Entertaining??? hmmm...

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the headache is gone.

No words can describe what my brain is stimulating right now.
any speech will make it worst.
just have to take a break and inhale deep breathe.
so many words colliding in my 'small' brain.
words which will be interpreted as 'excuses'.

i take all the charges and i swallow them hard.
i'm currently feeling numb.

just want you to know that everything done by u since day 1 were very much appreciated... seriously appreciated... tak tipu.

all the care and caress.
the thinking and the thought
all the support
the ears
the late night sleep
the worries
the misses
the give and little take

now exhale...
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Went hunting for job today..
Ayn, Aina and me..
Not actually hunting but we went to SRG filling up forms and answering english comprehension questions...erk... y the fuss??? hope all 3 of us got to b shortlisted for the interview...ngeeee..
In the meantime, i'm still looking for the so-called-fulltime-job... hohhoho...

Then we went to Mid Valley... yeah with our slacks i repeat, with our slacks to Mid, i repeat,we went to Mid Valley to watch movie with our slacks... huhuhu... never done that before... Ayn bumped into her old fren and her fren said to her " hey ayn, carik kije eyh?" ouchhh... Hello, we are in our lunch hour office break ok...hahaha... no big deal lah... ;)

We wanted to watch Ocean 13 but the show tym was too late so we chosed to watch Shrek instead.. hehe.. i didnt watch Shrek 2... kekeke... whatever. However Shrek was ok for 6 hengget.

We chatted and chatted at lunch b4 the movie... by the way, we callled Jay to join us too. so the foursome of us had lunch together... at Oasis... talk talk and talk summore to kill the tym before the movie started..

After the movie, we walked around mid and i introduced them wani's favourite 'cuisine"...Cream puff of la Boheme... They liked it..haha... Ayn said... "gemok laa camnie"... hahaha ...Head back and reach back home at around 7.

And now i'm having this headache... dont know why... maybe i am to exhausted... huhu... gottta get sum sleep... i'm out...

ps: The fwen of mine sent Nitrus-kamu song via ym just now to soothe my headache... hahaha... and i'm imagining dat bidadari and the jin again...hahaha... or am i the 'bidadari'?,,,, hahahahahahahahahahaah...
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A friend of mine dedicated this song to me... hmm he was telling me abt his new house he is currently renting right now... he told me that there are jins in the house and hewas kissed by a jin... I assume it was a female.. harharhar... She whispered to him that he was handsome and that she wanted to marry him... this is achingly funny... soon when he linked this song from youtube to me, and i read the lines, i just cant stop thinking of imagining the bidadari with the female jin he told me...hahahahahahahahaha...


Oh mana bidadari
Yang turun dari kayangan
Indahnya yang tak berbandingan
Terasa bagai disentuh bayangmu

Sesungguhnya kamu
Terang bagaikan cahaya
Yang menyinari hidupku
Di kala kelam... kelam

Terciptalah aku
Tuk kali pertama
Dan akan kubuktikan
Kesungguhan dari hati ini
Hati ini...

Umpama bidadari
Kau selalu menenangkan aku
Biar kadang ku keliru
Izinkan aku menyentuh bayangmu

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Diyana is coming to my house today!!! yippie... She lives in KT but she has something to do here in Sepang. Therefore I invited her to my house. I was caught by flu yesterday and fever this morning but i still made plan to go out yesterday... hohoho... I planned to see my my friends in KL central yet i still made plan to see Diyana (yesterday i planned to meet her outside)... haha wut's wrong with me? I'm not feeling well and i still made plans...not one but two...haha... yeah obviously i AM 'sick'...

It's in ur state of mind...if u think u r sick, then u r.
If u think u r crazy, then u r crazy.
i'm out.


Diyana had gone back home to KT...
i'm gonna miss u...
thank u for coming over...


Once in a while i just cannot help myself from feeling deeply sad and miserable... the memory keeps on haunting even if i refuse to think abt it. and i just have to live with it for the rest of my beautyfool life... i strongly feel that i'll get over it when there's some other important thing for me to think abt... I promise myself... Time will tell... and i keep holding on...

yeah this is my diary...hahahaha...
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Zerra, carefull with ur fingers...hahaha...

5 weeks had passed by... It started out rough and ended in a very mild feelings of blankness... Few hours after the closing ceremony then I felt the strong sensation of sad and sorrow blended slowly into my system... haha it took quite a while for the sadness to assymilate... Sometimes when u r sad, u just dont want to think about it until all the memories come crawling into ur numb brain, that u realize u are actually sad... u just have to...there's no way not to be.

Now, there will be no more the same faces in class, the same faces pooling in aina's car, no more aina's waiting and shouting for my name in the morning , no more ayn calling me early in the "manis" morning shouting loud asking if i care to join for breakfast, no more rushing to class to avoid singing in front of the class if you are late, no more jogging at the lake, no more giving out speeches, no more mdm rahmah's tasty sandwiches, no more crazy nights, no more 'tuang' class for bowling... and yeah not to be forgotten no more climbing up the 4 story building to my room...huhu how i will remember all of this tears and joy... yeah i had cried after knowing my results =P, I jumped and screamed hysterically, insanely, wildly in my room...-Linda was absent to witness my madness. Soon i realized that i was extremely out of my mind...hehe... i shud thank Allah instead... I cried because of the difficult moments i had had through out my final semester and my exam week... IT WAS SOMETHING. it was bitter yet it was sweet. IT WAS SOMETHING WONDERFUL. It is still is. and it will always be.
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1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
>Anybody but him. (!)

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
>sometimes. depends on the distance. =)

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
>can i choose both? erm.. more of a talker.

4. Do you take compliments well?
>yes. but... (tak hidup dek puji tak mati dek keji)

5. Do you play Sudoku?
>nope. but i admire those who do.

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
>I choose to say YES. insya Allah

7. Do you like to ride horses?
>I wish...some day...

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
>yes. usually with my family when i was small.

9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
>sorok2, kejar2 (guna kaki& basikal haha),polisentri(haha, how'd u spell dat?),masak2(hahaha...kat sekolah),galah panjang, baling selipar etc.

10. If a sexy/hot person was pursuing you, what would you do?
>pursuing me for what?!

12 . Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?

13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
>Hate to be pursued. so i think i'll take the first one.

15. Do any songs make you cry?
>Cry---NO. sad--- yes. Rest in pieces-Saliva.

16. Are you continuing your education?
>nope. I will eventually...Insya Allah

17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
>no, but i want to... i seriously want to kill a bastard rite now.

18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first 'thing' you would grab?
>The first thing is my mom followed by my family members.

19. How often do you read books?
>I rarely read but I wish i read more books.

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
>Definitely more of the future.

21. What is your favorite children's book?
>Beauty & the beast? haha... many favorites

22. What color are your eyes?
>Obviously visualize up there in the picture =D

23. How tall are you?

24. Where is your dream house located?
>Somewhere calm and serene... with greeny environment... yes dream in dream in.

27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
>erk?? nope

32. Do you like mustard?
>more than mayo

33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?

34. Do you look like your mom or dad?

35. How long does it take you in the shower?
>Less then 20 minutes. more than 5 minutes.

36. Can you do a split?
>huhu. no.

39. What did you do for New Year's?
>Think of the memories i've had...Evaluate myself...make plan & resolutions...

40. Did you think The Grudge was scary?
>not at all.

41. Do you own a camera phone?

42. Was your mom a cheerleader?

43. What's the last letter of your middle name?

44. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
>5 hours is enuf. but now i sleep longer to-not-to-think...

45. Do you like care bears?
>They are cute.

46. What do you buy at the movies?
>I buy (more than 1) ticket.

47. Do you know how to play poker?

48. Do you wear your seatbelt?
>no. haha.

49. How many meals do you eat a day?

50. Is your tongue pierced?

51. Do you always read bulletins?

52. Do you like funny or serious people better?

53. Do you have theme songs for occasions?

54. What song(s) are you into now?
sang uh reul sarang han in uh - jo kwan woo ( my girl ost)

55. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
>I get it for freeeeeeeeee...
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The past 33 days were the most beautiful days of my damn bittersweet life...
I will be missing all of these... god, why do goodbyes exist?...

Didi, Nisa', Yana, Ina, Ieqin, Mel, Leela, Liza, Tan, Ayu, Fawiz, Masitah, Aina, Azuwan, Yusof, Kaysen, Louise, Amran, Seng Heng & Cheng... 21 all of us...

and yes Madam Rahmah, our respectable teacher, and her 7 years old Arissa who always come on Friday evening... =)

Yesterday she made us Iranian sandwiches which are very very delicious... last week she made us tasty chicken curry puffs... nyum nyum... In addition, she invited all of us for bbq at her house on the last day of the course... huhu can't wait... =) Friends from other classes envy us for having such a wonderful and kind teacher... I wish she is my mother in law...(lol) but her sons are all married... too bad... hahahahaha

I've learn a lot... not only the so called skills during interviews, but the morale and ethiques to be a better person, to lead a better life... My deepest gratitude to madam Rahmah... I adore her passion as a teacher... i admire her patience teaching all of us through out this short course... may Allah bless you Madam Rahmah... I wish i can translate all of these feelings into beautiful words... i lack that skill...

A sudden feeling of melancholy stroke me hard here in my left chest...
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"To those who love me and those who love me not; to those who stay and those who steer away; to those who made me cry and made me laugh; I thank you all for the memories I've had."
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Have you ever think of who you will be and what you will achieve or what you will have in 10 years time...

Actually I'm trying to figure that out myself...

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To think about myself...
to think about my family...
to think about my future job...
Think abt my best friends..
to think about only me...
...not to think about anything else...

not to think is:
to be involve in any activities, in any programme,to hang out with them, to do anything that can make me not to think...

By day, i attend my classes that is from 9-5.
In the evening i jog with my friends until 7.
Later at night i attend grooming or IT class until 10.15.
Then i went back to college, do my prayers, wash my face and go to sleep on the spot.
sumtimes i don't even care to do my English homework or my journals...
I slept as early as 10.45...
If we have any plans, we will go after grooming or IT class. We went bowling, watch movie, etc...
We used to skip grooming class (only for once) for bowling... we had fun...We always got back before midnite....
Linda is now in penang for MASUM... It's even harder to be alone in my room...because when there's nobody, it makes me THINK which i am trying hard to avoid...
I can hang out in my friends room, but i choose not to, i'd rather sleep...
I'm totally misunderstood, and i myself never can comprehend this shit.

it's nobody's fault...it's just me...
i have never had regrets...
This is my first.
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I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it
(anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate
(for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart
(I carry it in my heart)

~E. E. Cummings~
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Hari ni hari ke-7 program softskill...sangatla sangap aku mcm ni hidup penuh peraturan dan jadual yang penuh setiap hari... mungkin juga mengajar aku pengurusan masa dan disiplin... bukan itu yang merunsingkan aku, program ni sangat bermanfaat dan julung2 kali diadakan oleh universiti... ye la, student yang dibayar utk menghadiri sesuatu? haha... sepatutnya aku kena la speaking utk praktikkan kan?tp aku sangatlah malas... ni pun tgh kelas IT ... ajar psl internet...huhu internet kah? bukanlah tau semua( byk jugak yg aku x tau), tp aku tersangatlah buhsan... aku seorang yg cepat buhsan... huaaahhh sangap le aku cam ni...

semua ok, cuma bile kena belajar bahasa sepanjang hari, rasa tercabar jugak perasaan nie... masa kelas dulu pun walaupun kelas kimia sepanjang hari, tp bidang2 berlainan...x de la buhsan sgt... ok aku dah membebel... Mdm Rahmah, guru bahasa Inggeris ada berkata, utk mencapai kemanisan, kt perlu bersusah2 dulu, kena berkorban... huuhuu... pastinya itu benar... dan aku sedang menghadapinya dgn tenang di waktu ini... huhu....

Byk sungguh jemputan kawin yg aku dpt... mungkin 5 kesemuanya dan satu hari convocation yg aku perlu hadiri... sedihnya x dpt hadiri semua... 27 may je ada dua kenduri (exclassmate dan kakak member) dan konvo sepupu, konvo spupu tu tak boleh tidak, mama dah warning kena pergi... 31 may, 2 dan 7 jun kenduri kawan rapat, sepupu dan kawan lama...mungkin kenduri sepupu je yg pasti aku hadirkan diri...insya Allah... nmpknya 2 je yg aku mampu uk pergi...

Semalam aku hadiahkan mama sesuatu...mama terharu...seperti hampir menangis tp mama selindungkan sambil tergelak... aku lak yg rasa nak menangis... aku jarang bg mama hadiah... hehe... sll card and wishes je... penah bg kad, mama kata membazir...huhu... tp kali ni, aku nak juga bagi... want to make it special this year... tp aku tau bg mama, ingatan dan penghargaan di hati dah memadai... i luv u mom...

maaf ayat2 ku berterabur... x mampu nak recheck...bear wit me=) have a nice day guys...

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I 'll be attending a programme organize by the university next week and i'll be staying in campus for a month... A programme where we will be reprogrammed and reinstalled with-the-so-called-soft skills and we are the guiney pig batch...yeah... we are the first batch... and we will definitely will be the best ... hahaha... ok, ignore that part...

My friends will be joining it too ... yeah after a semester of missing them due to different classes, now we get to reunite back...haha...reunite la sangat... and i plan to take thousands of pictures in campus before the graduation day... hehe... sukenyer...

The anticipation is undeniable... and since i have nothing to do at home except for daydreaming, stalking, watching tv, sleeping, loafing around and hanging out with my friends once in a while, i think, this is something i should be looking forward to...

but at the same time i feel totally tied up cz my cousin's convocation will be somewhere at the end of may and i hope his is on weekend... and my friend's wedding is in the 7th of june which is devastatingly saddening cz the programme ends on the 8th...huaaaaaaaaaahhh...

urm... remember a senior i've told u before? should i say a crush? hahaaha, not really but yes, maybe... ooo plzz alfattah... ok, i used to have a small crush on him...nothing serius... but actually he's not my type... hahaha, that's not the issue here =D... the issue is, he spontaneouly said he likes me this very amusing evening... hahaha... how irony is that... and he spontaneouly asked if i've watch spiderman 3 yet, and i said i haven't... he asked me if i'd like to go watch wif him... and i was like... did he just asked me out?... this kopiah man just asked me out for a movie? yeah, but he's kind of open-minded kind of guy so i thought he was serius at first... but strangely, he took back his words saying he will ask his friends instead and i haven't answered him yet... i was like... hohoho what's wrong wif ur brain dude?

I made a conclusion that he is 'segan' ( hahaha segan?) or maybe afraid to be rejected by me... yes, he was wise to do so... talking 'bout handling rejection.. hmm... never mind lah bro, i will still like you...hahaha... as a brother... and yes, u r still charmingly handsome in that kopiah of urs...
f a t i h a t i e

1. I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair.
2. I hate the way you drive my car.
3. I hate it when you stare.
4. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
5. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
6. I hate the way you're always right.
7. I hate it when you lie.
8. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
9. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
10. I hate it when i can't comprehend you and all this; not even close, not even a little bit, not any at all.
f a t i h a t i e
Waktu bergerak laju, tanpa kusedari sudah pukul 9 am... huhuhu dah sejam aku menjawab soalan sedari tadi... kenapa kurasakan jam di dinding dewan peperiksaan ni pantas sangat berlari... rosakkah ia? bagai ingin tercampak pen free yg kuguna, dakwat pulak macam nak tak nak je... berkali2 aku menukar pen, macam pelukis menukar berus pulak... haha... kuharap masa 2 jam yg diberikan cukup untuk aku menjawab soalan2 ni...

Jam menunjukkan pukul 9.30 am... dan aku memerlukan skrip kertas tambahan... sempat ke ni lagi 30minit... bagai nak kejang jari-jemari... urat tengkuk pulak bagai tunggu masa nak putus disbbkan lama sangat menundukkan kepala... dari exam hari pertama lagi aku mp masalah dgn tengkukku ni... huhu

pukul 9.45 berlalu... aku dah tak keruan, ada satu page lagi xsentuh... macam nak tercabut tangan dan otak tika itu... tp takjub jugak lagi 1 page utk 15 minit... sbb spatutnye ber muka2 x sentuh lagi...haha...hampir pukul 10.ketua peperiksaan x pulak ke udarakan pengumuman masa hampir tamat... musykilnye aku...

Dan ntah dari mana datangnye, tiba2 aku di teringat yang exam start pukul 8.30 bukan pukul 9... sangap betul...maksudnye exam tamat pukul 10.30, bukan 10 laaa... ape daaaa...Terus aku kaku... dan menarik nafas sedalamnya... nak tergelak pun ada... aku jadi relax sikit... langsaikan baki soalan dan jawapan yg x habis aku selesaikan sebelumnya...huhu...
f a t i h a t i e

Dan keesokan paginye, aku sibuk di dapur menumbuk halus garam yg sudah sedia halus...(kebetulan, sampel yg diperlukan sama seperti garam masakan...=))
not right... not right...
Jangan ikut aku...hihihi.
f a t i h a t i e
Terasa terpanggil untuk berkongsi ingatan ini dari blog saudara seagama... semoga kita dapat memperbaiki ibadah kita...insya Allah...
Baru saja lepas mendengar ceramah ustazah Hjh Siti Khadijah Din sebentar tadi. Rasa terlalu bernilai ilmu yg dicurahkan beliau, rugi kalau tak dikongsi bersama. Topik adalah mengenai adab2 solat. Setelah mengikuti kuliah beliau (2 minggu sekali) selama beberapa bulan yg lepas, baru kini timbul kesedaran betapa solat yg saya dirikan terlalu rendah kualitinya.
Bagaimana bisa solat berkenaan diterima Allah...umur dah lanjut macam ni pun solat masih di peringkat mediocre, itu pun kalau boleh di kategorikan begitu. Secara ringkasnya, sebelum memulakan solat, penceramah mencadangkan kita mengambil 2 minit untuk "menyediakan diri" sblm menghadap Yg Esa.
2 perkara yg elok dilakukan sebelum berniat utk solat...sewaktu kita >berdiri tegak sblm lafaz niat :
1. Minit pertama - Membangkitkan rasa KEHAMBAAN dlm diri kita. Kenangkan kembali dosa2 kita, betapa kerdil dan hinanya kita, seolah2 tak layak utk diberi peluang menghadap yg Esa. Pendek kata, kutuk diri sendiri dan menyesallah.
2. Minit kedua - Membangkitkan rasa BERTUHAN. Betapa kita diciptakan oleh yg Esa utk beribadat kepadaNya. Kenangkan betapa bersyukurnya kita dijadikan sbg seorg Islam, mempunyai Tuhan yg begitu menyayangi hamba2nya yg hina ini lebih daripada seorg ibu menyayangi anaknya.
Setelah dilakukan kedua2 perkara ni, barulah kita niat solat dan mengangkat takbir. Berniatlah dlm keadaan berdiri tegak, bukan sambil membetul2kan kain sembahyang, telekung dan sebagainya. Fokus. Setelah bertakbir, penceramah menunjukkan pula cara2 solat yg betul, penuh adab dan sopan,sesuai dgn keperibadian kita sbg wanita dan selayak2nya adab utk menghadap Tuhan.
i) Mengangkat takbir - ada 3 cara mengangkat takbir : i. Dgn meletakkan kedua2 ibu jari di bawah cuping telinga ii. Dgn meletakkan kedua2 jari telunjuk di bawah cuping telinga iii. Mengangkat kedua2 tgn sehingga ke paras dada (bukan telinga). Perlu diingatkan, kedua2 lengan hendaklah dirapatkan ke badan. Menurut penceramah, syaitan2 yg berupa kambing hitam gemar bergayut2 dicelah lengan(bawah ketiak) utk mengganggu solat kita, oleh itu sekiranya kedua2 lengan dirapatkan, tiada ruang utk mereka.
ii) Qiyyam - cara qiyyam yg betul ialah memposisikan tgn kiri ke atas sikit dari pusat (bukan menutup pusat) sambil ibu jari dihalakan ke atas, seolah2 menyentuh ulu hati. Tangan kanan diletakkan di atas tgn kiri agak2 selesa. Pastikan kedua2 lengan adalah rapat mendekati badan.
3) Rukuk - peralihan dari posisi qiyyam kepada rukuk dilakukan dgn penuh tertib dan sopan. Kedua2 tgn melurut peha dgn perlahan dan berhenti di atas lutut. Pastikan badan kita di dlm posisi sudut tepat (90 darjah). Siku juga dirapatkan ke badan dan sudut tepat.
4) 'Iktidal - tegakkan badan semasa membaca "Sami Allahuliman hamidah..." dan mengangkat tgn posisi takbir ketika membaca "rabbanaa lakal hamdu"
5) Sujud - sujud dari segi istilah ialah "penyerahan diri yg tertinggi". Tertib sujud ialah dgn meletakkan kedua2 lutut ke lantai, baru diikuti tapak tgn dan seterusnya dahi. Kedua2 tgn dirapatkan di bhgn bawah sedikit dari ibu jari, di mana ada sedikit ruang terbuka di antara kedua2 tgn dan di situlah dahi diletakkan. Jgn sujud terlalu jauh ke hadapan kerana dikhuatiri akan melebihi lebih dari anggota sujud yg 7 iaitu dahi, kedua tapak tangan, kedua lutut and kedua belah kaki (setakat jari shj).Ibu jari kaki dilentur sedikit agar menghala ke kiblat.
6) Duduk antara 2 sujud - ada 2 cara : i. Papan punggung diletakkan di atas kedua2 kaki ii. Papan punggung lebih diberatkan atas kaki kiri dan kaki kanan dilentur agar ibu jari menghadap kiblat.
7) Bangun selepas sujud - duduk sebentar sebelum bangun, bukan dlm keadaan bangun menungging. Sekiranya menghadapi kesulitan utk bangun, gunalah tgn kanan utk membantu kita bangun atau kedua2 tgn.
8) Tahiyyat - mengangkat telunjuk pada ketika menyebut "....illallahh. .." ( "laa ilaa ha ILLALLAH") Jari telunjuk itu jangan diturunkan sehingga memberi salam.
9) Salam - tidak perlu ditundukkan muka sebelum memberi salam. Menoleh sejauh mungkin sehingga 180 darjah ke belakang kerana malaikat ramai di sekeliling kita. Begitu juga ketika menoleh ke kiri. Tidak salah jika bahu dialihkan sedikit bagi membolehkan kita menoleh sehingga 180 darjah.Semasa menoleh ke kanan, alihkan sedikit bahu kiri dan sebaliknya.
10) Berdoa sesudah solat - seelok2 duduk ialah dgn melapikkan papan punggung dgn kedua2 kaki. Tgn diangkat separas dada dan berdoalah dlm keadaan tunduk sedikit kerana sekiranya kita berdoa dgn tgn yg tinggi dan mendongak ke langit, itu melambangkan sifat bongkak. Ingatlah, kita sedang menghadap yg Esa. Seterusnya sebelum selesai ceramah, ustazah sempat mengingatkan para hadirin bahawa kain yg digunakan ukt solat juga perlu menepati ciri2 yg tertentu. Antaranya:
i) Tidak jarang. Rata2 kain telekung masa kini adalah jarang. Sekiranya kita memakai kain yg jarang dan dapat dilihat tengkuk dan warna kulit,maka solat kita tidak sah. Seelok2nya carilah kain telekung yg tidak jarang (antara caranya ialah dgn menggunakan 2 lapis kain). Ataupun, pakailah anak telekung atau tudung labuh di dlm dan pastikan sewaktu di rumah, apabila kita solat cuma dgn berbaju sleeveless di dlm telekung, pastikan bahu dan tgn tidak kelihatan warna kulit jika diamati dari luar telekung.
ii) Kadang2 sewaktu musafir, ada muslimah yg malas membawa kain solat, sekadar membawa telekung shj (tak payah org lain, saya pun begini). Apabila tiba waktu solat, cuma kain di badan shj digunakan dan bagi menutupi kaki, kita memakai stokin. Cara ini memang tidak salah, tapi pastikan stokin yg dipakai tidak jarang. Ingatlah sewaktu kita sujud, kain stokin itu akan menegang (stretch) dan manalah tahu, terdedah aurat kita ketika itu lalu tidak sahlah solat. Sebaik2nya pakai stokin yg tebal (ustazah mencadangkan stokin yg lazim dipakai ketika bersukan) ataupun jika tiada, pakai 2 lapis.
iii) Ada kain telekung yg indah bersulam dan berkerawang. Ada yg berlubang2 sehingga di belakang telekung. Adakalanya, bagi mereka yg rambut pjg,jika tidak ditutup betul2 dgn serkup/anak telekung, rambut2 ini akan terkeluar2 di celah2 kerawang telekung. Oleh itu, berhati2lah. Sama2lah kita berusaha memperbaiki solat kita kerana ia adalah tiang agama.
Pertama sekali yg akan dihisab di akhirat kelak ialah solat kita. Solat yg baik akan melahirkan peribadi yg baik. Saya akui, terasa agak berat. Pengalaman saya, oleh kerana telekung saya agak jarang, saya kini memakai tudung labuh di dlm telekung setiap kali solat sambil berazam utk membeli telekung yg lebih baik kualitinya. Walaupun kadang2 terasa panas ketika solat saya gagahkan juga. Yg penting, saya mencuba seboleh2nya untuk mendapatkan solat yg diterima Allah, walaupun dari segi khusyuk solat, saya masih merangkak. Yg penting, kita kena ingat, inilah sebahagian persediaan kita utk akhirat, jadi biarlah berbaloi. Jgn pula nanti kita dihisab pula kerana solat yg tak sempurna. Biar susah sekarang, jgn susah di alam baqa'.
Sekian saja yg dapat saya kongsi bersama. Sekira2 ada salah dan silap, harap dimaafkan. Segala yg baik itu dtg dari Allah s.w.t. dan yg buruk itu dari saya. Wassalamu.
** Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda, Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat.. **

he or she..

Lilypie Maternity tickers