
all my feelings for these past 3 weeks total up =

extremely exhausted. mentally and physically.

is it so hard to just say thank you? why do some people find it so difficult to appreciate other people's hardwork? i never ask for gold mine or even a bank of money. just a simple "thanks" should have been enough.

learn to appreciate others first before you go talking and posting selfish statuses on FACEBOOK! you annoyed me so much i felt like crying though i know it's not worth it. I'm sorry but people have feelings!! if you never understands this then you will never understand no one.

i'm sick of this pathetic drama. hope this will end quick!

seriously, penatnya menjaga hati. at the end of the day hati sendiri yang sakit. ;(

-hanya sabar pemujuk diri. Allah kuatkan hati ini..huhuhu

spoiled tummy


not long time ago i was down with a fever. and although the pain and the hotness and sometimes the coldness were quite unbearable, but guess what?  i could give anything now just to be sick all over again.

being ungrateful much? just hear me out first.

the reason why i feel like getting sick again is because during that period of time, my appetite was completely gone (which is something to celebrate!). not even the delicious ikan keli and ayam goreng can make my mouth waters. i don't feel like eating at all and when i did, it always ended up being thrown out back. (sorry if this disturbs anybody)

but it was then!! then!!

now that i'm as healthy as a cow, i started to eat like a cow again (does cow eat a lot? i'm not sure, but looking at their size, maybe they do)

i don't know if there were populations of Ascaris and whatnots there inside my tummy, because really! i just keep on eating and munching things constantly nowadays. which is really frustrating!! ;((

ohhh i hate this!!!

please stop your craves for food dear tummy!! pleaseee~~ OH MY GOD, DUDE I'M ONLY 21!!! I CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO BECOME OBESE NOW!!!!!! NOR EVER!!!! sobs..

why me so heavy? =.=

good answer russian cat!

i shoud be exercising now, iyah iyah!!!

curik masa taip entry

sekarang ni menghadapi kelambakan assignments. ni lah akibatnya suka sangat menangguh-nangguhkan kerja. oh, eksaited sangat nak crit crit pasal assignment sampai lupa nak beri salam (macam lah tak boleh backspace :p)

papepon, assalam sahabat-sahabat pembaca..
seperti biasa nak cerita pasal diri sendiri sahaja. nak cerita pasal politik takut kena bash, nak cerita pasal kebersihan pon takut kena tahan pulis, nak cite pasal Datin Maimon pon risau kene letup sampai lunyai, so better bercerite subjek yang membosankan ni je, pasal masalah, kegembiraan, kesedihan, kestressan yang dihadapi diri ini.. (almaklum lar yang bacer belog ni siapa je, so rase cam selamat and sukahati je nak citer pasal pape kat sini)

sekarang ni banyak giler deadline nak kena kejar.
1. deadline assignments
2. deadline presentation
3. deadline assignments (ooh already been mentioned? never mind. seperti biasa malas mahu back space)
4. deadline projek rahsia

oops, sejak bila pandai cakap tentang rahsia ni dalila? dah maju ye u'ollz. anyway jangan piker ke arah lain. rahsia-rahsia tak semestinya benda tak baik. kadang-kadang berahsia perlu jugak, especially untuk menjaga kehormatan dan kemaslahatan diri dan iman kita kan?(haha cakap macam bagusss)
to be honest, patutnya projek ni dah kena siap lama, tapi sebab banyak sangat perkara tak diduga menghalang, jadinya sampai sekarang tak boleh jugak nak setel. seteressss. cannot wait to see the output of my so called project (yess i'm a super impatient person) but yet setakat ni only 60% je complete. oh really hope it will turn out well.

oh, saje nak beritahu jugak, tadi dapatlah result sekeping and satu-satunya paper yang ada mid sem untuk sem ni. tak puas hati, tapi tetap bersyukur. yelah dah memang aku tak study memang layak lah dapat markah tu. tapi kan langit takkan selamanya mendung kan? Insya-Allah di penghujung hari akan ada pelangi yang menyusul, Insya-Allah Allah akan berikan jalan lagi. dah berjanji pada diri tak nak sia-sia kan duit dan harapan mak, ayah, along dengan abang wan selama ni. datang sini nak belajar bukan nak berjimba semata (haha sentap makk). dalila boleh. all you have to do is focus! ngaa tetibe jadik entry memotivasi diri ><

okaylah, dah alang-alang tengah semangat ni baik pegi buat kerja. u'ollz bila lagi?? ngaahahaha

ayuh! kembali ke sekolah! let's start our engine now!! vrooommmmm (FYI mine is a sleek red ferrari with leather seats)

amnesia ;(


Macam yang kita tahu iman seorang hamba ni boleh meningkat dan berkurang kan? baru-baru ni aku dapat rasakan yang iman aku ni dah jatuh merudum lebih teruk dari saham BSKL (basikal) jatuh time Amerika kena serang tahun 2001 dulu (macam yang diorang dok heboh canangkan kat dunia). seriously terase diri ni semakin jauh dan jauh daripada Pemilik Hati ini...

masya-Allah ;(

aku terlalu lalai dengan duniawi, sampai aku lupa dengan Pencipta sendiri. aq terlalu asyik bergelak ketawa, sampai aku lupa menangis di hadapan Yang Maha Penguasa. aku jadi lupa langsung dengan Keutamaan aku. Keutamaan aku sebagai hamba-Nya. terasa hidup ini kosong, hati ini sunyi tanpa rasa cinta terhadap Allah.

Ya Allah, ampunilah aku, hidayahilah aku, lindungilah aku, semoga selepas ni hati ini tidak leka lagi, tidak lalai untuk terus mengingati-Mu, Ammeennnn.. ;(

-terasa diri ini sangat kotor sekarang ni...Astaghfirullahalzim...;( ampunilah aku Ya Rabb...ampunilah aku..

"Katakanlah: "Hai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (QS. Az-Zumar: 53)

mejiknyaa!! :)


honestly, i've been wanting to write out this post ever since..well, ever since THIS happened. :)
but before i continue any further, let me ask you one question : do you ever believe in MIRACLE?

some people may say yes, while others might say they don't believe in such a thing. well, as for me, i do believe in miracles. and miracles DO exist. for those who think that miracle does not exist, let me ask you just one more question : do you believe in HAPPINESS?? :)

well, if you answered yes, then is there any need to deny that miracles do exist? because miracle is simply a happiness!! yes!! you dont agree with me? well, i'm sure everyone has their own opinions, but honestly, when a miracle do happen to you, what do you think you will feel at that moment?? anger? sadness?? disappointment?? of course not these kind of feelings right? but instead, you feel happy! overwhelmed! excited! because it's a miracle! it rarely ever happened! there you see? okay enough babbles about this miracle thingy, i'd showed you my points, and now it's time for you to be amazed by my story :p (not that my story's that great, it's just that, i just love to exaggerate everything, please dont mind me)

this story takes place on one fine tuesday afternoon (i think? i've lost track of time) at my campus's cafetaria.
i was about to start eating my lunch comfortably when suddenly one ahjussi (if you don't know what ahjussi means then you're not following the trend, k-wave is the trend nowadays dude! woot2, okay just ignore that) stopped my friend bibah and asked her something. because the atmosphere at that time was very loud and noisy i didn't bothered to keep on track with their conversations and continued with my eating. (eating is my only goal in everyday basis)
but suddenly my other friend wanot also started to join in with them and keep saying something about camera, repeatedly. because my food on my dear plate was really that delicious, (really! it's ikan keli digoreng dengan sambal! yummy2!) i still couldnt bothered to care about what was going on between them and just focusing on chewing the super delicate fish. hmmm~~

until they started to shout excitedly, calling up to me, and keep mentioning, "lilot! kamera kau!! kamera kau!"

and i was like, "what??" (with mouth full of food)

and then it rings a bell. "my camera??" and all of the memory suddenly just came back flashing in - "oh yeah! right! my camera!! my long lost cameraa!! what are they talking about?? i thought it was dead! i'd lost it! it was long gone! what are they saying?? had they found it??"

i couldnt pictured my feeling at that moment, i mean, it's just too sudden! so unexpected! well, the camera was gone long time ago that i myself had already forgotten that i once had even owned one.

and can you believe it?? now it's back!! hahah! peeps! that's what i called a miracle! a miracle!

that pakcik (who actually worked in the lab, where i'd lost my camera) had kept my camera all this while safely with him. and i couldnt thank him much! :) and the following day we came by to the microscope's room to pick her up. my baby!! she was still like before! drop dead gorgeous and shiny and most importantly, can still manage to capture beautiful images! i'm so still not believing this! my dear Yul, although you're just a Kodak, not anything sophisticated like DSLR and SLR, i will still treasure you as you had been the first, and forever will be the first camera that i'd ever owned. (the troubles i'd gone through to get you, and the aftermath, well, you were a prove to my darkest days before, but let's just forget about that now).

until now, i'm still day-dreaming. still couldnt believe that one of my favouritest gadget is finally back. how long has it been? almost one year? gosh, Allah tu memang Maha Pemurah, alhamdulillah!

subhanallah, alhamdulillah, sungguh, tiada kata mampu diucap, tiada ayat mampu dikarang, sungguh lah kuasa Allah itu Maha Besar. syukurr syukurr syukurr.... :) indahnya rasa hidup ini, subhanallah! thank you Allah! :D

so, what do you think now?? still doesn't believe in the so-called miracle? :) as for me lads, miracles happened everyday, and i'm happy i had found one more.


my baby Yul, finally dalam pangkuanku kembali, syukurr :D

majles penganugerahan balek kamera, dengan bakal naib canselor ukm katenyer, papepon kite negok jela ape jadik doploh taun kan datang uollzz, miahaha

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