Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Heart the ART... playing catch-up.

I am a bit behind with my Heart the ART journal. I just got caught up doing other things (kid things) and the mojo was a bit elusive too.

Week 4 was "Under Control" - I have NEVER had a sweet tooth. I was the weird kid who traded her cupcake for a baked potato. I could easily pass on sweets for chips. Salty was my choice. Now, however, I want both. Chocolate covered pretzels will require a cigarette break afterwards. Okay, maybe it isn't that bad. But not far from it.

I totally lifted the journalling on the flamingo's from Gina. I figure it is one of her stamps, so it's okay. Right?

The journaling reads: How did this happen to me? I never had one before. Now it is out of control. I need to stop eating sweets & get back to my old healthy way of life. Less sweets and more produce. (you can click on it to see the details better.) I used Gina's fabulous Flamingo stamp for journaling blocks. Love this bird.


The prompt for week 5 was Thrive. It wasn't hard to come up with this one. I know what I need. I need creativity everyday. It doesn't always have to include paint, glue or paper, but it needs to be in there somewhere everyday.

I actually had this done at the end of January. I just haven't posted it. I wanted to do a page without pictures and competely digital. I almost succeded. I have since printed it out and added a "I (heart) ME" button and a little sparrow stamp, along with some white underlining on the "THRIVE" around the edges. I can't get a good picture of the printed out version, so here is the digi copy. I scanned one of the blank sheets from this book and made a template in PSE7 for me to use. I didn't think to cut out the holes. I wish I had because as you can see, some of the words are cut out. Oopsie.

It seems a bit wild to read, but it really isn't bad. Just read each color/style of words at a time. Again, if you click on it, you can see it better.

Now off to the last half of the prompts...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Menu Monday

(Image source: the-pasta.com)

Monday - Hot Dogs, baked beans, asparagus and chips (Melissa's choice)

(edit: We had the hot dogs, but I opted for fresh fruit and baked fries.)

Tuesday - Pasta with sauce and Texas Toast (Morgan's choice)
(edited: Melissa handed me a flyer for McDonald's Night for her school, along with a lot of "Please, I'll be extra good." So, we had the food of Olympians. Again.)

Wednesday - Chicken with Green Beans (Megan's choice)
(edited: Danny had a late meeting, so I was to do pick-ups and drop offs. Melissa had basketball, so I couldn't get her until after 5:30. Megan had a guitar lesson at 5:30. So we went to Cici's for pizza. Not my favorite. I don't think I'll be going back there for a long, long time. But, hey, it was ready when we walked in the door AND I didn't have to cook.)

Thursday - Steamed Shrimp and salad (My choice)
(edited: Sam's chicken, steamed rice and baked asparagus. I'm allowed to change my mind. Says so in the Woman's Guide.)

Friday - Pizza and Survivor
(edited: This happened.)

Saturday - Dinner out
(edited: Danny and I went on a date. We went to a Japanese steak house. We fed the girls chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, and peas. Their choice.)

Sunday - TBD
(edited: Homemade Spag Sauce, noodles and Texas Toast. Yum.)

What are you planning for the week? Let me know how it goes.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jingle happy, Mojo happy and Opus happy

This is what really cool people send to other people on their own birthdays:

Yup, you read that right. Jingle sent this to me because it was HER birthday.
The stamps are really great, but check out that FABULOUSO pin.
She made it. And sent it to me. I LOVE IT.
Thank you JINGLE.

I made these two cards for two challenges.
OPUS GLUEI "It IS easy being GREEN"
and MOJO MONDAY 128 Contest.
Not that I am interested in a contest. I am just NOT competitive. But I really do like their sketches..
Both cards are the same sketch. With, oh so minor differences.
(Papers, heart stamp and ink are Stampin' Up. Sentiment is Studio G.)

(Papers, shamrock stamp and ink are Stampin' Up. Sentiment is Studio G.)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Easter Cards and Tootsie Rolls

I have been noticeably absent from this blog. Once the Olympics started I became very much consumed and neglected my blog. (Gasp!) I know I said I was going to get back to "normal" (what is that anyway?) once the games ended, but I haven't been here. Last weekend was spent cleaning out Melissa's bedroom. I hope to NEVER do that again. It took 3 days to sort through her "STUFF". I hauled 6 bags to the thrift store and another 6 to the garbage. We found 2 loads of dirty laundry. AND (another excuse coming - brace yourself) Danny went out of town for the last week so, I have been playing single mom/taxi driver.

But, I have been absent and I apologize. I know you missed me. And I missed you too.
Okay, moving on. I want to say up front that I saw this idea on someone elses blog, but I can't remember where. I just know that I saw this and had one of those "I can do that" moments. The timing was perfect. Danny had just bought a Sam's bag of Tootsie Rolls. (What family REALLY needs one of those?) So, getting wrappers wasn't a problem. I had plenty of volunteers to help empty said wrappers too. AND I had just finished cleaning out Melissa's room where I found 3 D-ring belts that she didn't want any more. (Can you hear the angels singing?)

I made two of them. One for Morgan (13 year old) and one for Melissa (10 year old). They both love them. And so do their friends. I am a "COOL MOM" according to their friends. YAY ME!!!

If you are interested in how I made this little treasure, let me know and I can post directions.

Now on to the Easter Cards. I was at one of those chain hobby/craft stores and saw these adorable Easter stamps. Being the restrained person that I am, I promptly dropped them into my cart. Yes, I said cart. Doesn't everyone use a cart in hobby/craft stores? You just can't hold everything and still fondle....It isn't possible. I've tried. You just end up dropping everything and then you have to bend over. In public. Not doing that one again. Oh, yeah, the cards, they aren't fancy or complicated. But they are done. And that counts for a lot. A LOT.

I managed to stamp several images. Color them with my Copic markers. (I love them by the way.)
I won't show a picture of what colors I used because it wouldn't help you. I would have to list them. I have the Ciao markers and they don't have the colors on the ends. Plus, I am not that together. I didn't get a picture of them.

Hope you like the cards.

Have a Happy, Happy Day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Shakespeare never imagined this...

Somehow, I don't think that Billy ever imagined his play being performed by 9 and 10 year olds. But that is just what happened last night and today. They have been practicing for a couple of months. In the old language.

It was one of the best plays I have ever seen. (No bias here.) The children were all so good. (When you keep in mind that they are 9 and 10 years old, and not professional actors.)

Melissa got to play Seyton, the Sargent. One of MacBeth's army. She was wonderful. (Again, not biased here. Uh, uh. Not me.) She was one of the first on the stage and set the rest of the play up for success. (Did I mention that I am not biased here. Not at all.)

(The above picture is not from an actual scene. It was staged after the performance. The kids just had so much fun running around with swords and in costume, that i couldn't help it. Isn't Melissa adorable? She's the one in the lighter clothing.)

Here she is offering up a salute right before the credits.

I am so proud of my baby.

One of the other mom's taped the performance and offered to send me a copy.
If I get it, and if I figure out how to post it on YouTube, I'll let you know.

Over-Used Recipe Swap

I found Simply Modern Mom. Although I found her a bit late, she is requesting recipes from March 1-5, and today is the 5th, I submitted my recipe for Chicken with Green Beans (found here). She is collecting 365 Family favorite recipes, and wants yours too.

Go over there and share your recipe.
Pick up a new family favorite.
Enjoy the photos of wonderful food.
Help get to 365 Over-Used Recipes.
(I am leaving the link in my side-bar so we can find all of these recipes easily.)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Menu Monday

Monday - Melissa Chicken, steamed rice and salad
(I'll post a recipe later this week)
(edit: I was lazy last night, so we had Ravioli and Texas Toast. Thank you Rosemary! Shouldn't you run off and get a donut now?)

Tuesday - Chinese Food (Danny's out of town)
(edit: Happy Buffet was great. mmm)

Wednesday - Fish Sticks and Mac & Cheese (Yup, he's still OOT)
(edit: Sort of stuck with this one. We had Mac & Cheese, but I couldn't do the Fish Sticks. I picked up a cooked chicken from Sam's and steamed some fresh green beans. It was great. And I have leftovers for tomorrow. Not the Mac & Cheese though. My little rats finished that off.)

Thursday - Sopa and Quesadillas (He's back tonight after dinner)
(edit: a bit of a hodge-podge. Melissa stayed at school for her play rehearsal and had pizza there. Megan, Morgan and myself just kind of foraged through the fridge. After the play, we celebrated with Melissa's choice, Happy Meals.)

Friday - Pizza
(edited: We actually had Pizza. At least 3 of us did. Melissa had a re-heated McD's Cheeseburger on the way to a sleepover. I had to make sure she ate something good (figure that one out) and Megan ate at a Bingo game she volunteered at for community service hours.)

Saturday - Dinner out
(edited: I actually made Chicken Stew served over rice. It was really yummy.)

Sunday - TBD
(edited: I attempted to make a Chicken Noodle casserole. It was okay, but I know better what to do next time. Maybe use a recipe. Or have the proper ingredients in the house.)