Monday, March 30, 2015

New Work In Progress

I started a new project.  I had no plans to start another large project until I finished Bridge in Monet's Garden......but I had everything kitted up for this project so I decided to start it since I have finished stitching 9 of the Foxwood Crossings sled ornaments.

Designer:  Lizzie Kate
Project:  6 Fat Men
Snowed In
I am planning on doing all 6 designs
on one piece of fabric
Fabric:  16CT Aida - Dilly Dilly from
Fabtastic Hand Dyed Fabrics
Just as a little aside I have been stitching on Bridge in Monet's Garden.  I have less than 400 stitches to finish page 33.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Appoint with the surgeon yesterday.

I had an appointment with my surgeon yesterday for a post-op checkup on my right foot.  I wasn't as far along as I was suppose to be.  I was suppose to be walking with 100% weight bearing an no crutches.  I was still using crutches, well one crutch.  Part of the problem was that the boot made my right leg longer than my left leg.  Dr. Dunn and Dr. Miller decided to have me ditch the boot and gave me a brace to wear under my sneaker.  Yesterday afternoon my ankle really hurt and I could barely walk.  Today is much better and while I am still using crutches I am putting 100% weight on my right foot.  Hopefully by the end of next week I will be able to walk without the crutches.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Snow Storm

We had a snow storm yesterday.  It looks so pretty out my living room window and in our back yard so I had DH take some pictures yesterday after it stopped. 

With all the cold and snowy, icy weather we have been having I think I am thankful that I had ankle surgery in January.  I basically haven't been out of the house except for Dr. appointments and X-Rays since January 19th.  I have spent my days sitting in a recliner in my living room stitching, reading, watching TV and sleeping.  I am now walking with crutches and am starting to put weight on my right foot.  This week is 25% of my body weight and I increase it my 25% each week until I reach 100% and then I can get rid of the crutches.  I am wearing a boot on my right leg and by the end of each day I am so thankful to be able to take it off.  It gets really heavy after a while.

Here are some pictures of the snow from yesterday. 

This one is from our back porch.  DH was fascinated
that the show encased our clothes line.

Another picture of our backyard

One of the Red Maples in our front yard.  This
was taken through our picture window in
the living room.
I love this picture

Yes we still have our Christmas wreaths up.
With the cold weather we have had they still
look as good as new.

From our front porch
The window is our front picture window.

Another back yard picture
I do so hope this is the last snow we get.  Even though I am stuck in the house most o the time I am so ready for Spring.  I don't want any bad weather after March 26th as hopefully that is when I will be able to get rid of crutches and boot and be able to get back to normal.

I have half of my 2015 Christmas ornaments stitched so that is one good thing for my forced sedentary life.  Hopefully I will be able to get several more finished before the end of the month.  The bad thing is I haven't been able to stitch on Bridge in Monet's Garden since January 18th.  The light in our living room just isn't good enough to stich on something that intricate.  I do miss it.

I hope you are all staying warm and safe this winter.