December 23, 2012

Two Birthdays

November is our other birthday month. Ian and I in September followed by both kids in November. We had two great family parties with them. Check this out!

Grandma made a blue castle cake by Atley's request. 

Obviously he loved it.

And I loved on him.

The knight conquered the castle cake pretty well.

Shortly after Atley's birthday (like the next day) we moved. It was a sudden sort of thing and it took us by surprise. We moved out to Utah to live with Ian's Grandparents. It's been nice to spend some extra time with them and especially nice that the kids are developing a good relationship with them. 

So shortly after our Thanksgiving celebrations (like two days later) we got to celebrate Holly's birthday.  She was excited to have cousins to invite and especially happy to be princess for a day. When she woke up she ran into my room, leaned in close to my face, and whispered "Mom, it's my birthday!" followed by the cutest little squeal. Loved it.
Holly's cake was pink and purple. That's what you get when you ask a 3 year old what kind of cake she wants.
A new dress and some princess accessories made playing princess more like being a princess.

I mean, check out that coat.

Holly also had a special guest show up at her party...
SANTA! She was a little nervous at first, but she warmed up to him quickly. Atley was sure to help him with all his accessories and make sure he was the best Santa he could be.

Santa even let Holly try on his hat! It was the perfect way to kick start our Christmas season.

So, that pretty much brings us up to date. We're enjoying all the extra family time and the kids are especially enjoying cousin time. 

Here's wishing all our friends and family a MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

October 11, 2012

Take Me Out to the Ball Game! (An Ian Post)

Cristina and I both share a common love for baseball. Both of us grew up playing on the diamond, and have since enjoyed any opportunity to play or watch baseball. Cristina started playing in middle school, and I began as early as I could playing T-Ball (about 6 yrs). For those who don't know, T-Ball is where you place the ball on a 'T' that holds it up and the little kids hit it off instead of having a pitcher. Of all the positions (and there are 9), Cristina played catcher--she stood behind the batter to catch the ball thrown by the pitcher. I played a lot of positions, but my favorite were first base and right field--first base is the player wo stands at first base to catch the ball and tag out runners, and right field is in the outfield where you try and stop any hits that go your way. Both of us ended our baseball careers in high school in order to go after other pursuits, but our love for the game never diminished. The major difference in our enthusiasm for baseball lies in our preference of teams. Cristina supports the Tampa Bay Rays, while I loyally support the San Diego Padres. (Not surprisingly these are the teams from our local areas).

Here are a couple pictures of Cristina and I back in our baseball playing days. 

Shortly after our return to Florida, Cristina, her parents, and I were able to attend a professional baseball game in Tampa Bay, Florida. The game was one of the last of the regular season, and we were all very excited. I had never been to a professional game outside of San Diego, thus I was in for a new experience at a new ballpark. One of the greatest things about baseball is that each ballpark is slightly different or unique. The basics of the field are the same, but the length and dimensions of the outfield are all different. At this particular field, the park was completely enclosed and airconditioned! It had a museum dedicated to the game, and it had a tank full of various types of rays--the sea animal--that you could feed and touch. So after exploring the unique aspects of this park, we settled in for the game.

The game featured the home-town team versus the Baltimore Orioles at Tropicana Field.

In front of the ballpark

The view from our seats: We were really close to the players, and also had many foul balls fly our way. The entire ballpark is enclosed and airconditioned. It was very nice for watching a game.

Tropicana Field--you know, like the orange juice

Cristina infront of the ray tank. This was in far left field. Notice, Cristina is sporting her official Tampa Bay Rays shirt, but I drew the line at the earrings.

A conenose ray in the tank

Cristina and I enjoying our seats prior to the start of the game. It does not look like very many people are there yet, but we were there an hour early; more people came as the game started. Although, since it was the end of the season and the Rays were not going to the playoffs attendance was low. 

Cristina's parents enjoying the show. We're glad that they came to join us, and had a lot of fun with them.

One cool things about the game is that there are plenty of side games and entertainment along the 9 innings. At this particular game, the stadium had bingo cards that they handed out for free to all spectators. After each play, a code was displayed on the jumbotron that corresponded to your bingo cards. If you had a winning card you would win a prize--sadly no luck. Additionally, if the Rays were able to strikeout 10 batters of the opposing team, then all spectators in attendance would win a free pizza from Papa Johns. The Rays had 15 (Which was also a record for the club). We got 4 free pizzas! 

One thing about baseball is that it is rooted in tradition. It has its own theme song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", traditional candies, and the all important 7th inning stretch. 

"Take me out to the ball game
Take me out with the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks 
I don't care if I never come back
Let me root, root, root for the home team
If they don't win its a shame
For its one, two, three strikes you're out
At the old ball game"

This song's from 1908, and it is sung without fail during the 7th inning stretch. A true American Classic.

As far as traditional candies go, you will notice Cristina is enjoying the homemade variety of Crackerjacks. Crackerjacks are essentially carmel popcorn with peanuts or other nuts added. 

Although peanuts are a classic staple of ballgames, sunflower seeds are a worthy option. As you will notice from the packaging, these are the official seeds of the MLB (Major League Baseball).

Finally, you guessed it--the official candy bar of baseball, BabyRuth. It is made of a nut-coated carmel covered in chocolate. One of my personal favorites as far as candybars go. 

With all good traditions, there's a hint of superstition. You know, things like wearing your hat inside out (rally caps), wearing your lucky socks, or closing your eyes on big plays. I've recently heard it said, "its only weird if it doesn't work." The BabyRuths were brought out after the 7th inning stretch in hopes of rallying the team. It really came down to the the very last pitch as the Rays tried to battle back in the 9th inning. Sadly they came up short. I might mention that superstition does not work unless everyone pitches in. My mother-in-law didn't eat her BabyRuth...Regardless, it was all in good fun, and we all had a great time, and made some great memories. 

For your commenting pleasure:
What are your sporting traditions, superstitions, or memories?

October 6, 2012

A Hobby from the Good Old American West

My Dad has been on this mania. He's getting back into leather work. He's made wallets, a purse, and keychains in large proportions as gifts for his children and grandchildren over the last year or so. He used to do it when he was younger and with a little encouragement from yours truly, he's picked it back up.

What's the best thing about my Dad's rediscovered hobby? No not all the cool leather gifts I've gotten. He took some time to teach my kids!
It all started with Atley's curiosity with the mallet. We all decided unsupervised mallet wielding was probably not a good idea. So we channeled it. 

Look at that face! Pure joy! Thanks Grandpa!

Atley was really good at picking out the letters. He liked spelling his name on his keychain.

Holly's project was a coin purse. She wanted flowers and butterflies. What a girly girl!

Again, loving that face!

Work work work that leather baby!

This is the best picture I got of the finished project. They ran off with them and wouldn't share so I could take a picture. I guess I'll have to sneak one later and post an update.

What sort of hobbies do you share with your parents or grandparents?

October 5, 2012

Playing Princess the Serious Way

My child thinks she's a princess. I swear if I didn't give her a reality check now and again, she would expect to wear a dress every day and have me carry her around like I'm her private 'My Little Pony.' Well, Grandma Marsha has now bought into the fantasy. I'm afraid there's no going back now.

Complete with a crown, earrings, two rings, a necklace, and heeled shoes, she's legitimate. If her purple princess shoes are anywhere near when we're getting ready to leave she insists on wearing them. My Mom actually took her out in them and she turned heads! (That pretty lady hidden behind Holly is my lovely sister Erin! Love that girl!)

Check out that bling!

Aunt Erin additionally spoiled Holly by bringing her a life size Lotso bear. He smells like strawberries and begs for hugs! She was on cloud nine that day.

In other news, I finally broke down and got Holly's hair cut--sort of. 

I let my Mom do it because I can't be trusted with scissors when it comes to girl hair. Just ask my sister about the trim I gave her. Her bangs/fringe took forever to grow back out! Also, Holly kept asking for a hair cut; no doubt something she learned from her Dad who asks me daily for a haircut when his hair even flirts with touching his ears.

She was very good and didn't even cry! Pretty good considering it's her first haircut ever! That's right, I'm that Mom; the one who lets her child's hair grow forever............... At least she's a girl!

Perfect face when I said "Smile for the camera!" Good photogenic training!

Now you might be looking at that haircut and think 'that doesn't really look any different'. Well, I did say "sort of". We just trimmed up the back and evened it out. It made her look so much older, I couldn't be persuaded to continue and giver her bangs/fringe. 

When the cut was finished I asked Holly what she thought. She grabbed a piece of her hair looked it over and said "I don't want my hair to be yellow. I want it to be brown!" Then she cried. I guess someone has been watching a little too much Tangled. It must be the princess in her.

PS-Now that I know people in the US and UK are reading my blog, I'm really conflicted with which words to use (i.e. bangs/fringe.) Then again, I looked at my statistics and saw a few page hits from China. I guess I'll draw the line there. I can't please everyone!

October 1, 2012

A Week in Review

It has been one crazy week. It's hard to believe that just a week ago we were still in England getting ready to fly back to the U.S.A. Here's what we've been up to this week.

Sunday: Church gave us the chance for a lot of goodbyes and fighting back a lot of tears. Here are some of the extra sweet goodbyes we enjoyed on Sunday.

One thing we learned about the British is that they love giving and receiving cards. So what better send off could we get than a bunch of cards with 'best wishes', 'we'll miss yous' and 'thank yous'? I loved spending my sunday reading all the notes that were inside.

Just look at all those notes and signatures!

This card was special because it was hand made! I believe it was made by our friends Katie and Anna--envelope and all! All of their friends in primary signed their names and some even wrote little notes. I loved reading through all these cards with Ian and the kids while I cried. I just couldn't help it!

After church we had the extra special opportunity to spend some time with some of our favorite people! We went to the Baines' home and enjoyed play time and talk time with with them and the Jones family. We had a lovely dinner with wraps that rivaled any I've ever had.

Monday: Thankfully Pat Dyson (Granddad) was able to come pick us up at our hotel in the morning. I have no idea how we would've gotten to the train station without him. His ability to fit 9 suitcases, one HUGE stroller, and 4 extra people in one van and make it there in one trip, was outstanding! I didn't believe him when he said he could do it, but he did! This is our shout out to him: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

After arriving at Manchester Airport we scored 2 free luggage trolleys and made our way to check in. All went well and smoothly. It was a little odd when we were questioned about our one-way tickets. I thought the British would've been glad to see us go, but apparently not. I think it was cleared up very easily when she spotted our American passports, though. Our flight to Iceland was great! Atley didn't throw up and Holly actually fell asleep! It was fun to see Atley so excited to see what was out the window and I think he really enjoyed the whole experience. When we were landing in Iceland he said "look we're on an island!" I didn't know he knew what an island was. Clever boy! When we landed and I woke Holly up she said "Can we go on another plane?" You betcha baby! One more long flight to go!

The wait in the Iceland airport went by relatively quick, but it was the most boring part of the trip and probably the most expensive. Our sandwich and salad with 2 drinks cost £14 ($20)! It actually cost more than 2000 in icelandic currency, but we only had pounds so they let us pay with those. I guess when you're hungry you'll do what to takes to get a bite to eat.

Our 8+ hour flight to Florida was again uneventful which I welcomed. Holly sat with me and Atley with Ian until we switched. They fell asleep about half way through and so did the guy next to me. That  was okay, except for when he started to get a little handsy. Out of nowhere he started rubbing my back which set my chastity alarm off immediately. I whipped my head around to find him just waking up and apologizing. "Sorry" he said, "I was dreaming and thought you were my wife." I politely laughed but I was thinking, 'maybe next time you should sit by your wife then!' He was icelandic so I'll chalk it up to culture differences and pretend like that is all it was.

We arrived in Florida and I was sure my kids would be upset to be woken up, but when I told them we were going to see Grandma they got bright eyed and happy. It was hard to get them back to sleep when we finally got to a bed, but at least they weren't screaming in the airport. After collecting our luggage and paying $4 for a luggage cart (at least the ones in England were free!), we reunited with my parents! After a few hugs we continued home. It was about 10:30PM when we arrived which meant on my England adjusted time I was ready for BED! After convincing the kids it was time to sleep I settled in for a somewhat unrestful nights sleep.

Tuesday: The kids woke up a couple of times in the night which ended with me and the kids in our bed and Ian on the couch. I woke up shortly after 7AM without an alarm so I figured I was pretty well adjusted already.

I spent the day trying to get all of our things organized and helping our space to feel more like home. I especially wanted Ian to feel comfortable and like we had our own space here. I also didn't want my parents to feel like we had descended on them with all our earthly possessions  even thought we kind of did.

Another special treat was a visit from my sister Erin. She drove over to see us from Tampa and brought her little dog called Carpet. My kids loved that dog. I'm pretty sure when Erin left they didn't stop asking me where the dog went. They also were sure to mention Carpet in their prayers. I enjoyed having the dog around because she was jumping out of my sister's arms every time I walked by to get me to hold her. I didn't mind because she's about the size of a baby at it gave me a self esteem boost to know something wanted me to cuddle it!

Wednesday: I got my first Florida run in on Wednesday morning. It felt good to re-explore my parents neighborhood. I found some really funny colored houses which was odd, but still it reminded me of home. I ran a mile and half and didn't even begin to leave the neighborhood. This place is huge! I guess I had forgotten that.

I got back and spent the rest of the day continuing to organize our room and the kids, as well as sorting through a bunch of second hand clothes my sister-in-law gave me for the kids. Thanks again Malissa! It was a life saver!

Thursday: I mowed my parents lawn thursday morning and decided that it was much easier to do when I didn't wear glasses. I was sweating so much that my glasses kept slipping off my face! Gross.

After mowing the lawn my Mom and I went to clean at a home across the street. The ladies who live there have lived there as long as I can remember. One recently passed away and since then the other two have decided to go live with their families in another state. Because of their ill health, the home was in disrepair. Unclean would be an understatement. It's not something I would normally have done, but my Mom volunteered to clean for them. I was so proud of her willingness to serve these ladies that I offered to help. What a great example, huh?

Friday: My Dad gets every other Friday off work and last Friday was a no work day, except that we spent a lot of the day working! He needed to lay some mulch in the yard, so Ian and I pulled weeds, carried bags of mulch, and other various garden jobs he needed to do. It was hard work and I got a bunch of bug bites from it! That's Florida for you I guess. Bugs everywhere! When we finished in the yard we had more yard work to do, but not until after a quick trip to the store to pick up some more supplies. We did eventually finish and I got out of the experience without a sunburn! Hooray!

Another thing we bought at the store was a new garbage disposal. My Dad asked Ian to install it, but I decided it would be a nice project to do together. Turns out it wasn't. We both learned a lot about garbage disposals, it didn't take too long, and we didn't have any major problems with leaks or the electrics of it. I am ashamed to say I wasn't very nice to Ian through the process. Ironically after we finished he found this article on facebook. It's all about couples who share housework and that they are more likely to divorce. Ironic, yes and it gave me a good chance to apologize.

For dinner we went to Cracker Barrel. Good 'ol American food. Ian and I both got bottled rootbeers (that's for you Tom!) and gave Atley his first taste. His reaction? "That doesn't taste my favorite!" I guess it has to grow on him. In contrast when he tried the raspberry lemonade he said that it was "quite nice." His British tendencies are still lingering I guess.

Saturday: I enjoyed a little Relief Society fellowship on Saturday and their "Souper Saturday" activity. we made hair bows and chore charts, menu boards, and quiet books. I went to the cooking class and took lots of notes for Ian.

Later in the evening, Ian and I got to go on a date! Yes, a real date! We drove away from the house without children and without my purse stuff full of pull ups and changes of clothes. It was lovely and certainly the highlight of the week.

All in all, a very good, and very busy week! We're looking forward to a lot more fun (more vacation-like) things to come including a baseball game, Disney World, and the Orlando Philharmonic.

A few general impressions and thoughts this week:

I love water fountains. It may be a small thing, but in a hot place like this water is always desireable. The fact that I don't actually have to carry a water bottle with me everywhere is a real blessing.

The streets here and so HUGE! I never realized how really big they are. I guess that makes it a lot easier to learn to drive, which I'm grateful for.

I thought our kids would back slide with potty training when we moved. In fact, they have had far fewer accidents than they did when we lived on our own. I guess not having to go up to the 3rd floor makes it a little more worth their time.

Atley has been saying that he's "going back to American now." How sad. I enjoyed his Britishness while it lasted. We're still enjoying his accent now and again, but it'll fade quicker than I'd like.

Like I said, lots more to come. I could keep going now, but I think you've probably had enough of reading about our daily schedules. Don't worry. The good stuff is coming! Keep checking back!

September 20, 2012

Sweet Goodbyes

Saying goodbye to people you have grown to love is really really hard. We did it when we left Rexburg, California, and Florida and here we are doing it all over again. I'm getting used to the pack-your-stuff part, but the saying goodbye part will probably never be easy. Still, it offers us a chance to see what kind of impact we've made in the short time we've been here. One of our little friends, named Holly, made us this sweet card and going away gift. 

She's a budding artist and I loved all the colors and attention she put into these drawings for us. She even hand made the envelope! The card says "Happy Travels" and came with that cute little worm with the goggly eyes. Holly told me the worm is a book mark and you can stick it in your book to keep your place. A bookworm? That's SO clever for a 7 year-old! When she handed me the card she told me she made it for us since we're going away. I instantly knew I had to post it on the blog because it was one of the sweetest and most heartfelt things I've ever received!

More goodbyes passed today since it was Atley's last day of school. We took cupcakes to his friends and a card and treats to his favorite teachers. Shelby (pictured below) was always so sweet to Atley and even Holly when I'd bring her along to pick him up. She and his other teachers (Amy & Heather) took such good care of him. They made me feel like he was as special to them as he is to me. What more can you ask from someone who you trust to look after your child? Shelby has been talking all week about how sad she'll be when Atley goes, but she put on her brave face for him and tried not to cry.

The worst part for me was, I know Atley is going to miss school and his teachers and friends so much, but he just doesn't really get what's going on yet! He's so blinded by the fact that we're going on an airplane to see Grandma!

I guess maybe it's better that he doesn't know what's going on. When we left Rexburg (before we even got out of the city) he started crying and telling me he wanted to go back home. It broke my heart. At least this way we can get on with what we need to do without having Atley and Holly upset too!

More goodbyes are coming and I can only hope that this sacrifice is going to be worth it in the long run.

Too Bad It's A Year Late!

September 16, 2011. That's the day we first arrived in England. Do you remember what a hassle we had? Well, I most certainly do. If you feel like you need a reminder check out the blogpost. The worst of it all is that we had no idea where to even start. No idea how to work the bus system, no idea where the stores were let alone what time they closed--frustrating. I cannot tell you how many times I have said to Ian "the University should put together a 'welcome to Sheffield' packet with all that information in it." Well, since it's time for move-ins we found this little beauty in our mail slot!

Yep, sure enough this year was the launch of the new A to Z Accommodation packet for couples and families! I'm starting to think they've bugged our house and are listening for our suggestions. Maybe they're reading my blog too! In that case, I think every house should come with a massage chair and sauna! Not that it will help me, but it doesn't hurt to try! 

We started thumbing through and found all sorts of gems that would've been a life saver in our early days. For example: page 4 has contacts like maintenance, the police, and the health center. Page 6 talks about the trash service; when pickup is and what can be recycled. Page 10 lists some places to get a bite to eat. Also included is a list of nurseries to send your children to, local grocery stores, and even things to do in the neighborhood! I was really wishing we had access to something like this when we moved in when I turned to the last page and found....


Now I'm sure they're watching us! But I'm wondering how they got us all sitting together and looking at the camera...

Alright, the jig is up. Once upon a time (a few months ago) we had a camera crew come to our home and interview us about our experience here in University housing. They told us they were putting together a video to put up on the school's website. Well, no video yet, but we were glad (and surprised!) to see that used our picture for this. At least now we know it was a legitimate interview! I'm especially glad that they've put together something for all those families with jet lag trying to figure things out when their brains are only half working. 

Still, isn't it ironic that we're the poster family for this packet considering we had none of this information? I'd say so! And couldn't they have chosen a better photo? I have a bunch that we just took that would've been better than this!

September 13, 2012

A Birthday & Thoughts on Getting Older

I was blessed enough to celebrate my birthday this week! I say "blessed", but it's only since my birthday came and went that I have come to feel this way.

Mary Kay Ash (the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics) has become famous, in part, for her best kept secret--her age. She said "a lady never reveals her age" and "a woman who will tell you her age will tell you anything." When I first heard that (in one of those Mary Kay parties your friends-turned-Mary Kay Reps rope you into) I thought it was ridiculous! So, I did some research to find out when she was born. Surprisingly, I found conflicting information and any certainty about her birth year still alludes me. She successfully hid her age and it may forever be a mystery since she has now passed on. This led me to wonder, why is it that women try to hide their age? It's not that big of a deal, is it?

Well, that was before my ??th birthday came up. All of a sudden when thinking about my birthday, I started to feel old! What was so magic about this number that made my whole idea of age flip upside down? Well, I can't really do emotions half way so I went from loving my birthday to pretending like it wasn't happening. When Ian asked what I wanted to have for my birthday dinner, my brain in pity party mode decided Mud was the right choice. My sweet husband picked up on my 'pity me' routine and quickly nipped it in the bud. He asked "what do you want from your birthday?" Huh? What do I want from my birthday? Are you sure you don't mean what do I want for my birthday?

Well, after careful consideration of that question, I decided that for my birthday the best thing I could get from it is knowing that I'm loved. I wanted the people I love most to send it back in a special way.

Now for the "here's what happened" part you were probably expecting from a birthday post. ♥ I woke up to the smell of bacon and knew instantly that Ian was making me a special birthday breakfast. ♥ Then we opened my birthday cards I had received. ♥ The kids sang me a rousing rendition of happy birthday. ♥ Ian walked Atley to school which gave me a break and an excuse to rest for a day from exercising. ♥ We spent all afternoon together holding hands and cuddling while we watched our favorite shows. ♥ Ian did the dishes and ordered Chinese for us for dinner. ♥ I got lots of love notes from people on facebook. ♥ I skyped with my Mom & Ian's. ♥ Ian made me Mud for dessert. ♥

A couple of those things probably need a bit more explanation, especially the last one. My breakfast was everything I could've hoped for--bacon, eggs (made just right), toast, apple slices, a cinnamon roll--if you were thinking 'spoiled' just now you're totally correct.

Ian's birthday card was the best he has made yet. If you didn't know, my husband is brilliantly talented with arts and crafts. This year my birthday card was a Passport. Inside I found replications of all the stamps from places we've been this year including a new one with my birthday on it. He wrote a short poem that says "A passport allows you to travel the world with plenty of countries to see. You and I have travelled a lot but with you there's no place I'd rather be." Too cute, right? Well you might find it cheesy, but it's one of the few cards I've gotten that have made me cry.

After reminding Atley and Holly that it was my birthday I managed to put both my children in tears within an hour of waking up. First, Holly. As soon as we opened my card from Ian's Mom I knew there was trouble afoot. It say "Birthday Queen" and had a picture of a crown on the front. When she saw the crown she gasped and said "Oh! My beautiful crown!" I reminded Holly that it was my birthday and therefore my card. Cue the tears. Next it was Atley's turn. He was so sure that "my" birthday means "your" birthday. Once again, reminding the kids it was my day brought on the tears. Normally these reactions don't bring on the warm fuzzies but in a weird way they kind of did. I'm not sure why or how, but it was so silly it made me smile. I also got to give them big hugs and kisses while I reassured them that their turn is coming and there would be cake like crazy!

Mud. Ian is really really really good at turning my frowns upside down. He took my pity party mud idea and made it come true. A little bit of chocolate mousse and some bourbon cremes made the perfect mud treat and easily brought my smile back. He even added a little Daim bar to mine to make it look as if my mud had gold in it! Very cute and creative.

Besides all the love from people two things specifically made my birthday extra special and helped me get over feeling "old". The first was a talk given by Elder Russel M. Nelson. The talk is about gifts we receive from God. After detailing specifics about why our bodies are an amazing gift from God he says:

"If the body's capacity of normal function, defense, repair, regulation, and regeneration were to prevail without limit, life here would continue in perpetuity. Yes, we would be stranded here on earth! Mercifully for us, our Creator provided for aging and other processes that would ultimately result in our physical death. Death, like birth, is a part of life. Scripture teaches that "it was not expedient that man should be reclaimed from this temporal death, for that would destroy the great plan of happiness." To return to God through the gateway we call death is a joy for those who love him and are prepared to meet him."

 OH! So getting older isn't a punishment, but an act of mercy! Well that changes things!

The other thing I read came in one of my birthday cards! It's a short poem that says "A birthday is the time of life when one more year is gone. A golden year that God allowed to let us carry on. Indeed it is a compliment to pass another mile, for God must feel our being here is somehow worth the while." When I read that I think of others much better than me who have already passed on. It's not necessarily that I'm doing wonderful things and desserve to be here, but more that he doesn't see me as a finished product yet. He is allowing me to carry on because I have still more work to do for him. I take that trust as the highest compliment.

As I kept these two things in mind I thought of my beautiful children, my loving husband and all the other people who wished me a happy birthday, and wondered how I could be sad about getting older? Truth is I couldn't.

Though Mary Kay wouldn't approve I can say after a wonderful birthday celebration, I'm 25 and feelin' alive! I have a lot to be grateful for. As my husband likes to say, I'm just getting better with age. I'm the healthiest I've been in my adult life and I have two great children and a husband who I'm crazy about. How many 25 year olds can say that?

Look again at the contrasting opinions and pictures of the people above. Which one looks more happy? Mary Kay honestly looks plastic and if she smiled too big I think she might crack. Elder Nelson? That man looks old but genuinely happy!

A big thank you goes to everyone who helped me feel loved yesterday and brought me to this liberating  conclusion. Love ♥ love ♥ love ♥ right back at ya!

September 11, 2012

Family Photos...again

I think Ian gets tired of me arranging family photo shoots. In my defense I only really get the urge once a year. What's even better? This time, he actually enjoyed it!

We arranged for our friend Leo Bojesen to take our photos. He was super responsive to our timeline (considering my procrastination as a result of Ian's silent stubbornness) and we were able to schedule a shoot within about a week of contacting him. Brilliant!

After fussing over what to wear I decided to go for the red, white and blue. I found some little flags on sale (post olympics celebrations) and decided 50p was worth distracting my kids for a bit. Little did I know they'd still be playing with them a week later. Best 50p I ever spent!

I talked with Leo about what we wanted; a Sheffield shoot to really showcase our time here. He suggested we take a walk through our favorite places. It was the most relaxed photo session I've ever done. So relaxed in fact, that when we got back home Ian made a point to tell me it was the best photo shoot we've ever done! Score!

The best part is, we got beautiful pictures at some of our favorite spots with all my favorite people! Here are some of my favorites photos!
Who doesn't love a little cuddle in the park?

Love for Daddy.

The "green man."

I think she got wet. She was more afraid of the water than I expected.

Nice reflection, handsome boy!

Remember how I said I lost all that weight? I think this shows that off pretty well. Not to mention my two adorable walking companions.

As soon as we have a new home these are going straight up on the wall. I'd post them all here, but then there wouldn't be an excuse for you to come around to our new place, right?  I said it before and I'll say it again, I couldn't be happier! Thanks again, Leo!