It has been one crazy week. It's hard to believe that just a week ago we were still in England getting ready to fly back to the U.S.A. Here's what we've been up to this week.
Sunday: Church gave us the chance for a lot of goodbyes and fighting back a lot of tears. Here are some of the extra sweet goodbyes we enjoyed on Sunday.
One thing we learned about the British is that they love giving and receiving cards. So what better send off could we get than a bunch of cards with 'best wishes', 'we'll miss yous' and 'thank yous'? I loved spending my sunday reading all the notes that were inside.
Just look at all those notes and signatures!
This card was special because it was hand made! I believe it was made by our friends Katie and Anna--envelope and all! All of their friends in primary signed their names and some even wrote little notes. I loved reading through all these cards with Ian and the kids while I cried. I just couldn't help it!
After church we had the extra special opportunity to spend some time with some of our favorite people! We went to the Baines' home and enjoyed play time and talk time with with them and the Jones family. We had a lovely dinner with wraps that rivaled any I've ever had.
Monday: Thankfully Pat Dyson (Granddad) was able to come pick us up at our hotel in the morning. I have no idea how we would've gotten to the train station without him. His ability to fit 9 suitcases, one
HUGE stroller, and 4 extra people in one van and make it there in one trip, was outstanding! I didn't believe him when he said he could do it, but he did! This is our shout out to him:
After arriving at Manchester Airport we scored 2
free luggage trolleys and made our way to check in. All went well and smoothly. It was a little odd when we were questioned about our one-way tickets. I thought the British would've been glad to see us go, but apparently not. I think it was cleared up very easily when she spotted our American passports, though. Our flight to Iceland was great! Atley didn't throw up and Holly actually fell asleep! It was fun to see Atley so excited to see what was out the window and I think he really enjoyed the whole experience. When we were landing in Iceland he said "look we're on an island!" I didn't know he knew what an island was. Clever boy! When we landed and I woke Holly up she said "Can we go on another plane?" You betcha baby! One more long flight to go!
The wait in the Iceland airport went by relatively quick, but it was the most boring part of the trip and probably the most expensive. Our sandwich and salad with 2 drinks cost £14 ($20)! It actually cost more than 2000 in icelandic currency, but we only had pounds so they let us pay with those. I guess when you're hungry you'll do what to takes to get a bite to eat.
Our 8+ hour flight to Florida was again uneventful which I welcomed. Holly sat with me and Atley with Ian until we switched. They fell asleep about half way through and so did the guy next to me. That was okay, except for when he started to get a little handsy. Out of nowhere he started rubbing my back which set my chastity alarm off immediately. I whipped my head around to find him just waking up and apologizing. "Sorry" he said, "I was dreaming and thought you were my wife." I politely laughed but I was thinking, 'maybe next time you should sit by your wife then!' He was icelandic so I'll chalk it up to culture differences and pretend like that is all it was.
We arrived in Florida and I was sure my kids would be upset to be woken up, but when I told them we were going to see Grandma they got bright eyed and happy. It was hard to get them back to sleep when we finally got to a bed, but at least they weren't screaming in the airport. After collecting our luggage and paying $4 for a luggage cart (at least the ones in England were free!), we reunited with my parents! After a few hugs we continued home. It was about 10:30PM when we arrived which meant on my England adjusted time I was ready for BED! After convincing the kids it was time to sleep I settled in for a somewhat unrestful nights sleep.
Tuesday: The kids woke up a couple of times in the night which ended with me and the kids in our bed and Ian on the couch. I woke up shortly after 7AM without an alarm so I figured I was pretty well adjusted already.
I spent the day trying to get all of our things organized and helping our space to feel more like home. I especially wanted Ian to feel comfortable and like we had our own space here. I also didn't want my parents to feel like we had descended on them with all our earthly possessions even thought we kind of did.
Another special treat was a visit from my sister Erin. She drove over to see us from Tampa and brought her little dog called Carpet. My kids
loved that dog. I'm pretty sure when Erin left they didn't stop asking me where the dog went. They also were sure to mention Carpet in their prayers. I enjoyed having the dog around because she was jumping out of my sister's arms every time I walked by to get me to hold her. I didn't mind because she's about the size of a baby at it gave me a self esteem boost to know something wanted me to cuddle it!
Wednesday: I got my first Florida run in on Wednesday morning. It felt good to re-explore my parents neighborhood. I found some really funny colored houses which was odd, but still it reminded me of home. I ran a mile and half and didn't even begin to leave the neighborhood. This place is huge! I guess I had forgotten that.
I got back and spent the rest of the day continuing to organize our room and the kids, as well as sorting through a bunch of second hand clothes my sister-in-law gave me for the kids. Thanks again Malissa! It was a life saver!
Thursday: I mowed my parents lawn thursday morning and decided that it was much easier to do when I didn't wear glasses. I was sweating so much that my glasses kept slipping off my face! Gross.
After mowing the lawn my Mom and I went to clean at a home across the street. The ladies who live there have lived there as long as I can remember. One recently passed away and since then the other two have decided to go live with their families in another state. Because of their ill health, the home was in disrepair. Unclean would be an understatement. It's not something I would normally have done, but my Mom volunteered to clean for them. I was so proud of her willingness to serve these ladies that I offered to help. What a great example, huh?
Friday: My Dad gets every other Friday off work and last Friday was a no work day, except that we spent a lot of the day working! He needed to lay some mulch in the yard, so Ian and I pulled weeds, carried bags of mulch, and other various garden jobs he needed to do. It was hard work and I got a bunch of bug bites from it! That's Florida for you I guess. Bugs everywhere! When we finished in the yard we had more yard work to do, but not until after a quick trip to the store to pick up some more supplies. We did eventually finish and I got out of the experience without a sunburn! Hooray!
Another thing we bought at the store was a new garbage disposal. My Dad asked Ian to install it, but I decided it would be a nice project to do together. Turns out it wasn't. We both learned a lot about garbage disposals, it didn't take too long, and we didn't have any major problems with leaks or the electrics of it. I am ashamed to say I wasn't very nice to Ian through the process. Ironically after we finished he found
this article on facebook. It's all about couples who share housework and that they are more likely to divorce. Ironic, yes and it gave me a good chance to apologize.
For dinner we went to Cracker Barrel. Good 'ol American food. Ian and I both got bottled rootbeers (that's for you Tom!) and gave Atley his first taste. His reaction? "That doesn't taste my favorite!" I guess it has to grow on him. In contrast when he tried the raspberry lemonade he said that it was "quite nice." His British tendencies are still lingering I guess.
Saturday: I enjoyed a little Relief Society fellowship on Saturday and their "Souper Saturday" activity. we made hair bows and chore charts, menu boards, and quiet books. I went to the cooking class and took lots of notes for Ian.
Later in the evening, Ian and I got to go on a date! Yes, a real date! We drove away from the house without children and without my purse stuff full of pull ups and changes of clothes. It was lovely and certainly the highlight of the week.
All in all, a very good, and very busy week! We're looking forward to a lot more fun (more vacation-like) things to come including a baseball game, Disney World, and the Orlando Philharmonic.
A few general impressions and thoughts this week:
I love water fountains. It may be a small thing, but in a hot place like this water is always desireable. The fact that I don't actually have to carry a water bottle with me everywhere is a real blessing.
The streets here and so
HUGE! I never realized how really big they are. I guess that makes it a lot easier to learn to drive, which I'm grateful for.
I thought our kids would back slide with potty training when we moved. In fact, they have had far fewer accidents than they did when we lived on our own. I guess not having to go up to the 3rd floor makes it a little more worth their time.
Atley has been saying that he's "going back to American now." How sad. I enjoyed his Britishness while it lasted. We're still enjoying his accent now and again, but it'll fade quicker than I'd like.
Like I said, lots more to come. I could keep going now, but I think you've probably had enough of reading about our daily schedules. Don't worry. The good stuff is coming! Keep checking back!