Here's an update on the kids:
Atley-Atley has been sick for about a week and a half. Nothing major, just runny nose and nasty cough. They say things like this should clear up in 7-10 days but we're still patiently waiting for it to move on to someone else. Hopefully not someone in our home. We've been washing like crazy and keeping the kids apart so Holly doesn't get it too. Here's what's new with Atley in picture form--

Because Atley was sick we let him stay in his PJ's all day and watch a movie with Dad. You can still make great memories when you're sick, right?

A little while back a friend of mine gave us some cupcakes so I shared one with Atley. He may be messy, but he finished the whole thing!

We've been having night time diaper troubles. Atley seems to get pee all the way up his front no matter what brand or size diaper I put him in at night. I only do laundry one day a week (to save on electricity) so the only PJ's he had left was one of my t-shirts! So cute!
Our little boy is still a dancing machine. Don't worry, I think grace comes with age!
The next two videos are of Atley reading his new favorite book "Where the Wild Things Are." He roars at the pages all day long and is always bringing the book to us so we can read it to him. Unfortunately this particular edition of the book has been loved a little too much by Sorensen children and Atley finally tore the pages out. I tried to put it back together, but the love continued and so my fix only lasted about a day.
Holly-Our sweet little Holly is still sweet, but she's not as little anymore! This week she is 4 months old! After a visit with the doctor we learned she now weighs 9lbs 5 oz and is 22 1/4 inches long! Though she's still a month behind her age group in some things, we've noticed she's anxious to catch up! The doctor is really impressed with her growth and development and who wouldn't be! Here's a Holly photo/video update.

Bath time! She's finally growing out of her sink baths though I think she really loved her private hot tub!
Holly loves to wiggle in her chair. The nurses in the NICU always said she needed to get a jump start because she had a lot to do!
I love to hear Holly talk to me. She doesn't talk as much as Atley did, but she is really smiley!
This is a good talking video, but I think she was talking to Atley, not me.
More wiggles. So cute!
We were trying to get Holly to laugh for the camera, but Atley was the one cracking up. If you listen carefully (and ignore Atley), you can hear her laugh and it's so cute!
Holly and Atley get along great! We see almost no sibling rivalry and they really love each other. Holly loves to watch Atley do his big boy things (playing with toys, walking, laughing) and Atley loves to give Holly hugs. They continue to be a great blessing in our lives, teaching us everyday that God puts us in families to help teach us who he wants us to become and give us the necessary challenges and experiences to get us there. We thank God for the blessing of our two children each day.