Atley turned 5 months old today. I usually would be celebrating, taking pictures, and writing in his baby book, but unfortunately, he's sick. It's the first time and I think he's still trying to figure it all out even though it's been a few days.
We took him to the doctor today and thankfully it's nothing too serious; just an upper respiratory infection. His breathing sounds like a monster truck and his coughs sound like the car the truck ran over. He doesn't quite smile as much as he usually does.Ian and I miss our fun, cute, little baby (he's still cute, but not as fun).
There was good news however. He's now 12lbs 8oz! In the past month he's almost gained 2 pounds!
But if you could, keep him in your prayers. Finals are next week and I can't seem to concentrate thinking about how sick my baby is (especially because this chapter in French is all about sickness). Not only do I think about him, but I can say exactly what's wrong with him in French.
We love you all, and hope you'll make it through and the cold season will pass you by!