Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jude's Thursday Dish #51

We've all got gnarly colds, so I knew we needed to get to the library -- books to read, DVDs to watch. I picked out some DVDs for Katie, who's always very timid of trying anything new. I told her what I always say: "Trust me." And this time added, "Every movie you love now is something I either got for you, told you watch or took you to." The rest of the way home, she tested me and I guess I failed on "Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium" which she hated.

As I'm typing the Dish, Katie is laying on a blanket on the floor with her American Girl dolls, her Cabbage patch, the 6 leftover babies from my Octomom costume (we gave 2 away). She starts "Horton Hears A Who" and lectures her dolls in a shrill mom voice, "Every movie you love is because of me." Nice.

Anyway, I have a lot on my mind, so here's some Dish. Actually on a Thursday! My dad got put on some sleeping pills, and he's had a pretty decent week. I think this is the first time he's gotten rest in years.

1. As I've mentioned in past posts, I'm not a big "Twilight" fan. I really liked the first book, wanted the 2nd and 3rd to be one book, and could've totally done without the 4th. And maybe this makes me a hussy but I thought it was all a little too tame for my taste. I'm not looking for "True Blood" here just maybe a little more sauce. The movie was pretty good -- of course, you'd have to be dead not to appreciate Edward. I'm not rushing to see "New Moon" this weekend, but I think I'd like to see it in the theater.

2. On that note, I put this on my FB status and when it got no reply, I figured it really should've been reserved for my blog. I was watching E!'s Red Carpet Live of the "New Moon" premiere and could NOT believe how objectified Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson were/are. It's not the fandimonium that bothered me, it's all the frenzy over their physiques. If a bunch of middle school aged boys were freaking out over hot-bodied girls, say Megan Fox, we'd say that they were pervy, oversexed boys. But it's totally okay for women and girls to do that to guys. I'm not on a high-horse here. I've done my share of objectifying men (Iceman, anyone? - and my latest celebrity crush: Jon Hamm), but I think it's just funny that it's such a double standard.

3. I've finally realized why I hate "Showbiz Tonight" on CNN. I'll watch it sometimes and wonder why it always leaves me irritated unlike watching harmless Nancy O'Dell and Billy Bush on Access Hollywood. It's simply because stupid AJ Hammer is always using these fantastical adjectives to describe the show and it never lives up to it. "The most provocative entertainment show", "shocking", "startling", "scandalous", "outrageous" -- his news is the same as every other celebrity news. Their writers just pull a page out of the thesaurus and go off. Watching this show is like having someone hype up a ride and you find out it's totally like every other one you've been on.

4. So thrilled "Lost" is returning. They announced the date as 2/02/2010. Speaking of being a hussy, I'm usually a spoiler hussy but since this is my last year to get to enjoy my favorite show, I'm avoiding them like the plague. Still -- this isn't very spoiler-ish but just interesting stuff about the last season.


on the series-regular billing it includes Sayid, Richard, CLAIRE, Benry, Frank, Jack, Hurley, Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Kate, Locke and Ilana. Ilana must play a really big part if they bumped her to series regular. Other guest-star or recurring stars are JULIET (my girl crush), BOONE, CHARLOTTE, CHARLIE and Desmond???? Only guest star or recurring? Does that mean he doesn't play a bigger role in the show ending. If that's the case, I'll be really disappointed because I've had my own fantasy of Des saving everything. Sigh... the countdown is on... 74 days!

5. "America's Next Top Model" SPOILER ALERT in case you haven't watched it, which I think only Jennie and Emily are watching this with me.

Very happy with the winner. Models don't need to be the whole package. High fashion models are rarely spokespeople and you don't have to have some bubbly personality. Runway was a little awkward, but the winner took Kick A-- pictures. Nice to see someone win who might really have a career afterwards.

Quick bits:

- Not heartbroken that Oprah is going off the air in 2011. I rarely watch her. I do like her magazine a lot. That would make me sad if it stopped.

- By now, I'm totally starting my Oscar predictions and getting jazzed about the contenders. But I'm totally not into it this year. I have hardly seen any movies this year, because there's really nothing that fabulous out there. TV is doing everything much better.

- Please Sarah Palin. Go away.

That's it for this week!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Miss California!

I need to go back to Cali! No, I just need another vacation which is REALLY sad since I just got back from a 10-day one in October. I caught John's stupid cold and I've been nursing a migraine all day. The good news is I've made myself stay home and been catching up on a bunch of silly things that make me happy. Like organizing my photos. So, it's several weeks past due, but here are some picture highlights of our trip!

Day 1: Drove to So Cal with John's 3 siblings, their spouses and our 4 nephews. Stopped at the first available In N Out burger in St. George.

Day 2: Spent the day at Sea World. The kids insisted we sit in the Splash Zone and we got soaked.

Me and Katie at the starfish pond. I think that Sea World is a little overrated for what you pay. Is it an aquarium, a zoo, a show, an amusement park? It was REALLY crowded (their Halloween celebration day), but we still had a lot of fun.

Day 3: It hits the fan. Several of our party get the stomach flu including John and Katie. Fortunately, the only thing on the schedule was lunch at Rainforest Cafe, shopping and swimming. But as you can tell, they both felt awful. John looks a lot like that gorilla actually.

Day 4: Katie is miraculously healed since we're going to Disneyland. Could I love my favorite holiday even more? Halloween at Disneyland ROCKS!!!

Katie with her Auntie Em and Uncle Chad. Loved the cute additions to "It's A Small World" -- if you haven't been there for a while, they've added a bunch of Disney characters throughout the ride.

The highlight of the day: 'Twas the Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion!

James, Katie and Ethan with Winnie the #2, as they called him.

The parade was a street party for their theme "Celebrations"
so the kids had a blast getting out there dancing.

Day 5: Fun day at Laguna Beach. The waves were crazy high, so the kids could only get in ankle deep. But all the adults got in and seriously, risked our lives. I biffed it into the sand so many times and my suit was so full of it, I ended up throwing it away (it was 3 years old, so it was about time and an excuse to buy a new suit next summer!)

Day 6: More Disneyland!!!! The lighting on this pic is whack, but Tinkerbell was so cute. This trip was really different than our last visit when Katie was 6. She was SO into the princesses. Now, she's all about the Disney Channel heroines (Alex, Hannah, Sonny) and Tinkerbell. Tink is VERY cool in the tween scene & the new Pixie Hollow spot was a totally cute, minus the 30 minute wait!

No trip is perfect. John was sick this whole day. He only made it until noon and went back to the hotel while we were at California Adventure. We only spent a few hours there and were totally rushed. I was in a pretty foul mood because I wanted John to be there. The two saving graces were California Screamin' which I've never been on and the new Toy Story Mania ride. Fortunately, John came back at dinner time much better and was able to enjoy the rest of the night there.

Day 7: No pics. We said goodbye to the Huts as some went home, some went to visit other family. With Disneyland out of the picture, Katie got sick again and John was still recovering. We shopped a little in the afternoon and went to see "Toy Story and Toy Story 2" in 3D, but Katie had to keep leaving the theater to go to the bathroom and my dad got admitted to the hospital during the movie, so I kept leaving to talk on my cell. Thankfully we had seen it before! That evening, we went to stay with my birth mother, Margaret, and her boyfriend, Billy. They live in Tustin and are the best hosts. It was nice to just relax and hang out, especially because I was really worried about my dad and Katie was recovering.

Day 8: New day and everyone sis recovered! So glad I didn't get it. Drove up to L.A. with Margaret and Billy and went to The Grove to shop and go to a little girl's mecca: The American Girl store. That place is crazy! It's like Bloomingdale's for an 8 year old. Two stories of doll loveliness! Margaret and Billy are so generous: Katie's doll, Mia, got a cleaning and new hairdo in the salon and then, we all had lunch in the Cafe. Margaret bought her a new doll, Kit, and some accessories. Now she has 3 dolls. She's not spoiled... much.

Day 9: More relaxing, getting caught up on "Mad Men", visit with my Aunt Maureen, and swimming in the pool.

We went to a local pumpkin patch. Again, John with the goats. I dubbed him "Man Who Stares at Goats" but he didn't think it was that funny.

Me, Katie and Margaret

Day 10: Drove home!

Such a GREAT vacation -- even with the bumps along the way.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Judy's Thursday Dish #50 (Served Cold)

I had a bizarre afternoon -- I helped my dad write his obituary. It wasn't sad; we actually laughed a lot about it. But my brain hurts. I need a good distraction, so here's some cold Dish. 50 Dishes -- can you believe it?!!

John and I were talking to our friend, Camille, last night and she said she was anxious for my take on that Carrie Prejean chick. I've got a hungry family coaxing me off the computer, so this is going to be my one and only topic this week.

At first, I felt sorry for Carrie Prejean. She was pretty much railroaded for stating that marriage should be reserved for a man and woman. Now, by beauty pageant standards, I think she should have said it with a little more finesse as to not offend anyone, but I totally agree she should have the right to say how she feels without getting lambasted. Then followed all the craziness of whether or not she was meeting her obligations to the Miss California organization, blah blah blah. But then there was the lawsuit, the semi-nude photos and the of-course-it-was-bound-to-come-out sex tape. Sympathy gone. She's just a mess.

And to blow a Larry King interview? Puh-leez. King just phones it in. He reminds me of the TV host on "Reality Bites" played by Frasier's dad who doesn't even read his cue cards before the show starts, so Winona Ryder's character conveniently gets him to say (real) inappropriate stuff due to his lack of preparation. King is the softest interview around. He asked her a logical question. He pursued it, yes, but she's a Pageant winner. Aren't they supposed to handle grace under pressure? Or at least fake it? She could have said some pat answer and he would've moved on. And to tell him he's inappropriate? Um, inappropriate would be asking the details about the sex tape -- or pulling his pants off. He even looked shocked by her behavior, which is strange since he usually only has two or three expressions. Even Jerry Seinfeld showed more grace when Larry King forgot his show was off the air. What an idiot! If you didn't see it, check it out...


That's it for this week!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Dad

There is so much I've wanted to post, but I haven't known where to start. So I want to write about my sweet dad.

While we were in California, he was hospitalized. I had made him an appointment before I left, because he was really struggling with fluid in his lungs. Quite a while ago, he was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, but when I took him up to LDS Hospital in August, the cardiologist (who I thought was going to be all great and helpful, because he was hot and British, I was thinking "House") declared his heart was just fine. Dad's fantastic primary care physician, Dr. Parkin, disagreed and said he knew there was problems with his heart, even if the latest tests didn't point to Congestive Heart Failure. He also had borderline kidney failure.

Now, here is a man who has survived so many things. He was never sick a day in his life. Almost instantly after he retired as publisher from the Deseret News in 2000, his overworked body caught up with him and he started having multiple health problems. He's had diabetes for years, but he was soon diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. He's endured 2 major back surgeries, a period of time where he had to use a feeding tube for a year, and survived 2 pulmonary embolisms, which should have killed him. This, on top of diabetic comas, falls, etc., we always joke that he has 9 (or more) lives. Dad being rushed to the hospital isn't uncommon. We are actually kind of used to it.

But when I heard that Dr. Parkin admitted him to LDS hospital while I was in California, I knew this was different. This last year, especially since Spring, he's been really declining. While he was at the hospital, they did many tests on him. They pumped 23 lbs. of fluid out of and around his lungs. They determined that his heart was much worse than those tests in August (I suspect Dr. Not-At-All-Like-House missed something). His right side of the heart was alright -- just aging, but his left side was almost shot. The doctor said it was some of the highest (meaning bad) numbers she had seen. They were worried he would get aspiration pneumonia due to food particles stuck in his bronchial tubes and suggested he have a feeding tube to keep him alive.

This is when my dad, prayerfully and thoughtfully, decided he was done with all these life saving treatments. He said that "being alive" doesn't mean you are happy, running, playing ball or dancing. It may keep you alive, but it doesn't build a lifestyle that makes you happy. He decided he would go under hospice care and enjoy the rest of the time he had left, so he could leave "with a smile on his face." His doctor wholeheartedly agreed and said he could go fairly quickly -- a few days or hang on for a few months.

That was 2 1/2 weeks ago. He was released from the hospital and admitted to CareSource in Holladay, the hospice residence, where he stayed for 48 hours. Since he didn't have unmanageable symptoms and he wanted to go home, they released him to have hospice at home care. It didn't take longer than another 48 hours for him to realize he really should go back to CareSource for full care. He's on the waiting list (now he's #1) to get in, but he's had great care at home with a CNA coming in every morning, nurse visits, social worker visits and help from my mom, Jimmy and Libby who live there and us kids, and his ward family.

He's not in pain, just very uncomfortable. It's so strange to see a body shut down and in a way, how long it can hold on under such duress. His mobility is almost completely gone. Since the hospital, he can't even stand without help. He's totally coherent and in most ways, still very much Jim. He's completely disobeying all the doctor's orders about food -- he says he wants to eat what he wants while he can! He really wanted to go up to Maddox in Brigham City one last time, so we went up with him, my mom, my younger siblings, their spouses and my nephews, Mitchell and Jack, for a Saturday afternoon lunch. He totally loved it! We're just helping him be comfortable, happy and enjoying spending time with him.

I've been so blessed during this time. I've been with him almost every day since we came back from California. For once, I actually feel like I'm giving back just a little for all he gave to me. It's been completely overwhelming and at times -- very hard. This is one of the worst things we will all go through in our lives. However, I've had a lot of peace and seen God's tender mercies all around me. I've been led by the Spirit to be at the right places, at the right times -- or to be inspired to remember things which I know I normally wouldn't -- or be impressed that I need to take notes or take action on something.

I could go on and on, but I've written enough. So many of my friends and family have inquired about how we're doing and expressed they are thinking about us and praying for us. Thank you for your kindness. It's reassuring to know we have such a great support system during difficult times.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jude's Thursday Dish #49

Hi All. Quickly checking in. I can't even begin to start explaining about my life right now, but I'd like to at least enjoy a little Dish. Here are some quick bits:

- Have you seen the Office's webisodes for "Subtle Sexuality" -- the girl group Kelly and Erin formed? Very funny.
- For the record, I have not watched "Gossip Girl" since last season. Now they are doing a 3-some episode, I want everyone to know that I do NOT watch it.
- Speaking of what I'm watching, my DVRed shows are my only release. I've dumped a lot of shows and am exclusively watching the following:
"The Amazing Race" - still like the Globetrotters, even after that hilarious heckling of Mikah on the water slide; this last episode was awesome too
"Desperate Housewives" - one of those shows I wonder why I'm still watching, but I always do
"Brothers & Sisters" - a little bored, but loving the Sarah/Luke storyline
"Glee" - REALLY loving it, can't wait for the next episode (11/11) with a "Defying Gravity" duet!!!
"America's Next Top Model" - please kick off that stupid Erin!!!
"Parks & Rec" - this show is getting better -- I still think everyone should check it out
"The Office" - getting a little tired, but I'll always heart it
"30 Rock" - actually, I've only seen one episode!!! I need to get caught up.
"Mad Men" - totally behind on this too. John and I will watch "Mad Men" together and then an episode of "30 Rock" to cheer us up. We just haven't had the time.

Critics and viewers are raving about "Modern Family" so I tuned into that last night. It was pretty funny. I think I'll give it my 5 episode run to see if I'll season pass it. Anyone watching it?

I know there's SO much that I'm missing. I'll blog more later.