Thursday, October 8, 2009


Instead of going into early, and ineffective blogging retirement, this time I'm announcing a blogcation. There's OODLES to Dish about (um... Letterman being a smarmy cheater, Jim & Pam's wedding tonight, etc.), but I need to take October off.

October is my FAVORITE month for many reasons. But this year, it's racing by me. We are replacing our roof which was supposed to happen this week, but it looks like it will be next.

We are going on a 10-day So Cal vacation (all you wanting to break into my house, be forewarned -- my tough neighbor, Jamie, is keeping an eye out!). We're SO excited for this trip. We haven't been on vacation since last October, so we're really ready to go. We will spend the bulk of it with John's siblings, their spouses and the nieces and nephews doing Sea World, Disneyland, the Beach, etc. For the last couple days of the trip, we'll be staying with my birth mom, Margaret, and her boyfriend, Billy. This is ALL Katie can take about right now. She definitely has her mom's obsessive genes.

I've got to get ALL my November issue work done before October 15th, because we come home the day before we go to press!

I'm also prepping my first Stake Cultural Arts event that will be held on November 6th.

When we get back from our trip, we host a big family Halloween party, so I'm trying to get everything ready now and the yard cleaned.

And, our anniversary is on October 28th. 11 years!!!

So, that's more info than you need to know, but needless to say, blogcation, here I come! I'll be back in November. Happy Haunting!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Jude's Thursday Dish #48 (REALLY cold leftovers)

I don't think I've ever been 2 days late on the Dish. But, we had a terrible deadline week, so I'm now able to breathe and take a moment to do something else. I only have time for one quick Dish item, because we're getting ready to do a bunch of house stuff while we listen to conference.

This Roman Polanski thing makes me sick. I think all of us in the real world like to believe that celebrities really aren't that different than us. They just have fame and money. But when something like this comes up, once again, I'm totally reminded how amoral Hollywood can be. Defending a child molester/rapist by signing a petition? Shame on all those who support him. Chris Rock said it best on his interview with Jay Leno (no, I'm still banning the show, but I read this):

"This Polanski thing got me, man," Rock said. "What the hell? People are defending Roman Polanski 'cause he made some good movies?"

"Yeah, I don't get it," Leno added, before Rock continued on.

"Are you kidding me? He made good movies 30 years ago, Jay. Come on! Even Johnnie Cochran don't have the nerve to go, 'Well, did you see O.J. play against New England?' "

That's all I got -- have a great weekend!