Saturday, May 28, 2011

everyday lives n im scared of spiders

..................... Everyday Live.............................

Alright, back to Eng language. maybe because of my concern towards my non-Malay readers. haha

So today I just wanna share about my everyday life experiences. Maybe some are similar to yours. Here we go......

ok I shall start with my routine to school. What I like most whenever I go to college early in the morning, there will be elderly who pass by and smile at me. *oh that's bcos you smile at them first* ;) yea that's absolutely true!

and it marks a good, wonderful beginning of my day, :) Once, there was a chinese uncle who walked past me and I smiled at him. He then said, " walking ah" hehe, He is just cute dont you think so. For the fact that I was walking and I thought probably the uncle meant whether I'm going somewhere. and I said yeaa and nodded followed by a bye-bye signal. haha

Almost everyday, there will be uncle or aunties who would exercise in the morning and when they jog and I walk pass them, we would exchange smiles. Oh the feeling is good. It just boosts our energy to look forward for the rest of the day. You should try it too. When you are walking or going anywhere, try smile at the passerby * you can try on elderly cos they will smile back at you*

Life is beautiful isn' it. It is up to us on how do we want to shape the world, and I believe in positive aura. Which means, when you are happy and it will affect the people around you as you have a positive aura.

But, if you are feeling angry, sometimes it will affect the people around you too. right? :)

Back to the topic, whenever I see elderly exercising in the morning, I wonder how my life going to be like when I'm old. What would I be doing and ect. Surely, how are we going to be like in the future will depend on what are our actions today.

Ok, that's all for my sharing today and 1 last thing about a huge spider. I saw it clinging on its web at a tree. It is soo big! yes I'm really scared of spiders even with the tiny ones. But now, I don't see you mr gigantic spider. Can it be because of the rain that washed your web away? awww, I miss seeing you spider. haha!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Peace. Ketenangan.

ok, I really miss blogging and here I am updating. hee

So just a quick one and a reminder to me. yes, this is for me, tests are just around the corner and Hada, please do your best cos this is your final year Hada!

Nowwww, I desperately wanna update in Malay language after reading some blogs which boasts nice flow of Malay language sentence structures, and I feel like I want to update in Malay for now. ^^)

* Hada, it is soo not important for you to say that. =.= * haha!
In 3...2....1.....

Ketenangan. Itu yang saya rasa saat ini. *wah, bahasa dia, hehe :) *

Sekarang ni, perlu bahagikan masa dengan lebih elok lagi sebab projeks dah mula memanggil dan kadang-kadang rasa macam nak menangis pun ada. exams, projeks.. Bukan apa, takut nanti jadi yang sebaliknya. ya Allah, kuatkanlah semangat ku, Amin..

Teringat pesanan mama dan baba supaya belajar dan ingat masa depan. Adakah sama orang yang berilmu dengan yang tidak berilmu?
mama n baba selalu cakap ayat ni. hehe..:)
ni ayat Al-Quran tapi ayat Quran lagi complete. mama cuma cakap half of it je. hee

Tapi kan, tadi buka u - tube nak dengar surah AL- Mulk sebab nak fasihkan lagi hafalan. Surah Al Qalam bila nak habis ni, Hadaaaaa..

Jadi, tertarik untuk mendengar bacaan dari Imam Masjidil haram,
Syaikh Abdurrahman bin ‘Abdil ‘Aziz as-Sudais. Subhanallah, sedap sungguh dan menusuk ke kalbu bacaan imam Masjidil Haram ni kan. teringat hari tu, beliau datang ke Malaysia, jadi imam di salah sebuah masjid untuk mengimamkan solat Jumaat.

Yang best tu, bila dah selesai, ramai jemaah berpusu-pusu nak bersalaman dengan beliau. Siapa yang tak nak salam Imam besar Masjidil Haram, kan, hehe..

ok, itu bukan apa yang saya nak sampaikan, tapi tentang vide0 surah Al Mulk dekat u-tube ni. bacaan dia surah Al Mulk dan gambar video dia tunjuk planet2 seperti bumi dari angkasa. Bumi yang kita sedang duduk ni.. :) terpesona sekejap.. MasyaAllah, kerdil sungguhhhhh kita ni kan. yelah, dia tunjuk bumi,. punyelah besar dan saya bayangkan kita semua manusia duduk dalam bumi ni. Faham tak apa yang saya cuba sampaikan? hehe. ok takpe, sila lihat gambar di bawah.
ambil dari Google, ok cuba tengok bumi kita duduk ni, dalam bumi inilah kita berada sekarang. Jadi, kecikkkkk sungguh kita kan. macam satu dot. atau zahrah. Jadi, bila tengok gambar bumi dalam video tadi, rasa macam, ok Hada you can do it! So, rasa tenanglah. heee..sebab kita semua manusia ni sama je. Bukannya kalau tak lihat gambar bumi ni tak tenang, tapi bila tenung kebesaran ciptaan Allah seperti bumi ni, kenapa kita nak rasa takut, gelisah pada apa yang kita nak buat, Allah kan ada, *err, macam tk faham je apa yang saya cuba sampaikan* hehe, takpe2, konklusinya, kita perlu berusaha, doa dan tawakkal. betul kan, hehe :)

oklah, dah lama dah ni. haha.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Are we strong?

"Prophet s.a.w said: " The strong is not the one who

defeat others; it is the one who can control his anger"