27 April 2007


Thus ends the first stage. I have about 33:30 of actual footage, compressed down to 30. I graduate next weekend, which means a week-plus of downtime while I get my thoughts and future actions sorted out:
--I'm going to do some more interviews, get some more/better angles on Huntington hockey. My goal is to stretch this out to an hour, and have a damn good half-hour...
--...so I can submit this one for a National Broadcasting Society award.
--As far as future tangents, I'm still looking at the South. My most recent idea is to do a documentary film, mainly looking at the fans and their varied experience. At some point I will solicit suggestions for locations of particular interest; my shortlist includes Nashville, Raleigh, Pensacola, Winston-Salem, and Huntsville.

19 April 2007

Voice done

Alex Reed dropped a voice track yesterday. Now to edit. My DEADline is next Friday.

06 April 2007

Not Huntington, but an interesting idea nonetheless

From the website of the Eastern Kentucky Expo Center in Pikeville, KY. Naturally I would prefer Huntington--Pikeville's about 100 miles south of here, which is a bit farther than I can walk. But at the least it's good to know there's other facilities that could support a team in the area.

Skeet-shooting through a 20-some-page script

Currently working on editing/revising/clearing up etc. the rough script for the Final She-bang. Which will not be the FINAL she-bang, since this will end up going through the Dr. Charles Bailey Award-Gathering Diamond-Grinder Machine over the summer. But as far as getting me out of college, it'll be the Final She-bang. (That sounds less wrong than I'm typing it, trust me.)