Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Oh my....It has been a long time since I blogged. Since the summer??? Really?? Well ok, the kids started school in September. Shay is in 6th grade and loves being the oldest in the school. She is getting awesome grades and is doing very well.. Kamie is in 3rd grade this year and never really complains. She is doing good, she could do better at reading, however, but we are working on that and she is so good at other things, like Math and Art...
Alex started Kindergarten and it was bitter-sweet.....My baby is in school, which makes me feel old..This is the only year all my kids will be in the same school together so I am loving that..He gets sick of getting told that he looks exactly like his dad and told us last night very annoyed, "I don't look like dad because I am NOT bald and I DON"T have a beard!!" We laughed, it was funny...

I turned 33 in October and realized I'm nearing my mid-30's, which is weird..But I can't complain..I'm still kickin at MountainView Eye Center...I trained to be a tech so 2 days a week I tech with the Dr.'s, then 2 days a week I'm in Optical, the rest of the time I'm still billing for the practice. So I wear a few different "hats" which I love... I'm taking a class right now every Monday night until Nov.21 when I will take a Board test to become a Certified Optician. So I'm really nervous and excited at the same time.

Jer is doing great. He has started up an E-commerce business called Stratus with a few other guys and has been getting that up and going. Still has a little ways to go, but in the meantime he has been doing some side jobs. We are still living in Hooper and loving it here. We have a great ward and awesome neighbors. So overall we are all very happy...

The kids had a great Halloween and I posted some pics..

Kamie was a "dead bride" and she won the #1 overall costume in our ward...
Shay was an Egyptian queen...she had to be this for a wax museum at school so she was that for Halloween too...
I was a dirty old mechanic..had to dress up for work. This is a pic of me and my cousin Ashlee who I work with..
The lil Alex man was Megatron again this year, it fit him better this year anyway..This is some of the people I work with who dressed up. The 3 on the left are the doctors. They were so funny...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lake Powell Fun and Happy Father's Day!!!

A Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the world. Jeramie is so patient, kind, loving, and above all handsome. He is the best husband and father anyone could ask for. Thanks for all the great years and memories Jer!! And may many more years come...for Eternity!!!!!

I also want to thank my own Father, who has been a "rock" my whole life!! I'm so glad we have always been close. He is so supportive and he is the best Grandpa in the world. Thanks dad for the trip to Lake Powell this year and for all the love and support you give to Jer, I and the kids. We all love you so much!!

We just got back from a very fun and exciting trip to Lake Powell!! This is a family photo of our family...Yes, we look so hot!! Literally we look hot, it was very warm and sunny the whole time we went. We went with some family and extended cousing of mine and it was so much fun to see them. They are cousins I grew up with so it was fun to meet all of their kids. Kamie got up on the wakeboard, with Jer's help, and Shaylie tried but she wants to try again next year. Alex got on the tube and went for a ride behind the boat and had a blast swimming in the lake.
It was great!!!

Kids on the tube...What a fun ride!!!

Kamie and Shaylie playing on the house boat...They had so much fun!! There were so many more fun pictures, but it takes so long for my pics to download so these are my favorite!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New York New York!!!

We went to New York City!!!!! It was so GREAT!!!!! We saw the Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Bldg. Top of Rockafeller Center, Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island. We found my great, great grandmother who came on the ship in 1902, she was 11 years old when she arrived in Ellis Island.
We also had the great experience of witnessing the bomb threat that was left in Time Square, which was 1 block away from our hotel in Time Square. So that was fun!! We had so much fun. Jer and I went with my dad and his wife..

Brooklyn Bridge at night from our boat cruise...
"Top of the Rock" Rockafeller Center-overlooking city

We went to see Mary Poppins on Broadway!! FABULOUS!!!

Yes...I'm obsessed with NYPD cops!!!!

Statue of Liberty...absolutely gorgeous!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Easter in Salmon, ID
Kamie's Baptism

Cute Cousins!!!!!

Jer, Alex, and Chloe!!

Wow!! I don't think I have blogged this year yet!! So much has happened!! First of all Kamie turned 8 years old in Febuary and was baptized!! She looked so pretty on her baptism day....

Then in March I registered little Alex man for kindergarten...I can't believe my baby is going to Kindergarten!! He is so excited!!

Shaylie is doing great!!! She is loving school but hates math!! The kids are all ready for summer. I am still working full time while Jer does network marketing and is able to stay home with Alex.

We are going to New York City in 1 week!!!!! Jer and I are going on a vacation with my dad and step-mom. I am soooo excited!!!! We will be going to a broadway show and doing a lot of touring...I will fill you all in when we get back!!

We are loving our house in Hooper. We love our ward and neighbors...I am in Scouts...Weeblos. I like it. It is fun to work with boys...Jer is the Sports guy in our ward.
I will try and post some pics..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Family pics!!

Yeah!! We finally got some family pics taken!! I think they turned out really good...We had a great Thanksgiving and of course I was crazy enough to go Black Friday shopping at 3am the next morning and then get family pics taken...Do I look tired?? But we got a lot of shopping done! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!

Alex-age 5

Shaylie-age 10

Kamie-age 8

My dad and Sandra with us. This turned out great!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Is it time to Update???

So I know it's been too long since I wrote anything and so much has happened. I was getting my hair done the other day and my friend who does my hair told me I needed to update. So here I am, updating...
In October we moved into Jer's sister's house in Hooper, UT. We love it here, it is very country, but it is nice and peaceful and we really like it. The kids are loving their school.
I am working a ton of hours at Standard Optical and I got promoted to Assistant Mgr of the store in November. I also turned 32 in October, which was a little hard for me. I definately feel older this year. Jer is still doing his marketing business and it is going really good.. He is selling healthy energy drinks called RevvNRG.

My cute little man turned "5" on Nov 17.

I can't believe he is already 5! My baby is getting so big!!!

We had a really fun Halloween this year. We went to a party at our ward and then went to my mom's. Even Chloe dressed up as Kamie!!
Chloe with Kamie's shirt on...

Shay was an angel, as always!! Kamie was a punk rock "diva" girl, as always...and Alex was Megatron!! They had fun, they were so cute.

And even I dressed up for work. So above is me, Curella Deville, and Dawn my manager as the Joker...
All is well with us, we are enjoying our new ward in Hooper, it is a lot smaller than our Syracuse ward but there are very nice people in it. I will try to keep updated more often. Everyone take care...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to School

The kids are back in school!! Shaylie is in 5th grade and has a teacher named Mr. Bender, she likes him. Kamie is in 2nd grade and loves her teacher Mrs. Avery. Alex is also in preschool this year with some of his friends in the neighborhood.

1st day of school....
Aren't they cute???

Alex gets a fat lip for school!! No we didn't beat him lol!! He got some cavities
filled and chewed his lip while numb and this is the turn out!!

chloe is getting so big, she is 4 months old now!!

Jer's cousin Cameron Cooper passed away in Aug due to an illness. He was 18 years old. His funeral was last week in Vernal. He was such a nice kid and the kids loved to see him and go fishing with him at the reunions.