Ali with her parents back then..
Kennedy with my parents her grandparents now....Sugar and Papa
Soon our little family of three will be growing...
Baby Ali with Aunt Janigooger
Kennedy with her now...
Kennedy with Aunt Birdie...
Kennedy with Nelson's parents
Kennedy with her great grandparents, Grandmama and Grandaddy
Look at Nelson and his brothers then...entertained by leaves and sticks
and now Kennedy with the brothers.....
Me as a baby in the infamous rocker
Kennedy in the same rocker!
Where the scrunchy face all began....Me on my grandparent's burnt orange toilet
Baby Kenendy makes the same face
Kennedy and Uncle Itch
Kennedy doing the same to me!!
Ali and Nelson close to the same age...probably running around on the same soccer fields and having the same type birthday parties at Crystal's pizza..
Kennedy with my mom...
Kennedy with her mom....
Mamaw with me her great grand baby-this is the same rocker I have in Kennedy's room
Kennedy with Mamaw now...her great great grandbaby
Kennedy with Grandaddy now...
Our little family of three now.....
growing in February to a family of four!!! Meet our soon to be new addition!!!